OPEN NiñoRataPistolita Staff Application


Well-Known Member
MC Models
Name: NiñoRataPistolita(I prefer not to give my name for security)

Age: 16

How I found BSMC: one day I was looking for plugins for my server and a friend recommended this page.

Why I want to be Staff: I have used xenforo before so I will use it very well, I would also like to help people even more, also to bsmc, I think I have been in bsmc for a long time, and I have earned every rank that I have.

What have you done for BSMC: I have given people plugins, which had never been filtered, as for example the beerspigot, I also give a lot of support by discord or private messages of the page, I have a good reputation on the page, and I would like to do other things for the site , in addition to uploading plugins

Thanks for reading, Atte NiñoRataPistolita.
Even if I am not accepted, I will continue loving this page.


MC Models
Hey there, firstly nice app!

Also you might know we don’t really have something like “staff apps” it’s usually based on the activity on site, although staff apps help us see who is really dedicated to our community.

Our staff team is really full at the moment
As we just got our new trial mod @DanelSonic123, and our last trial mod @likse was promoted to mod.

At the end it’s still saurons decision who to promote.

Good luck with your application,


Well-Known Member
MC Models
Hey there, firstly nice app!

Also you might know we don’t really have something like “staff apps” it’s usually based on the activity on site, although staff apps help us see who is really dedicated to our community.

Our staff team is really full at the moment
As we just got our new trial mod @DanelSonic123, and our last trial mod @likse was promoted to mod.

At the end it’s still saurons decision who to promote.

Good luck with your application,
Thank you for taking the time to respond, I had no idea that there was not a request for the staff, I just asked Sauron if he could do it and he said yes, he told me to do it in this category.
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