[Source Code] CreativeSecurity

SpigotVIP [Source Code] CreativeSecurity (Pre-Release)

[Source Code] CreativeSecurity



For Creative /gmm1,/gmm2,/gmm3,/gmm4,/gmm5,/gmm6,/gmm7,/gmm8,/gmm9,/gmm10
For Survival /gsm1,/gsm2,/gsm3,/gsm4,/gsm5,/gsm6,/gsm7,/gsm8,/gsm9,/gsm10

Hold left shift + and click with spectral arrow in hand right click on creative block to check who placed the block and when

CLICK HERE <-- Read whole explanation

denial-prefix: &4&lHey!&c &c
err-prefix: &4&lOps!&c &c
normal-prefix: &c[Creative Plugin] &r
block-info: This block was placed by {player} at {date}
item-mark: &7Creative item by &c{player}
entity-mark: &7Creative entity by &c{player}
container-chest: You cannot open chest while you are in creative mode
container-chestdouble: You cannot open double chest while you are in creative mode
container-furnace: You cannot open furnace while you are in creative mode
container-crafting: You cannot open crafting table while you are in creative mode
container-enderchest: You cannot open enderchest while you are in creative mode
container-storageminecart: You are not allowed to open storage minecart are in creative!
container-furnaceminecart: You are not allowed to interact with furnace minecart in creative!
container-hopperminecart: You are not allowed to open hopper minecarts in creative!
container-dispenser: You cannot open dispenser while you are in creative mode
container-dropper: You cannot open dropper while you are in creative mode
container-hopper: You cannot open hopper while you are in creative mode
container-horse: You cannot open horse inventories while you are in creative mode
container-donkey: You cannot open donkey inventories while you are in creative mode
container-mule: You cannot open mule inventories while you are in creative mode
container-enchant: You cannot open enchantment table while you are in creative mode
container-repair: You cannot open anvil while you are in creative mode
container-villager: You cannot trade with Villagers while you are in creative mode
container-brewing: You cannot open brewing stand while you are in creative mode
container-shulkerbox: You cannot open shulker boxes while you are in creative mode
damage-creeper: You cannot damage creepers while you are in creative mode
damage-armorstand: You cannot damage armor stands while you are in creative mode
damage-skeleton: You cannot damage skeletons while you are in creative mode
damage-wither-skeleton: You cannot damage wither skeletons while you are in creative mode
damage-stray: You cannot damage strays while you are in creative mode
damage-spider: You cannot damage spiders while you are in creative mode
damage-zombie: You cannot damage zombies while you are in creative mode
damage-zombie-villager: You cannot damage zombie villager while you are in creative mode
damage-husk: You cannot damage husk while you are in creative mode
damage-slime: You cannot damage slimes while you are in creative mode
damage-ghast: You cannot damage ghasts while you are in creative mode
damage-zombie-pigman: You cannot damage zombie-pigmans while you are in creative mode
damage-enderman: You cannot damage endermans while you are in creative mode
damage-cave-spider: You cannot damage cave spidere while you are in creative mode
damage-silverfish: You cannot damage silverfishs while you are in creative mode
damage-blaze: You cannot damage blazes while you are in creative mode
damage-magma-cube: You cannot damage magma cubes while you are in creative mode
damage-bat: You cannot damage bats while you are in creative mode
damage-witch: You cannot damage witchs while you are in creative mode
damage-endermite: You cannot damage endermites while you are in creative mode
damage-elder-guardian: You cannot damage Elder Guardians while you are in creative mode
damage-guardian: You cannot damage Guardians while you are in creative mode
damage-pig: You cannot damage Pigs while you are in creative mode
damage-sheep: You cannot damage Sheeps while you are in creative mode
damage-cow: You cannot damage Cows while you are in creative mode
damage-chicken: You cannot damage Chickens while you are in creative mode
damage-squid: You cannot damage Squids while you are in creative mode
damage-wolf: You cannot damage wolfs while you are in creative mode
damage-mooshroom: You cannot damage mushroom cows while you are in creative mode
damage-ocelot: You cannot damage ocelots while you are in creative mode
damage-donkey: You cannot damage donkeys while you are in creative mode
damage-horse: You cannot damage horses while you are in creative mode
damage-skeleton-horse: You cannot damage skeleton horses while you are in creative mode
damage-zombie-horse: You cannot damage zombie horses while you are in creative mode
damage-evoker: You cannot damage evokers while you are in creative mode
damage-vex: You cannot damage vexes while you are in creative mode
damage-vindicator: You cannot damage vexes while you are in creative mode
damage-illusioner: You cannot damage illusioners while you are in creative mode
damage-mule: You cannot damage donkeys while you are in creative mode
damage-rabbit: You cannot damage rabbits while you are in creative mode
damage-villager: You cannot damage villagere while you are in creative mode
damage-giant: You cannot damage divove while you are in creative mode
damage-iron-golem: You cannot damage iron-golem while you are in creative mode
damage-ender-dragon: You cannot damage enderdragon while you are in creative mode
damage-snow-golem: You cannot damage snowman while you are in creative mode
damage-polar-bear: You cannot damage polar bears while you are in creative mode
damage-llama: You cannot damage llamas while you are in creative mode
damage-parrot: You cannot damage parrots while you are in creative mode
damage-wither: You cannot damage withers while you are in creative mode
damage-ender-crystal: You cannot unistit ender crystale while you are in creative mode
damage-player: You cannot damage igrace while you are in creative mode
damage-shulker: You cannot damage shulkers while you are in creative mode
damage-shulker-bullet: You cannot damage shulker bullets while you are in creative mode
disabled-gamemode: You cannot use this command because its blocked
change-sheep-color: You cannot change the sheep color while you are in creative mode
block-break-bedrock: You cannot destroy bedrock even with creative mode
creative-hanging-break: This item frame was placed in creative mode, that means you cannot pick it up!
survival-hanging-break: This item frame was not placed in creative mode, that means you cannot modify it!
block-break: This block was placed in creative mode, so that means you cannot pick it up!
vehicle-break: This vehicle was placed in creative mode, so that means you cannot pick it up!
armor_stand-break: This armor stand was placed in creative mode, so that means you cannot pick it up!
pickup: You cannot pick up item from the ground while you are in creative mode
pickup-survival: This item was spawned from a player in creative mode, so you cannot pick it up!
ender_pearl: You cannot use ender pearl while you are in creative mode
eye_of_ender: You cannot use eye of ender while you are in creative mode
totem: &4&lOh no!&c You had a creative totem of undying in your hands, so... you died. R.I.P.
snowball: You cannot use snowball while you are in creative mode
monster_egg: You are not allowed to spawn monsters while you are in creative mode
ignite: You cannot use fire while you are in creative mode
exp_bottle: You cannot use xp bottle while you are in creative mode
chicken_egg: You cannot use chicken eggs while you are in creative mode
potion: You cannot use potions while you are in creative mode
jukebox: You cannot use jukebox while you are in creative mode
beacon: You cannot control beacon while you are in creative mode
leash: You cannot leash entities while you are in creative mode
armor_stand: You cannot use non-creative armor stand while you are in creative mode
survival-item_frame: You cannot interact with non-creative item frames while you are in creative mode
creative-item_frame: This item frame were placed in creative mode, so you cannot interact with it
saddle: You cannot place saddle on pig while you are in creative mode
command: You cannot use command {cmd} while you are in creative mode
disabled-item: You cannot use this item while you are in creative mode
disabled-block: You cannot place this block while you are in creative mode
plant: You cannot plant this while you are in creative mode
milk: You cannot milk cows while you are in creative mode
collect-mushroom-soap: You cannot collect mushroom soaps from cows while you are in creative mode
shear-sheep: You cannot shear sheeps while you are in creative mode
shear-snowman: You cannot shear snowman while you are in creative mode
nametag: You cannot apply name tags while you are in creative mode
nametag-creative-entity: You cannot apply name tags to creative entities
feed: You cannot feed animals while you are in creative mode
feed-zombie: You cannot feed zombies while you are in creative mode
fish: You cannot fish while you are in creative mode
drop: You cannot drop items while you are in creative mode
mob-create: You cannot spawn mobs while you are in creative mode
mob_spawner-modify: You cannot modify mob spawners
mob_spawner-place: You cannot place mob spawners while you are in creative mode
silverfish-block-place: You cannot place silverfish blocks while you are in creative mode
bone_meal: You cannot apply bone meal while you are in creative mode
shooting: You cannot shoot with bow while you are in creative mode
destroy_farmland: You cannot destroy farms while you are in creative mode
use-marked: This item was spawned in creative mode and you cannot use it
block-marked: This block was spawned in creative mode and you cannot use it
craft-marked: You cannot craft items using creative items
anvil-marked: You cannot use creative items in anvils
enchant-marked: You cannot enchant creative items
spawn-creative-blocked-item: You cannot get this item on creative mode
err-chunkdata-not-loaded: The creative block data for this chunk was not loaded yet. Try again in few seconds.
err-playerdata-loading: Failed to load your inventory data
creative-switch: Switched to the creative inventory #{number}
survival-switch: Switched to the survival inventory #{number}
err-already: You are already using this inventory
blocked-on-anvil: You cannot use this item on anvils
survival-enderpearl-delay: You can't use an other ender pearl in the next {remaining} seconds
creative-enderpearl-delay: You can't use an other ender pearl in the next {remaining} seconds
mark-success: The item has been marked as creative item created by you
mark-nothing: You don't have an item in your main hand
unmark-success: The creative mark has been removed from the item
unmark-alread: The item in your main hand is not marked as creative item
unmark-nothing: You don't have an item in your main hand
reload-success: The messages and configurations have benn reloaded successfully
creative-entity: This entity has been spawned by a player in creative mode, so you cannot interact with it
player-only-command: This command can only be executed by players


(If there is any user from ex Yugoslavia i translate it also on croatian,bosnian,serbian language..evo svinje moje balkanske <3)
denial-prefix: &a&l[&c&lCS&a&l] &7
err-prefix: &a&l[&c&lCS&a&l] &7
normal-prefix: &a&l[&c&lCS&a&l] &7
block-info: &3{player} &7je postavio ovaj blok datuma &c{date}
item-mark: &7Creative item od osobe &c{player}
entity-mark: &7Creative item od &c{player}
container-chest: Ne mozes otvarat chest dok si u creative modu&c!
container-chestdouble: Ne mozes otvarat chestove dok si u creative modu&c!
container-furnace: Ne mozes otvarat pec dok si u creative modu
container-crafting: Ne mozes otvarat stol za craftanje dok si u creative modu&c!
container-enderchest: Ne mozes otvarat enderchest dok si u creative modu&c!
container-storageminecart: Ne mozes otvarat spremnik od minecarta dok si u creative modu&c!
container-furnaceminecart: Ne mozes koristit minecart sa pecnicom dok si u creative modu&c!
container-hopperminecart: Ne mozes otvarat minecart sa hopperom dok si u creative modu&c!
container-dispenser: Ne mozes otvarat dispenser dok si u creative modu&c!
container-dropper: Ne mozes otvarat dropper dok si u creative modu&c!
container-hopper: Ne mozes otvarat hopper dok si u creative modu&c!
container-horse: Ne mozes otvarat spremnik od konja&c!
container-donkey: Ne mozes otvarat spremnik od magarca&c!
container-mule: Ne mozes otvarat spremnik od mjesanca konja i magarca&c!
container-enchant: Ne mozes otvarat enchantment table dok si u creative modu&c!
container-repair: Ne mozes otvarat anvil dok si u creative modu&c!
container-villager: Ne mozes trgovati sa Villagerom dok si u creative modu&c!
container-brewing: Ne mozes otvarat pomagalo za pravljenje napitaka dok si u creative modu&c!
container-shulkerbox: Ne mozes otvarat Shulker kutiju dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-creeper: Ne mozes udarat Creepere dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-armorstand: Ne mozes unistit stalak za odjelo dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-skeleton: Ne mozes udarat Kosture dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-wither-skeleton: Ne mozes udarat Kostura iz pakla dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-stray: Ne mozes udarat strays dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-spider: Ne mozes udarat Pauke dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-zombie: Ne mozes udarat Zombie dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-zombie-villager: Ne mozes udarat Zombie Villagere dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-husk: Ne mozes udarat Huskove dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-slime: Ne mozes udarat Slimove dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-ghast: Ne mozes udarat Ghastove dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-zombie-pigman: Ne mozes udarat Zombie Pigmane dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-enderman: Ne mozes udarat Endermane dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-cave-spider: Ne mozes udarat Spiljskog Pauka dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-silverfish: Ne mozes udarat SilverFisheve dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-blaze: Ne mozes udarat Blazove dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-magma-cube: Ne mozes udarat Magma Cube dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-bat: Ne mozes udarat Sismise dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-witch: Ne mozes udarat Vjestice dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-endermite: Ne mozes udarat Endermite dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-elder-guardian: Ne mozes udarat Elder Guardiane dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-guardian: Ne mozes udarat Guardiane dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-pig: Ne mozes udarat Svinje dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-sheep: Ne mozes udarat Ovce dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-cow: Ne mozes udarat Krave dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-chicken: Ne mozes udarat Kokosi dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-squid: Ne mozes udarat Lignje dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-wolf: Ne mozes udarat Vukove dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-mooshroom: Ne mozes udarat Krave Gljivare dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-ocelot: Ne mozes udarat Divlje Macke dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-donkey: Ne mozes udarat Magarca dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-horse: Ne mozes udarat Konja dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-skeleton-horse: Ne mozes udarat Kostur Konja dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-zombie-horse: Ne mozes udarat Zombie Konja dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-evoker: Ne mozes udarat Evokera dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-vex: Ne mozes udarat vexove dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-vindicator: Ne mozes udarat vindikatore dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-illusioner: Ne mozes udarat illuzionere dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-mule: Ne mozes udarat zenskog magarca dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-rabbit: Ne mozes udarat Zeca dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-villager: Ne mozes udarat Villagere dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-giant: Ne mozes udarat Divove dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-iron-golem: Ne mozes udarat Iron Goleme dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-ender-dragon: Ne mozes udarat Zmaja dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-snow-golem: Ne mozes udarat Snjegovica dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-polar-bear: Ne mozes udarat Polarnog Medvjeda dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-llama: Ne mozes udarat Ljame dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-parrot: Ne mozes udarat Papige dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-wither: Ne mozes udarat Withera dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-ender-crystal: Ne mozes unistit Ender Crystal dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-player: Ne mozes udarat igrace dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-shulker: Ne mozes unistavat Shulker kutije dok si u creative modu&c!
damage-shulker-bullet: Ne mozes unistavat Shulker metke dok si u creativfe modu&c!
disabled-gamemode: Ne mozes koristit ovu komandu u creative modu&c!
change-sheep-color: Ne mozes promjenit boju ovce dok si u creative modu&c!
block-break-bedrock: Ne mozes unistavat bedrock cak ni u creative modu&c!
creative-hanging-break: Ovaj itemframe je postavljen u creative modu sto znaci da ga ne mozes pokupit&c!
survival-hanging-break: Ovaj itemframe je postavljen u survival modu sto znaci da ga ti ne mozes koristit&c!
block-break: Ovaj blok je postavljen u creative modu sto znaci da ga ti ne mozes pokupit&c!
vehicle-break: Ovo vozilo je postavljeno u creative modu sto znaci da ga ne mozes uzet&c!
armor_stand-break: Ovaj stalak za armor je postavljen u creative modu sto znaci da ga ne mozes pokupit&c!
pickup: Ne mozes uzimat stvari sa poda dok si u creative modu&c!
pickup-survival: Ovaj item je spawnan u creative modu sto znaci da ga ne mozes pokupit&c!
ender_pearl: Ne mozes koristit Ender Pearle dok si u creative modu&c!
eye_of_ender: Ne mozes koristit Eye of Ender dok si u creative modu&c!
totem: &4&lOh no!&c You had a creative totem of undying in your hands, so... you died. R.I.P.
snowball: Ne mozes bacati grude dok si u creative modu&c!
monster_egg: Ne mozes spawnat koje kakve monstrume dok si u creative modu&c!
ignite: Piromane ne mozes palit dok si u creative modu&c!
exp_bottle: Ne mozes koristit xp bocice dok si u creative modu&c!
chicken_egg: Ne mozes koristit kokosija jaja dok si u creative modu&c!&7, &7ali mozes &cGashina
potion: Ne mozes koristit napitke dok si u creative modu&c!
jukebox: Ne mozes koristit JukeBox dok si u creative modu&c!
beacon: Ne mozes koristit Beacon dok si u creative modu&c!
leash: Ne mozes vezat zivotinje dok si u creative modu&c!
armor_stand: Ne mozes koristit Stalak za armor iz survival moda dok si u creative modu&c!
survival-item_frame: Ne mozes koristit Item frame iz survival moda dok si u creative modu&c!
creative-item_frame: Ovaj Item frame je postavljen u creative modu ti ga ne mozes koristit&c!
saddle: Ne mozes postavit sedlo na svinju dok si u creative modu&c!
command: Ne mozes koristit komandu &c/&e{cmd} &7dok si u creative modu&c!
disabled-item: Ne mozes koristit ovaj item dok si u creative modu&c!
disabled-block: Ne mozes postavljat ovaj blok dok si u creative modu&c!
plant: Ne mozes ovo posadit dok si u creative modu&c!
milk: Ne mozes pomust kravu dok si u creative modu&c!
collect-mushroom-soap: Ne mozes dobit juhu od krave gljivare dok si u creative modu&c!
shear-sheep: Ne mozes osisat ovcu dok si u creative modu&c!
shear-snowman: Ne mozes srusit snjegovica dok si u creative modu&c!
nametag: Ne mozes stavit name tag dok si u creative modu&c!
nametag-creative-entity: Ne mozes stavit name tag na zivotinje stvorene u creative modu&c!
feed: Ne mozes hranit zivotinje dok si u creative modu&c!
feed-zombie: Ne mozes hranit zombie dok si u creative modu&c!
fish: Ne mozes pecati dok si u creative modu&c!
drop: Ne mozes bacati stvari na pod dok si u creative modu&c!
mob-create: Ne mozes spawnati mobove dok si u creative modu&c!
mob_spawner-modify: Ne mozes promjeniti spawner jajetom
mob_spawner-place: Ne mozes postavljati spawner dok si u creative modu&c!
silverfish-block-place: Ne mozes postavljat silver fish blokove dok si u creative modu&c!
bone_meal: Ne mozes koristit bonemeal dok si u creative modu&c!
shooting: Ne mozes pucati sa lukom i strijelom dok si u creative modu&c!
destroy_farmland: Ne mozes unistavat farme dok si u creative modu&c!
use-marked: Ovo je item iz creative moda sto znaci da ga ti ne mozes koristit&c!
block-marked: Ovaj blok je iz creative moda sto znaci da ga ti ne mozes koristit&c!
craft-marked: Ne mozes koristit creative iteme za craftanje&c!
anvil-marked: Ne mozes koristit creative iteme u anvilu&c!
enchant-marked: Ne mozes enchantat creative iteme&c!
spawn-creative-blocked-item: Ne mozes dobit ovaj item u creative modu&c!
err-chunkdata-not-loaded: Informacije oko creative blokova za ovaj chunk nisu jos ucitane, probaj za par sekundi&c!
err-playerdata-loading: Greska u ucitavanju tvojih inventory podataka
creative-switch: Postavljen ti je &cCreative mode &e(&3Broj &a{number}&e)
survival-switch: Postavljen ti je &cSurvival mode &e(&3Broj &a{number}&e)
err-already: Vec koristis taj gamemode i inventory&c!
blocked-on-anvil: Ne mozes koristit ovaj item na anvilu
survival-enderpearl-delay: Sljedecu EnderPearlu ces moci koristit za &c{remaining} &7sekundi
creative-enderpearl-delay: Sljedecu EnderPearlu ces moci koristit za &c{remaining} &7sekundi
mark-success: Oznacio si ovaj item da je tvoj creative item&c!
mark-nothing: Ne mozes oznacit jer ne drzis item u glavnoj ruci&c!
unmark-success: Maknio si sve creative oznake sa itema, sad je survival item&c!
unmark-alread: Item u tvojoj ruci nije oznacen kao creative item&c!
unmark-nothing: Prvo moras drzat item u ruci da bi mogao skinut oznaku
reload-success: &aCreativeSecurity plugin je uspjesno osvjezen&c!
creative-entity: Ovo bice je stvoreno u creative modu sto znaci da ne mozes biti u dodiru sa njim&c!
player-only-command: Ovu komandu samo igraci mogu koristit&c!

language: en
# Prevents the same denial message to spam the player's chat when the player keeps trying to do what was denied.
# A value of zero will disable the cooldown
message-cooldown: 3
# Adjusts how the player inventories are stored.
# Enables database persistence.
# Not recommend as it can get out of sync with the world on crashes or partial rollbacks
# Only change this on new installation or all data can be lost or become outdated, causing inventory loss or item duplication.
jdbc: false
# The database settings bellow are optional and are only used when jdbc is enabled
# If you are updating connection information, make sure it points to the same database or the same issues stated above will happen
driver: mysql
host: localhost
port: 3306
username: root
database: creativesecurity
# When specified, the driver, host, port and database settings will be ignored and this JDBC URL will be used instead
# This allows you to specify load balancing databases and more advanced settings
# Examples:
# jdbc:mysql//primaryhost,secondaryhost1,secondaryhost2/databasename
# jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://localhost:3306,localhost:3310/databasename
# jdbc:mysql:replication://master,slave1,slave2,slave3/databasename
# Default: empty
# Toggles general checks that are done by the plugin
# Players picking up dropped items generated from different game modes
# Can be bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.action.pickup
# creativesecurity.bypass.action.pickupsurvival
item-pickup: true
# Players in creative mode dropping items
# Can by bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.action.drop
creative-drop: true
# Players in survival mode dropping creative items. True will destroy the item, false will drop and mark the entity.
survival-drop: true
# Toggles if this plugin will affect or not the player deaths
player-death: true
# Checks related to mob spawner blocks and entities
# Stops players in creative mode from placing monster spawners.
# Includes: The mob spawner block (minecraft:mob_spawner) and the silverfish block (minecraft:monster_egg)
placement: true
# Stops players from changing monster spawners with spawn eggs (minecraft:spawn_egg)
# Can be bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.modify.mobspawner
# creativesecurity.bypass.modify.mobspawnersurvival
changing: true
# Stops players from shooting with bow while in creative mode.
# Can be bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.use.bow
creative-bow-shots: true
# Stops players in creative mode from using name tags in entities.
# Can be bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.action.applynametag
apply-nametag: true
# When true players won't be able to break bedrocks even in creative mode
# Can be bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.break.bedrock
breaking-bedrock: true
# Determines what happens with the experience and the active inventory when a player dies...
# Can be disabled by the setting "check.player-death" above.
# ... in creative mode
# When true, no item will be dropped and the player will keep everything on respawn regardless of the world's gamerule.
# When false, the world's gamerule or other plugins will decide if the items will be dropped or not.
keep-inventory: true
# When true, no experience orb will be spawned and the player will keep all experience on respawn
keep-level: true
# Only works when keep_inventory is false. No creative item will be spawned, they will be destroyed.
destroy-creative-drops: true
# ... in non-creative mode, may be adventure or spectator
# When true, no item will be dropped and the player will keep everything on respawn regardless of the world's gamerule.
# When false, the world's gamerule or other plugins will decide if the items will be dropped or not.
keep-inventory: false
# When true, no experience orb will be spawned and the player will keep all experience on respawn
keep-level: false
# Only works when keep_inventory is false. No creative item will be spawned, they will be destroyed.
destroy-creative-drops: true
# Toggles some safety checks that are done by this plugin when a player changes from or to the creative game mode
# Removes all potion effects when entering/leaving the creative game mode
remove-potions: false
# Unleashes all leashed entities when entering/leaving the creative game mode
# Prevents incorrect tracking from the leash item
unleash-entities: true
# Closes the inventory GUI, prevents incorrect tracking of items stored in the GUI and unauthorized use of creative items on machines.
close-inventory: true
# Moves creative armor to the player inventory, or drop it when it is full.
# Only happens when changing from creative to any other game mode
# Bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.use.marked
remove-creative-armor: true
# Toggles tracking of creative items.
# Disabling one of this setting may allow players to transform creative items into normal items
# or make a creative item / entity / block produce normal items
# Players in creative mode spawning items using the creative inventory or special clicks
creative-item-spawn: true
# Players placing blocks which are marked as creative item in the inventory
place-creative: true
# Items dropped by players in creative mode
creative-drop: true
# Entity spawning by creative spawn eggs.
entity-spawn-by-egg: true
# Fishing hooks spawned using a creative fishing rod
fishing-hook: true
# Loots fished by a creative fishing hook
fish: true
# Arrows shot by players in creative mode
# Will not detect which arrow stack was actually used, so players in survival mode will be able to use
# creative item arrows and the projectile will not be tracked!
arrows: true
# Creative splash and lingering potions thrown will be marked
thrown-potions: true
# Creative experience bottle entities thrown by a creative item will be marked.
exp-bottle: true
# Snowball thrown using a creative item stack
snowball: true
# Ender pearls thrown using a creative item stack
ender-pearl: true
# Eggs thrown using a creative item stack
egg: true
# Ender Eye (also known as ENDER_SIGNAL) throw using a creative item stack
ender-eye: true
# Items dropped when a creative creature dies
creative-creature-loot: true
# Snow layers placed by creative snowman will be marked as creative blocks
snowman-trail: true
# Blocks dropping because the block which was holding it was broken
attached-drops: true
# When a TNT which was created from a creative inventory is primed, the primed entity will be marked
tnt: true
# Structures (trees, big mushrooms) grown by a creative sapling/mushroom will contains only creative blocks
creative-structures: true
# Creative plants spreading to other blocks will mark the target block as creative
# Examples:
# * Mushroom/Grass/Mycelium/Fire spreading to other blocks
# * Watermelon/Pumpkin steam placing watermelon/pumpkin blocks next to it
# * Cactus/Sugar cane growing up
creative-spread: true
# Items dropped while harvesting plants which were originally created from a creative inventory
creative-plant-loot: true
# Entities being formed by block placement. Namely: Snowman, Iron Golem and Wither
# Will not track respawned Ender Dragon!
entity-forming: true
# Item frames placed from a creative item stack will be marked and will have special treatment
item-frame: true
# Armor stand placed from a creative item stack will be marked and will have special treatment
armor-stand: true
# Painting placed from a creative item stack will be marked
painting: true
# Silverfish spawning from a creative spawn_eggs block
creative-silverfish-hatching: true
# Creative silverfish entering a block
creative-silverfish-hiding: true
# Adjusts how entities are marked
# This can be changed at any time without loss of data
# Sets a custom name to creative entities.
# When this is false the creative entities will still be renamed but to an uglier name, like the creator UUID.
apply-name: true
# Makes the custom name visible to everybody. Requires apply-name.
set-name-visible: true
# Entity types which will never have the name visible even if apply-name and set-name-visible are true
# A list can be found at: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
# Settings which disables things
# Players in survival mode won't be allowed to use items which was spawned from a creative inventory
usage-of-creative-items: true
# Players in survival mode won't be allowed to use machines which was originally spawned from a creative inventory
usage-of-creative-blocks: true
# Creative items wont't be usable on anvils
usage-of-creative-items-on-anvil: true
# Players outside the creative mode won't be able to use creative equipment on armor slot
usage-of-creative-armor: true
# Enchantment table won't be able to enchant creative items
creative-enchantment: true
# Furnace won't smelt creative items
creative-smelting: true
# Furnace won't accept creative items as fuel
creative-fuel: true
# Dispensers and droppers won't be able to drop creative items
creative-dispensing: true
# Dispensers won't drop items when a creative entity is in front of it
# That would allow to make creative entities wear non-creative items
dispensing-to-creative-entities: true
# Dispensers won't place pumpkin or wither skull when it detects that a snowman, iron golem or wither would be formed
# using a creative block
dispensers-forming-entities-from-creative-blocks: true
# If a player throws a creative egg, it will not hatch
chicken-spawning-from-creative-eggs: true
# If a player throws a creative ender peral, no endermite will spawn from it
endermite-spawning-from-creative-ender-pearls: true
# If a player throws a creative ender eye, it will always break
creative-ender-eye-dropping: true
# Players won't be allowed to use creative items in crafting grids (both 2x2 and 3x3)
creative-crafting: true
# Players won't be able to drink creative potions
creative-potion: true
# Players in creative mode won't trample crops
trampling-farmlands: true
# Enderman will not be able to pick creative blocks
enderman-getting-creative-blocks: true
# Skeletons and other monsters won't be able to break creative item frames
creative-item-frame-getting-hit-by-monsters: true
# Skeletons and other monsters won't be able to break creative armor stands
creative-armor-stand-getting-hit-by-monsters: true
# No creative hanging entity will break by physics.
creative-hanging-from-breaking: true
# Hoppers won't pickup creative drops
hoppers-picking-up-creative-items: true
# Hoppers won't move creative items to other inventories
hoppers-moving-creative-items: true
# Miscellaneous things that doesn't matches other categories
# This item will be displayed on empty creative item frames
# It is used to show that the frame is creative.
# The players will not be able to get it and it will not affect how the item frame works.
# The only exception is that it does affect redstone signal emitted by comparators.
empty-creative-item-frame-marker: STRUCTURE_VOID
# Players in non-creative game mode will have to wait this time in seconds to be able to use an other ender pearl
# 0 disables this setting
# Can by bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.delay.survival.enderpearl
survival-ender-pearl-delay: 20
# Players in creative game mode will have to wait this time in seconds to be able to use an other ender pearl
# 0 disables this setting
# Can by bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.delay.creative.enderpearl
creative-ender-pearl-delay: 20
# Grass block will be considered as plant, as it can spread into dirt
treat-grass-as-plant: true
# Grass block will be considered as plant as it can spread into dirt
treat-mycelium-as-plant: true
# Even thought it doesn't grow, it will duplicate if somebody uses bone meal
# So, setting this to true will make it be treated like a normal growable plant
treat-double-pant-as-plant: true
# Mushroom blocks will be considered as plant as it can spread into blocks
treat-mushrooms-as-plant: true
# Vines will be considered as plant as it can spread
treat-vine-as-plant: true
# When a player disconnects from the server the default server game mode will be applied
# and the player inventory appropriately
change-to-default-gamemode-on-quit: false
# Same as above but you can specify a game mode which differs from the default
# Leave empty to disable. Valid values are: survival, creative, spectator, adventure
# This will be ignored if change-to-default-gamemode-on-quit is true
# If the plugin detects that the player inventory mismatches the persisted inventory
# It will restore the inventory contents from the previous persisted inventory when the current inventory is empty
# This can be used to restore a corrupted player inventory but may cause compatibility issues with plugins which
# configured to clear the player inventory on quit/join or other conditions.
restore-empty-inventories: false
# List of commands which cannot be used by players in certain game mode
# No alias will be checked, so make sure to cover all aliases
# Blocked commands in creative mode
- examples
- ec
- essentials:ec
- essentials:enderchest
- enderchest
- backpack
- duel
- sell hand
- inv
- smallbag
- mediumbag
- bigbag
- ehat
- hat
# Blocked commands in any mode different from creative mode
non-creative: []
# Blocked commands in other specific mods. Only creative mode has a "non-" key
survival: []
adventure: []
spectator: []
# These materials will never be marked as creative item, even when directly spawned by a creative player
# Lists material items which are blocked in certain conditions
# These items cannot be used on anvils
# Can be bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.use.blockedanvilitem
# These items cannot be spawned by players in creative mode
# Can be bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.bypass.action.spawncreativeblocked
# These items cannot be used by players in creative mode (right/left click on blocks, air or entities)
# Can be bypassed with:
# creativesecurity.use.blockedcreative
# These blocks won't be pushable by pistons
# Allows you to specify a couple of functions to be executed when a player changes the game mode.
# You can set a list of commands to run as if the player had executed the command.
# These commands will execute on every gamemode change, including changes where the creative game rule is not involved
# "[]" is an empty list
# You can use the following replacement tokens:
# {player} - The player name
# {uuid} - The player UUID
# {from} - The previos game mode name. Example: SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, ADVENTURE, SPECTATOR
# {to} - The new game mode name.
# {from-id} - The previous game mode ID. Example: 0, 1, 2, 3 for survival, creative, adventure and spectator, respectively.
# {to-id} - The new game mode ID.
run-as-player: []
# These commands will be executed by the console instead of the player.
# You can use the same replacement tokens as above on all run blocks
run-as-console: []
# The player will receive those permissions only during the execution of the commands
# Permissions to be applied temporarily
permissions: []
# Commands to be executed with the permissions above
commands: []
# These commands will be executed by player as if the player had OP. Use with caution and only as last resort!
run-as-op: []
# You can set "from" blocks to be executed when a player changes from a specific game mode to any other.
# The "from" blocks can't have a "to" block inside it.
# The "from" blocks specifications are detailed inside the "to-creative" block.
from-creative: []
# This block determines the actions that happens when a player changes the game mode to creative from any other game mode.
# You can add the same command blocks as above here, the difference is that this commands will be executed only
# when the player is changing to the creative game mode, no matter what game mode the player was before.
run-as-player: []
run-as-console: []
permissions: []
commands: []
run-as-op: []
# Now here you can add commands to be executed ONLY when a player changes from SURVIVAL to CREATIVE game mode.
run-as-player: []
run-as-console: []
permissions: []
commands: []
run-as-op: []
# The same but from ADVENTURE to CREATIVE
run-as-player: []
run-as-console: []
permissions: []
commands: []
run-as-op: []
run-as-player: []
run-as-console: []
permissions: []
commands: []
run-as-op: []
# Now here you can define what happens when the player changes TO the SURVIVAL game mode
# You can apply the same block structures as to-creative.
# You can omit what you don't need, I wrote all those empty run blocks above only for example.
from-creative: []
from-adventure: []
from-spectator: []
# The same happens to adventure and spectator mode,
# just make sure to do not set a to-adventure from-adventure setting, neither a to-creative from-creative, etc, that won't work.
to-adventure: []
to-spectator: []

When you set in config WorldEdit-Intergration: then you can choose 3 different options..

disabled, WorldEdit will be able to create ghost marks and blocks placed using it won't be marked
Example 1: A creative player build a house. An admin selects it and do a //set 0. CreativeSecurity will still think that the house is there.

Example 2: An admin do a //pos1 and a //pos2 in mid air, selecting a 5x5 floor and then run a //set gravel. The 5x5 floor and the falling gravel won't be marked.

1 quick mode. All blocks which are touched by WorldEdit will be marked (or unmarked if it's air or an untracked block)
Example 1: A survival player creates a 3x3 wall of wood. An admin selects the bottom of the wall and extends it to 12x12 using the same block. The entire wall will be marked to the admin.

Example 2: An admin do a //pos1 and a //pos2 in mid air, selecting a 5x5 floor and then run a //set gravel. The 5x5 floor will be marked. The gravel will fall in the next tick and CreativeSecurity will move the mark to the falling block. A few seconds later the gravel will land somewhere, drop or get destroyed, CreativeSecurity will handle that cases appropriately. In the end, CreativeSecurity will know exactly what happened to the gravel blocks and all marks will be correct, with no ghost marks.

Example 3: A player does a //pos1 and //pos2 and builds 20 snowmen using //set snowblock and //set pumpkin. CreativeSecurity will not detect the entities being formed, so the snowmen will spawn as survival creatures. The blocks involved will stay marked even though they were consumed and contains air now.

2 checking mode. Only blocks which are actually changed gets marked.
Example 1: A survival player creates a 3x3 wall of wood. An admin selects the bottom of the wall and extends it to 12x12 using the same block. The 3x3 blocks will still be survival, the other blocks will be marked as creative. But if the admin changes the block to bricks, then the entire wall will be marked as creative.

Example 2: Same as quick mode's

Example 3: Same as quick mode's

3 extended mode. Same as 2 but will also check for gravity and physics.
Example 1: Same as 2

Example 2: Same as quick mode's

Example 3: A player does a //pos1 and //pos2 and builds 20 snowmen using //set snowblock and //set pumpkin. CreativeSecurity will detect the entities being formed and will check if the player can spawn creative entities, if the player can't then the pumpkin blocks won't be placed. But if the player can then all snowman will get marked. The blocks used to spawn them will be correctly unmarked.




New Generation Of Security
Professional designed plugin
Ultra-Safe, No duplications,
Plugin well tested..
Fast support..
100% everything customizable and translatable
Milions options and functions..
This 1 plugin can replaces at least 10 plugins together like this i will mention even with more messages and permissions,and no problems and errors
Executes command per join/leave (and chaning gamemode)
EnderPearl Cooldown
LogBlock and few more..

and there is ton of unique things like 20 diffrent gamemodes
it changes completly inventory and amor when you go to certain
gamemode and when you back to your first, automatically returns your
previous inventory, you can have 20 completely different inventories (10 creative, 10 survival) you can create tons of minigames and events where players get new inventory and they can get item or die and after event finished items get back to 1 (regular gamemode) and his items return
This plugin is in top 3 plugins by most permissions, for some people 10 permission is hard and long to create, what do you think how long it takes to create 200 permissions xD

with this plugin you finally got real professional staff team without any abuse,trust me its much better if you have clean server without abusing from staff, sharing items, duplicatons, lag machines, and many more, i can promise you 0 items from creative will be abused

Prevent item drop in creative mode
Prevent item use in creative mode
Prevent item pickup in creative mode
Prevent item interact in creative mode
Prevent block breaking in creative mode
Prevent farm building in creative mode
Prevent Item Frame abuse
Multiple lightweight checker which blocks using creative items in Hopper,Dropper,Dispenser..
Prevent EnderPearl spamming/glitching
2 Diffrent enderpearl cooldowns (1 for survival 1 for creative, can block usage for creative)
Prevent armor stand abuse
Prevent using inventory from donkey
Prevent falling blocks abuse (like sand,grawel)
Prevent regular players from chaning spawner with spawner egg (example monster egg)
Prevent creative players from using any items (eggs,expbottle,eye of ender,endepearl,bow..itd)
Prevent killing/damaging inecent animals in creative mode
Prevent lag machines by not allowing pistons to push or attached certain block
(Lag machines like If 500 sticky pistons push 500 sea lantern = server crash, this plugin blocks it)
Prevent Renaming or fixing certain item in anvil
Prevent spawning (creating) Iron Golem,Wither,Snowman with creative items..
Block Certain commands while in certain gamemode
smart anti-spamming system messages only by creativesecurity (delay)
.....many many more things just look permission list and you can see what you can prevent/block/add there is tons of things that you can change :)

There is also MySQL option created, but i suggest you use flat-file (normal, without mysql) because its special designed and improved, its works even faster then MySQL,so even user without MySQL can have best experience but if you want mysql you can use, it will work perfect too..
I invest alot money in this plugin more then 60$ now i decide to share it with you my brothers for only 5$ cheers
When you purchased the plugin you also get free source code <3

If you have any questions feel free to ask me on PM or skype: zekino_mudo


CreativeSecurity is specially designed to work on all spigot versions from 1.8 to 1.12.1 enjoy <3
(that will be added in next 2 days,its finished but i'm still testing it, i want it to be perfect for you)

Terms of Service
- After purchasing this plugin,you get plugin and also source code if you want
- You may not -Redacted-, resell, or share the plugin and source code
- The price of this plugin can be changed at anytime

- I Garantue you for this plugin and even willing to give full refunds.. but only in special cases
- It was my idea,but joserobjr is most deserved for working on creation of this plugin, big thumbs up for jose..respect +

If you are very satisfied with this plugin and you decide to be my special friend and buy me a coffee that will keep me working on upgrading plugin more and more all the time <3

Free Plugins: Cuffs|CommandGuard|MultipleInventories

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