TagSpawnProtection | Advanced Combat Region Protection

Please be aware that the price is based off the rather low demand for this plugin, the features included within the plugin, time spent developing it, and the fact it's my main (and possibly only) current source of income. If you truly cannot afford it at its current price, send me a private message and I'll get back to you.


This plugin prevents your players from entering specified regions while in combat, displaying a visual barrier of blocks to them only around nearby protected regions.

This plugin can support an unlimited amount of regions, each of which has customizable settings such as barrier materials orpatterns, display distance, and a few more to come shortly. There's also a main configuration file which contains many different modifiable attributes, as well as a language configuration file, where you can modify or remove the messages displayed to players (includes color support). The plugin also contains a simple anti-spawn-killing mechanism to prevent players damaging others inside of the set up regions (just in case you don't have a plugin for that).
Please be aware that this plugin currently does not contain any combat-blocking features (PVP logging, command blocking, etc) - You will need a separate plugin for this. There are many free ones out there that do this though.

Sorry, I haven't got a server set up right now. Please check the videos below for a more in-depth overview.


Basic Tutorial [Official] (No Audio)

(VIDEO IS SLIGHTLY OUTDATED - Basic concept and command system is still the same)


If you have any suggestions as to what could be added into this plugin, please either send me a private message or leave a response in the discussion tab and I'll try my best to implement it if I think it fits the description/use of this plugin.
Please be aware that this plugin is no longer a main focus of mine, however I will continue to update the plugin for compatibility with newer versions if required. I do plan to return to this project and implement the ideas below at some point in the future.

The current list of planned features/updates consists of:
  • A standalone scoreboard for displaying combat time(s) and information
  • Configurable display modes (what parts of the border are displayed)
  • Configurable zone types (safezone/arena)
  • Importing region zones from external sources (WorldGuard/Factions, etc)
  • Performance improvements (not even sure if possible - probably is)
  • Animated border patterns
Color key:Accepted (to be added), Partially implemented (temporary work-around until added), Concept (may never be added or possible)


Code (YAML):

cacheRefreshTicks: 600 - How often the block cache should be updated (unless you're regularly building nearby the regions, leave this at 600 or above)
ticks: 2 - How often the barrier blocks should be rendered. A smaller value will decrease server performance, but may appear smoother to players.
updateRuns: 3 - How often the barrier blocks should be force-updated. Multiplier of 'ticks' (3x2 = 6 ticks).
asynchronous: true - Whether the barrier blocks should be processed in a separate thread.
denyOffset: - The additional region offset of where a player can move/teleport
width: 0.3
above: 100.0
below: 20.0
applyTo: - Who gets marked as tagged when PVP takes place
hit: true
damager: true
enter: 25s - How long both players are in combat for when a fight begins
finish: 5s - How long the surviving player is in combat for when the other entity dies
logout: 0s - How long both players are in combat for when one them disconnects
mobs: false - Whether other living entities should mark the player as tagged
defaults: - The default values for creating a region when unspecified.
data: 'STAINED_GLASS:14'
displayDistance: 5
Code (YAML):
active: '&8[&bSpawn&3Protection&8] &c&lYou are now tagged in combat and cannot enter spawn.'
inactive: '&8[&bSpawn&3Protection&8] &a&lYou are no longer combat tagged.'
inSpawn: '&8[&bSpawn&3Protection&8] &cYou must leave the spawn in order to damage players.'
outSpawn: '&8[&bSpawn&3Protection&8] &cYou cannot damage players inside of the spawn region.'
noPermission: '&4Error&8: &cYou don''t have permission to access this command.'

Code (Text):
Create <Region Name> [Pattern/Material] [Activation Distance] - Creates a region (using wooden axe) with the attributes specified
Delete <Region Name> - Deletes the specified region
Modify <Region Name> <Attribute> <New Value> - Modify the specified attribute ('Pattern', 'Distance')
List - Lists all regions (Name, world, location, pattern/material)
Create <Pattern Name> - Creates a pattern from a selected 2D (flat) or 3D (walls) area (using wooden axe)
Delete <Pattern Name> - Deletes the specified pattern
List - Lists all patterns (Name, dimensions)


Code (Text):
Use: Gives permission to reload the configuration files
Default: OP
Use: Gives permission to administrative /TSP commands
Default: OP
Use: Bypasses the pvp tagging (I've not fully tested this one)
Default: Nobody, needs to be given


By downloading this resource, you abide by and agree to the following conditions:
  • You may not receive a refund - I'd be happy to assist you at any time if you are having issues with the plugin, and may be willing to offer you a refund depending on your situation and reason(s).
  • The resource may not be re-sold or re-distributed.
  • The resource is only permitted for use on servers administered by the purchaser, unless given explicit written permission by myself.
  • These terms and conditions are subject to change over time.
If you have any questions on what else you may do with the plugin, just send me a private message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Failure to comply with this set of terms, along with Spigot's, may result in ownership of the plugin being taken away from you with no refunds given in return.

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