SuperVanish [EDITED FOR ME]

FREE SuperVanish [EDITED FOR ME] 6.0.0[My config 2.1]

SuperVanish [EDITED FOR ME]
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
Source Code:
https://github.c***********/*** [Nope]
This is an advanced vanish-plugin which makes other players think that you're not on the server.
Great for catching griefers or testing out new moderators!
Don't forget to install ProtocolLib first if you want to use the serverlist, action bar and/or silent chest features.
Need more features or want to support me? Take a look at my other plugin, PremiumVanish!
Invisible players are completely invisible
Hides invisible players in the playerlist [Tab]
Adjusts the amount of online players in the serverlist (Requires ProtocolLib)
Hacked clients can't see invisible players
Commands and Permissions
[...] = Optional; <...> = Required
/sv help - Shows a convenient help page with a list of commands
/sv [on|off] - Hides/shows you - sv.use [.levelX]
/sv [on|off] <player> - Hides/shows an other player - sv.others
/sv reload - Reloads the config files - sv.reload
/sv list - Shows a list of invisible players - sv.list
/sv login - Broadcasts a login message - sv.login
/sv logout - Broadcasts a logout message - sv.logout
/sv recreatefiles [confirm|force] - recreates outdated config files - sv.recreatefiles
/sv tipu - Toggles picking up items per player - sv.toggleitems
/sv stacktrace - Logs information for reporting an issue
Other notable permissions:
sv.see [.levelX] - Players with this permission can see invisible players (if it's enabled in the config)
sv.keepfly - Players without this permission will lose the ability to fly when they reappear and aren't in creative mode
sv.notoggle - The vanish state of players with this permission cannot be changed by other players
The config is split into config.yml and messages.yml
Both files are self-explaining
A french translation of the messages.yml file by WasabIII is here.
Checking if a player is vanished on Bukkit (no dependencies required)

Basic Bukkit API for SuperVanish and PremiumVanish
SuperVanish and PremiumVanish share the exact same API so you can support both of them with the exact same code.
(Source) (Download)

The source of SuperVanish is here.
Feel free to create Pull Requests if you think that you can improve SuperVanish.
How to report a bug:

First of all, please check if your config is up-to-date with /sv updatecfg. If something still doesn't work, please pm me with the following information:
  • Detailed description of what's happening in what situation and what you're expecting to happen
  • Are there any stacktraces(errors) in the console? If so, please use to include them in your pm!
  • If not, which plugins are you using? What's your version of SV and Bukkit/Spigot?
  • Does it work if you remove all plugins except ProtocolLib(if you're using it) and SV? If so, remove the other plugins one by one to know which one causes the problem and provide its name and version.
If you need help or found a bug, please pm me!
If you have a general question, please create a comment!

Please don't use reviews to ask for help/report bugs! Reviews are the last place to go to,
please contact me first if you experience any issues with SV!


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