My Application as a Staff Member


Knowledge is power.
Hey BlackSpigotMC Community and Staff,

before i start with my Application, i want to give you a short themelist with all importen Points from my Application.



1. About Me
2. Why I would like to become Staff Member
3. Onlinetime

4. Final words


1. About Me
I'm @R00t aka. Tobias, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Thuringia in Germany.
I am currently doing a vocational training as a social pedagogical assistant/nursery nurse and I have passed my GCSE.
I'll try to upload every day and give @qtChan a lot's of Spigot Plugins, and selfcoded Plugins.

Everyone can ask me all what he wan't and I try to answer at all Problems with Spigot/BlackSpigot(MC), Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, Web Services, TeamSpeak³ and TOP-Level Domains.

I joined BlackSpigot at the 27th of October at 2016, and I'm daily active on this Platform.


2. Why i would like to become Staff Member
The Reason is, I want to help the Community and the other Staff Members to moderate the Community and look to follow the rules.

I'm trying to help the Staff Team with the awesome Community and ostracize the competitor/s.
I support BlackSpigot by doing to purchase the Benefactor and Supporter Rank, also give @qtChan a lots of nice Plugins.

My Goal is, to make this Community happy and protect it from the Competitor/s and Rule Breakers and to support them where I can.


3. Onlinetime
» 17:00 to 22:00 o'clock

» 20:30 to 22:00 o'clock

» 17:00 to 22:00 o'clock

» 20:30 to 22:00 o'clock

» 17:00 to 22:00 o'clock

» 14:00 to 23:00 o'clock

» 17:00 to 22:00 o'clock


4. Final words
Only what i can tell at the end of my Application as a Staff Member is:

I'll hope I can to make this Community happy and protect it from the Competitor/s and Rule Breakers and to support them where I can.


With friendly greetings
R00t aka. Tobias
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