(REQUEST) EhLogin | Autologin for premium players 2.1.1+


Active Member
Plugin name: EhLogin

Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/ehlogin-autologin-for-premium-players.23794/

Price: 7.00 EUR

I want it because it do the same action as authme, but this is compiled with bungee premium authenticator, fastlogin, bungeeauth, making it premium users dont need to register/login and cracked players login, has session, anti bot attacks, UUID support,

I deserve it and BlackSpigot deserves it, its a plugin that everybody is finding on the web the leaked/nulled file, so if this dream got true, i will thank to BlackSpigot and the people who cooperated and uploaded the file

Thanks, BSMC rules forever, ;)

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