(REQUEST) DynamicParkour(Hub/Lobby Parkour) (1.8.8 & 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11) v23.0.04


The Demon Almighty
  • Name of the plugin you want :
Dynamic Parkour
  • Spigot Link :
  • Price :
6.00 USD
  • How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community :
This plugin was designed to help server owners create a unique parkour course, Keep in mind with lobby and or hub parkour your server will look more professional. However, the plugin does not stop there we allow you to add as many changes to the configuration system and change the whole system to your desirings. The plugin adds five Non Playing characters(NPC’S) to your game that can be modified at will to your liking, for example, all the messages can be changed with a command, how easy? For starters, you don’t need to setup the plugin via the configuration file, just commands. The plugin has a light-weight setup system that allows you to understand what each command will do and or its functions.
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