⚔ Ultimate Sheep Wars ⚔ [1.8.8→1.12] [Kits] [Boosters] [MySQL] [Vault/LeaderHeads Support] [API] 4.5

 ⚔ Ultimate Sheep Wars ⚔ [1.8.8→1.12] [Kits] [Boosters] [MySQL] [Vault/LeaderHeads Support] [API] 4.5 1.0

⚔ Ultimate Sheep Wars ⚔ [1.8.8→1.12] [Kits] [Boosters] [MySQL] [Vault/LeaderHeads Support] [API] 4.5
Native Minecraft Version:
Legacy (< 1.13)
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
@Roytreo28 (Developer), @KingRider26 (Co-Developer), @6985jjorda (English Translation), @felibouille (German Translation), @jeussa (Instant Firework Effect)
Languages Supported:
Français, Deutsch (possibility to add more)
Donation Link:


UltimateSheepWars, is a game in which two teams have to fight with sheep launched. The winner is the last team alive. The sheeps have several abilities. For winning, players can choose a kit and during the war, some boosters will randomly come up.

» Free trial version «


Automated World Reset
Sounds, action bars and titles messages
Custom MOTD per Gamestate
Tab header and footer
Ingame Kits
Custom rewards per kill/death/win/loose
Ingame Boosters
Custom Database (for statistics)
Ingame Ranking
Hub redirection when the game is finished
Custom Scoreboard/Messages
Possibility to Sell Kits
No-Flicker Scoreboard
Little surprises on Halloween, Christmass, etc.
Vault/LeaderHeads support
API for developers to create your own sheeps, kits and even boosters !

<> = required, () = permission.
  • /usw help ➽ show the help menu.
  • /usw setlobby (usw.admin) ➽ set the lobby.
  • /usw addbooster (usw.admin) ➽ add a booster at your position.
  • /usw clearboosters (usw.admin) ➽ clear all saved location for boosters.
  • /usw addspawn <team> (usw.admin) ➽ add a spawn for the team <team> (blue, red or spec).
  • /usw clearspawns <team> (usw.admin) ➽ clear all spawns for the team <team> (blue, red or spec).
  • /usw start (usw.startgame) ➽ shorten the begin countdown.
  • /usw give (usw.give or usw.give.self) ➽ give you all sheeps (cheating is bad :p).
  • /usw give <player> (usw.give or usw.give.other) ➽ give all sheeps to the player.
  • /usw give * (usw.give or usw.give.all) ➽ give all sheeps to everyone.
  • /usw kits (usw.developer) ➽ show you all loaded kits.
  • /usw boosters (usw.developer) ➽ show you all loaded boosters.
  • /usw sheeps (usw.developer) ➽ show you all loaded sheeps.
  • /stats <player> ➽ show player's records.
  • /hub ➽ go back hub.
  • /lang ➽ list all available languages.

  1. Build your map, put it in your server folder and give it "world" as name
  2. Make sure to set the default map's name to "world" in server.properties
  3. Put UltimateSheepWars.jar in your plugins folder
  4. Restart your server (never use reload!!)
  5. Setup the game with /sw help
  6. Stop your server
  7. Edit the config to suit your needs
  8. Start your server again
  9. Have fun ! :)


Boarding Sheep ➽ this sheep allows you to land on the ennemy's side.
Dark Sheep ➽ Enemies close to this sheep will be blind until the sheep disappears.
Distorsion Sheep ➽ It creates distortions by throwing blocks and attract players.
Earth Quake Sheep ➽ It creates an earthquake during 10 seconds.
Explosive Sheep ➽ It creates an explosion where the sheep is landing.
Fragmentation Sheep ➽ When the sheep explosed, baby sheeps will be sent around and each baby will explose.
Frozen Sheep ➽ Around the frozen sheep, enemy will have a slowness effect. Moreover, it place snow in a radius of 8 blocks and makes water become ice.
Healer Sheep ➽ It heals fighters of its team.
Incendiary Sheep ➽ It creates an explosion with fire.
Intergalactic Sheep ➽ Launch this sheep on enemy’s side, it will create a meteor rain on the sheep position.
Thunder Sheep ➽ When this sheep is landing, it creates thunderbolts around.
Remote Sheep ➽ Use this sheep and take the control with its vision: move it with standard keyboard controls. When it is in expected position, you have to sneak and the sheep will explose.
Seeker Sheep ➽ It moves automatically towards the nearest player and explodes.
Swap Sheep ➽ It switches position between the player who is launching this sheep and the nearest enemy.
Glowing Sheep ➽ It adds a glowing effect to nearby ennemies. (1.9 or higher only)

A booster is a wool block. Lifetime of a booster is configurable in the config file. When a player hit it with an arrow, the block will give bonus abilities to the player’s team. Different kind of bonus abilities are:
Arrow Knockback Booster ➽ Add a knockback effect on the target of the arrow
Arrow Fire Booster ➽ Add a fire effect on the target of the arrow
More Sheep Booster ➽ Give one sheep more to the team
Nausea Booster ➽ It adds a nausea effect to the enemy team
Poison Booster ➽ It adds a poison effect to the enemy team
Regeneration Booster ➽ Grow up the life level for every player in the player’s team
Resistance Booster ➽ Give damage protection for every player in the player’s team


When you are waiting before the game starts, you can choose a kit that you will use during the battle, here under the following kits:
More Health ➽ Increase health by 2 ♥
Better Bow ➽ Increase your bow and give it critical or punch
Better Sword ➽ Improve your sword by giving you a stone sword (instead of a wooden)
More Sheep ➽ Additional luck to receive more sheeps than the other players
Builder ➽ Give you some blocks of sand, bricks and an anvil, from the beginning of the game
Destroyer ➽ Give you a lot of TNT that you can launch with right click
Mobility ➽ Improve your speed and jump
Armored Sheep ➽ Increase health of your sheeps


➽ allows you to use all ultimate sheepwars commands (with /usw).
usw.teams.bypass ➽ allows you to join any team without restrictions.
usw.developer ➽ allows you to use all developer commands.
usw.startgame ➽ allows you to use /usw start to shorten the begin countdown.
usw.login.bypass ➽ allows you to join full servers.
sheepwars.kit.morehealth ➽ allows you to use the More health kit.
sheepwars.kit.betterbow ➽ allows you to use the Better bow kit.
sheepwars.kit.bettersword ➽ allows you to use the Better sword kit.
sheepwars.kit.moresheep ➽ allows you to use the More sheep kit.
sheepwars.kit.builder ➽ allows you to use the Builder kit.
sheepwars.kit.destroyer ➽ allows you to use the Builder kit.
sheepwars.kit.mobility ➽ allows you to use the Mobility kit.
sheepwars.kit.armoredsheep ➽ allows you to use the Armored sheep kit.

The file configuration is very full of settings that you can edit:
• Kits (required wins) • Enable spectators to join • Bungeecord settings • MySQL settings • MOTD • Etc.
Code (Text):

#===============# UltimateSheepWars config file #===============#
#Edit this file to suit your needs and Have Fun~!
#You can change the in-game prefix
#Note: Use color codes (&1, &3, &l,...)
prefix: '&8[&9SheepWars&8]'
#The fallback server is the name of the server where
#people are automatically redirect after the game.
#Note: For BungeeCord ONLY!
fallback-server-name: none
#Countdown before game starts (in seconds)
countdown-before-starting: 60
#Amount of players which are required
#to start the countdown (minimum of 2)
min-players-to-start: 2
#Specify the number of seconds you want the killed player to stay in the killer's vision.
#Set 0 if you want to disable this option.
killer-view-stay-time: 5
#To set up max players, simply
#change it in your server.properties
#Players with 'sheepwars.vip' permission will be able
#to join full servers
#The game time (in minutes)
game-time: 20
#Time when all players will be given a boarding sheep every minute (in minutes)
#Occasionally used to stop the game faster.(put 0 to disable)
boarding-time: 10
#Interval between a give of sheep
give-sheep-seconds: 40
#Interval between a spawn of a booster
booster-interval-seconds: 30
#Time before a booster disapeared
booster-life-time-seconds: 10
#Command to execute
#when the game is finished ('stop' or 'restart')
dispatch-command: 'stop'
#Enable or not players to join
#a game which is already started (in spectator mode)
enable-join-for-spectate: true
#Wright down your server name, place holder or
#whatever you want to be show in the scoreboard
scoreboard-decoration: 'my.server.com'
#Automatically generate a new language file when
#a player from another country join the game.
#Example: A french Guy join the game and as
#the plugin have no French language in its language/ folder
#it will create a new one.
auto-generate-language: true
#===============# Sheep settings #===============#
#Countdown before a sheep explode (in seconds) (useful only for explosive, incendiary and fragmentation sheep)
sheep-countdown-before-explosion: 5
#The power when you launch sheep (depending on your map size to launch the sheep from one side to another)
sheep-launch-velocity: 2.2
#The default health of sheeps (half-hearts)
sheep-health: 8
#===============# Item settings #===============#
#You can configure the item
#id of each items on join
return-to-hub-id: BED
particles-on-id: BLAZE_ROD
particles-off-id: STICK
#-----# Team items #-----#
team-blue: BANNER
team-red: BANNER
#===============# Reward settings #===============#
#Here you can specify a reward for a player
#when he got a kill/dead/win/lose
#For example: do a command or give money
#NOTE: If you want to send a message without the "CONSOLE: ..."
#which is used by the "tell" command, you could use "tellraw"
#Tellraw generator: https://www.minecraftjson.com/
vault-reward: 0
do-command: false
- 'tell %PLAYER% You got a kill!'
- 'eco give %PLAYER% 10'
vault-reward: 0
do-command: false
- 'eco remove %PLAYER% 10'
vault-reward: 0
do-command: false
- 'eco give %PLAYER% 50'
vault-reward: 0
do-command: false
- 'eco remove %PLAYER% 50'
#===============# Kit settings #===============#
#Enable permissions to get a kit. (Permission plugin required to manage them)
enable-permissions: false
#Enable ingame shop (Vault, economy and permission plugin are required)
#Note: kits bought by players will be stored thanks to permissions and in database if available.
enable-ingame-shop: false
#Enable all kits for free ?
enable-all-kits: true
#Also and Either you can require a certain amount of wins to get a kit (You will need a database).
enable-required-wins: false
#===============# MySQL settings #===============#
#Connect the game to a mysql database to save
#players stats (Not needed but better).
#Enable or not mysql settings ?
enable: false
free-host: false
#If you have no database and you want to save stats, you just have to put free-host to true.
#If you have your own database, you can setup the host, database, user and password used.
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: sheepwars
user: root
pass: root
#If database was enabled, put the amount of players to show in the ranking.
ranking-top: 10
#===============# MOTD states #===============#
#Setup the MOTD of the server for different game states.
waiting: "&2\u2714 &aWaiting &2\u2714"
in-game: "&4\u2716 &cRunning &4\u2716"
terminated: "&6\u2261 &eEnding &6\u2261"
restarting: "&5\u26A0 &dRestarting &5\u26A0"
#===============# End of file #===============#


In this section, I will explain you how players can receive different messages depending on their own language.

In the "UltimateSheepWars/languages" folder, you will have this file: "x_X.yml" which contents basic language = English. When a new player join the host, a new file is created to be customized by the adminstrator. For example, as my language is set in French, when i will join the server, a new language file named "fr_FR.yml" will be created. Then, for each english message (in "fr_FR.yml"), the administrator can translate the message in french.

So, if the administrator use this functionnality, each player receive message in their own language.

If you don't want to use this functionnality, (that i can understand because you will need to translate a lot of words), you can simply put "auto-generate-language" to false (in config file) and just edit the default language ("x_X.yml") which will be applied to every player.
By the way, i've already done a translation in French that you can find here. Hope that it will help you ;)

> French version <
> Deutsch version <

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