RESOLVED Staff Application - Devil

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Retired Staff
Note: I was told by XDhunterXD to just copy the same application as the last time. I was told by Hwiggy that I can apply asap.



Hello BSMC Community,

I am Devil. I have been here for almost 2 months, and believe I have found myself to love this community. Over the last month, I have uploaded quite a few popular server setups and I plan on le aking a lot more stuff, this is because I have a lot of free time and I use that le aking various things to help this community. This includes Minecraft Premium Plugins, Licenses, Keys, Configs, Setups,etc... Minecraft le ks vary. I mostly post in the Resource Request form to help as many people possible and get the plugins/addons that they would like to see. If I can't seem to get a certain addon/plugin I make a list of them to look out for when they come out.

How old are you?

What can you bring to the staff team?:
I have a few ability's that I can bring to the team, including but not limited to...

I am a very dedicated individual when I find something I usually stick to it, for example, I wanted to be in my cities basketball selection this year and I did. I stick with them and went to a tournament in Berlin. I love Minecraft, I have stuck with it for more than 4 years now, and I just can't put the game away. It's too addicting, though I do have basketball quite often, I know that at least 4 hours a day will be made and or dedicated to this site.

I know how to be professional because it runs in the family. I act just like my uncle, and sometimes like my dad. My uncle is a very professional person, he does very well in his job (Lawyer) because he wants to be the one who stands out and does the best at his job, as do I. On the other hand, my dad is more of a funny guy, who makes everyone laugh at any time, whether someone is sad or just fine, he makes everyone smile, also as do I. I want to do the best I can at my job, and be funny when it is the right time to be, when it is time to get serious I indeed start to focus on what is needed to be focused on.

I am normally a Manager on Minecraft servers (and currently an Owner of 2) . This is that community, I spend a fair amount of time on here every day, and it has led me to make a top priority hobby. It is fun, and I couldn't ask for a better community to possibly work for, or at least engage with. I have also been a Moderator on another forum a few months back called (not for advertisement, but the sake of the experience) Le akForums. It is not a competitor as they don't support leaking anymore and that experience lasted a week. I am also pretty good in the plugin configurations, I know my way around and can do basically anything.

I plan to go long term with this forum, I will always upload at the minimum 3 resources/configs per day and will be fairly active throughout the day. Thank you for taking the time to read my application, and looking forward to everyone's feedback.
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