OPEN 4KLeaks Staff Application

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Hello Fellow BSMC Members,

After the defacing of BSMC, the number of staffs had decreased enormously, causing more need of staffs. I am creating this application "incase" WifiSpy decides to take more staff members! This application doesn't really have a format. Please support me.

Before I start, here is some background info. about me.

I joined BSMC on December 7th 2016, hoping to find leaks and plugins for my server. Honestly, I only came to find leaks and plugins at that time. I had no intentions of being a well reputated leaker nor have I thought about applying for staff. It all began after I purchased supporter. I purchased supporter when it was on sale. That's when I started leaking.

I started leaking at about January or February. At that time, I was crazy about leaking. Literately everyday, I would leak 10-20 plugins/configs/servers. Then I guess I got stable.

Here is the application:

I've been engaged in the "community" part of BSMC for only about 3 months but I am extremely confident that I could take on the job as a staff member in BSMC. Why should you trust me or pick me? Well, I show leadership skills. Since my childhood, I showed and proved extreme amount of leadership by in real life events. Maturity is another thing that I can prove. I feel like without maturity, being a staff member would be difficult. I am a person that jokes around when I have the time, and starts working when it is the time to. I also easily work with other staff members. I am cooperative and could prove that in BSMC. Another thing that I achieved at a very young age was common sense. I was born and raised in South Korea, where common sense was the key to success. I achieved common sense pretty quickly. I am also strict when needed. If someone does something wrong, I will criticize. If someone does something good and worthy, I will give them a compliment. That's how my systems go.

What can I do for BSMC? As you all know, I leak everyday. Even when I am staff, I could provide fresh, new, and never-leaked plugins everyday. I know the basic and the complex rules/guidelines of BSMC which will help me deal with rulebreakers in the future. I also know much about Xenforo, which will allow me to help out with some xenforo work. I also will be able to Market for BSMC and do basic coding. I am a certified marketer with all the achievements and certifications.

I hope this application satisfied some of you. Please support me for staff.

Thank you,



I'm your daddy
I'm like 99% sure Wifi doesn't want staff until everything is settled and BSMC is chill, but that's not 100% so goodluck.
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