
MediumBerry5575 updated mcMMO with a new update entry:


The repository have now implemented automation compile with GitHub Actions, all builds in releases section will not be tested, but the builds released here will be tested.
Sometimes, a new version is released here sooner as this compiles from the source code instead of taking jars from mcMMO's Spigot Resource page.

There is also an option to download artifacts, but it requires a GitHub account and the artifacts content will also be put in releases section.

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MediumBerry5575 updated mcMMO with a new update entry:

mcMMO - 2.1.219-SNAPSHOT-1

The update is finally here! This mcMMO version is already tested.
NOTE: I have found some peoples re-leaking my JARs and using link shorteners to get money, so note that if there is a note.txt in your plugin JAR, it is built by me and it might not be safe to use that as a plugin, I do not know if it is modified or not.

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MediumBerry5575 updated mcMMO with a new update entry:

Config file fix + TreeFeller API update + Misc Bug fixes

  • (API) Added TreeFellerBlockBreakEvent class which extends FakeBlockBreakEvent (see notes), this is sent out during Tree Feller processing to allow other plugins to differentiate between Tree Feller and other fake block break events
  • Config files update automatically again
  • Default configs are now copied to plugins/mcMMO/defaults for easy reference
  • Fixed child skills counting towards power level in /inspect (Thanks Wariorrrr)

NOTES: For a while configs were...

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MediumBerry5575 updated mcMMO with a new update entry:

Fixed text not appearing in 1.20.4 and locale updates

  • Fixed bug where some text would not be displayed to players (Adventure dependency update)
  • Repair sound effect from mcMMO can now be adjusted in Minecraft sound options (Thanks MithicSpirit)
  • Korean locale updated (Thanks Pindang2)
  • Simplified Chinese locale updated (Thanks YuanYuanOwO)

For those curious, mcMMO uses Adventure to do a lot of the message sending to players.
It typically needs updating when new versions of MC come out, sorry for the delay...

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    L @ LimitBreaker: I have pixelmon zero sources code too if it can interest someone