Pro EggWars [Solo, Teams, Kits, Cages, Trails, Perks, MysteryBox, Holograms, LeaderBoards]

 Pro EggWars [Solo, Teams, Kits, Cages, Trails, Perks, MysteryBox, Holograms, LeaderBoards] v6.11

Pro EggWars [Solo, Teams, Kits, Cages, Trails, Perks, MysteryBox, Holograms, LeaderBoards]
◦•●❤♡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ Dekomori on discord ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ♡❤●•◦

Tested Minecraft Versions:
1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18


Professional minigame for your server! Create unlimited arenas, gather material, destroy enemies dragon eggs and fight to be the last man standing!
Support for any size Teams and solo game.

  • Totally independent, can run absolutely by itself.
  • Arenas have support for Solo or Teams mode. Teams can have any number you want of players. You can create Mega mode games with big teams.
  • Almost 100% configurable, customize your messages, arenas, kits, cages and chests.
  • Create unlimited arenas.
  • Can work with other minigames and plugins.
  • Support for multiple arenas per world.
  • Fireworks ending.
  • Kits, Cages shop, you can use MysteryBox to get rewards or use money to buy stuff.
  • Become spectator on death and teleport to other players.
  • Support for BungeeMode to force players to join game.
  • Support for MySQL to share player stats between servers.
  • Built in coins and souls system, you can use vault too.
  • Setup generators upgrade price
  • 100% Customizable Villager Shop
  • Lightweight rollback system.
  • Coins multipliers for VIP users.
  • Create your own kits or cages and specify they rarity, cost, name, content and whether they require a permission or not.
  • Scoreboards for lobby and In-Game and Main Lobby.
  • Support for UUID.
  • Players stats: wins. kills, deaths, blocks breaked, blocks placed, projectiles launched and projectiles hit, eggs breaked.
  • AutoJoin command and sign that will put you on the best available arena. You can set autojoin sign for solo or team game.
  • Signs showing arena state and player count. (Customizable)
  • MysteryBox, using souls or coins to unlock your kits or cages.
  • Hitting a player with an arrow will show that player health.
  • Run rewards commands on player kill or win.
  • Built in broadcaster, so you can display your tips and tricks or advertise your website.
  • Customizable projectile trails and trails shop.
  • Create Holograms for stats and update them every x amount of minutes.
  • Sign leaderboards, display top players depending on the stat you choose, can also place a head over the sign to display player skull.
  • Support for PlaceHolderAPI so you can show Pro Eggwars stats on any compatible plugin.
  • in game commands whitelist.
  • Create parties and play with your friends.
  • Glass behind join sign changes color depending on game state.
  • 12 Perks to give your game an awesome boost! (check perks list on Setup section)
  • Configurable Villager shop set the content and prices of every item.
  • MySQL Data Migrate tool if you come from a third-party Eggwars plugin. (Check setup section)
  • Random arena bungee mode. You can have more than one arena on your bungee mode server and each match will have a different arena.
  • Support for document-oriented database MongoDB.
  • Support for Redis in-memory data structure store, used as a database. Fast data share between servers.
  • SOLO, TEAM and MEGA fully customizable NPC's with player count and bungeecord support.

Arena Setup Commands:

  • /ewarena wand - Gives you wand tool to select corners of your arena.
  • /ewarena create <arenaname> - Create new arena.
  • /ewarena createteam <arenaName> <teamName> - Creates a new team for you arena.
  • /ewarena removeteam <arenaName> <teamName> - Removes a team from your arena.
  • /ewarena remove <arenaname> - Remove an arena
  • /ewarena setlobbyspawn <arenaname> - Sets arena lobby (pregame) spawn
  • /ewarena setspectatorsspawn <arenaname> - Sets place where spectators will spawn on death.
  • /ewarena setmainlobby <arenaname> - Sets the lobby where players will be teleported on game end/leave.
  • /ewarena setminteams <arenaname> <value> - Sets minimun required teams for game to start.
  • /ewarena setmaxteams <arenaname> <value> - Sets max number of players for an arena.
  • /ewarena setteamsize <arenaname> <value> - Sets the numberof players for each team.
  • /ewarena addspawn <arenaname> <teamName> - Adds spawn point for an Team.
  • /ewarena seteggspawn <arenaName> <teamName> - Adds egg spawn for a Team.
  • /ewarena setrespawn <arenaName> <teamName> - Sets respawn point for a Team.
  • /ewarena setvillager <arenaName> <teamName> - Sets villager spawn point for a Team.
  • /ewarena setevent <eventName> <arenaname> - Sets Game end event for an arena.
  • /ewarena removeevent <arenaName> - Removes events from arena.
  • /ewarena save <arenaName> - Saves arena to arenas.yml
  • /ewarena list - Display a list of arenas.
  • /ewarena forcestart <arenaname> - Reduce the countdown time and force gamestart.
Pro EggWars Commands:

  • /ew join <arenaname> - Joins an arena.
  • /ew join - Opens arena selector for players with required permission.
  • /ew autojoin [solo/teams]- Autojoin to best available arena.
  • /ew shop - Displays Eggwars shop.
  • /ew coins add/set/remove <player> <amount> - Add. set or remove an amount of coins from player.
  • /ew souls add/set/remove <player> <amount> - Add, set or remove an amount of souls from player.
  • /ew kits/trails/cages/perks add <player> <name> - Unlock a kit, cage, trail or perk for a player.
  • /ew kits/trails/cages/perks set <player> <name> - Select a kit, cage, trail or perk for a player.
  • /ew addmysterybox - Adds a new mystery box. (You need to be above the block and looking at it.)
  • /ew hologram add/remove - Set or remove stats holograms location.
  • /ew removemysterybox - Removes existing myster box. (You need to be above the block and looking at it.)
  • /ew npc create <SOLO/TEAM/MEGA> - Creates an npc so your players can join arenas. (to edit or remove npc right click while sneaking).
  • /ew leave - leave and arena.
  • /ew reload - Reloads plugin configuration.
Party Commands:

  • /party create <partyname> - Creates a new party
  • /party invite <player> - Send a invitation to your party
  • /party join <partyname> - Join to a party (requires invitation)
  • /party kick <player> - Kick a player from your party.
  • /party list - Check the players on your party.


  • proeggwars.admin - Access to all commands
  • proeggwars.arena - Access to arena setup commands
  • proeggwars.signs - Allow player to place EggWars arenas signs.
  • proeggwars.autojoin - Access to autojoin command.
  • proeggwars.mysteryboxadd - Allow player to add a block as mystery box.
  • proeggwars.mysteryboxremove - Allow player to remove existing mystery box.
  • proeggwars.holograms - Allow player to set the stats hologram location.
  • proeggwars.bypass - Allow you to bypass the commands whitelist.
  • proeggwars.coins - Allow player to run commands to modify coins.
  • proeggwars.souls - Allow player to run commands to modify souls.
  • - Access to shop command.
  • proeggwars.join - Access to join command.
  • proeggwars.joingui - Access to arena selector using command.
  • proeggwars.npc - Allow player to add, remove or edit NPC's.
  • proeggwars.5x - Coins 5x multiplier for VIP players.
  • proeggwars.4x - Coins 4x multiplier for VIP players.
  • proeggwars.3x - Coins 3x multiplier for VIP players.
  • proeggwars.2x - Coins 2x multiplier for VIP players.

  • Vault
  • PlaceholderAPI
  • HolographicDIsplays
  • ProtocolLib
  • Citizenz2
  • Parties

 enabled: false
 ip: localhost
 port: 3306
 database: proeggwars
 username: root
 password: root
 enableTitles: true
 enable-vault: false
 use-money-for-kits: false
 use-money-for-cages: false
 use-money-for-trails: false
 use-money-for-perks: false
 disable-hunger: true
 holograms-update-minutes: 10
 onJoinItems: false
 joinItemWorlds: []
 enabled: true
 update-time-minutes: 10
 enabled: false
 allowed-worlds: []
 enabled: true
 send-every: 60
 souls-price: 10
 use-coins: false
 coins-price: 50
 reward-command: pex add %player% %permission%
 broadcast: false
 reward-if-already-have: 50
 common-chance: 7
 rare-chance: 2
 legendary-chance: 1
 gameTime: 300
 lobbyTime: 20
 startingTime: 10
 endTime: 10
 moneyOnWin: 50
 soulsOnWin: 2
 commandsOnWin: []
 moneyPerKill: 10
 soulsPerKill: 1
 commandsPerKill: []
 enabled: false
 hub: lobby
 enabled: true
 Save-Every-Minutes: 10
 enabled: false
Whitelist Commands:
- ew leave
   iron-level-1: 2.0
   iron-level-2: 1.5
   iron-level-3: 1.0
   iron-level-4: 0.5
   gold-level-1: 5.0
   gold-level-2: 3.5
   gold-level-3: 2.0
   gold-level-4: 1.0
   diamond-level-1: 10.0
   diamond-level-2: 5.0
   diamond-level-3: 2.5
   diamond-level-4: 1.5
   iron-0-to-1: 5:iron
   iron-1-to-2: 10:iron
   iron-2-to-3: 10:gold
   iron-3-to-4: 10:diamond
   gold-0-to-1: 5:iron
   gold-1-to-2: 10:iron
   gold-2-to-3: 10:gold
   gold-3-to-4: 10:diamond
   diamond-0-to-1: 5:diamond
   diamond-1-to-2: 10:diamond
   diamond-2-to-3: 25:diamond
   diamond-3-to-4: 10:diamond
Prefix: '&7[&bEggWars&7] '
 title: '&9EggWars'
 autojoin: '&6autoJoin'
 map-color: '&d'
 gamestate-color: '&a'
 no-solo-arenas: '&cThere isn''t any solo arena available!'
 no-team-arenas: '&cThere isn''t any team arena available!'
 solo: '&4&lSOLO'
 team: '&4&lTEAM'
 name: '&eVillager''s Shop'
 not-enough: '&cYou don''t have enough items to upgrade this generator!'
   type-broken: '&cBroken'
   type-iron: '&7Iron'
   type-gold: '&6Gold'
   type-diamond: '&bDiamond'
   line-1: '&0&lGenerator'
   line-3: '&0Level %level%'
   line-4: '&8Right click'
   menu-name: '&8Generator'
   iron: Iron
   gold: Gold
   diamond: Diamond
   name-iron-current: '&7Iron &eGenerator - Level %level%'
   lore-iron-current: '&9Production Interval: %time% seconds'
   name-iron-next: '&eUpgrade to: &7Iron &eGenerator - Level %level%'
   lore-iron-next: '&9Production Interval: %time% seconds'
   lore-iron-next-price: '&3Cost: &e%price% &6%type%'
   name-gold-current: '&6Gold &eGenerator - Level %level%'
   lore-gold-current: '&9Production Interval: %time% seconds'
   name-gold-next: '&eUpgrade to: &6Gold &eGenerator - Level %level%'
   lore-gold-next: '&9Production Interval: %time% seconds'
   lore-gold-next-price: '&3Cost: &e%price% &6%type%'
   name-diamond-current: '&bDiamond &eGenerator - Level %level%'
   lore-diamond-current: '&9Production Interval: %time% seconds'
   name-diamond-next: '&eUpgrade to: &bDiamond &eGenerator - Level %level%'
   lore-diamond-next: '&9Production Interval: %time% seconds'
   lore-diamond-next-price: '&3Cost: &e%price% &6%type%'
   fully-upgraded: '&eFully Upgraded!'
 title-1: '&bMysteryBox'
 title-2: '&e&lRight-click'
 no-enough-souls: '&c&lYou need at least 10 souls to use the Soul Well!'
 no-enough-money: '&c&lYou need at least 50 coins to use the Soul Well!'
 broadcast-kit: '&b%player% &7 has found kit &b%kit% &7 in the soul well!'
 broadcast-cage: '&b%player% &7 has found cage &b%cage% &7 in the soul well!'
 broadcast-trail: '&b%player% &7 has found trail &b%trail% &7 in the soul well!'
 broadcast-perk: '&b%player% &7 has found perk &b%perk% &7 in the soul well!'
 message-kit: '&7&lYou have found kit &b&l%kit% &7&lin the soul well!'
 message-cage: '&7&lYou have found cage &b&l%cage% &7&lin the soul well!'
 message-trail: '&7&lYou have found trail &b&l%trail% &7&lin the soul well!'
 message-perk: '&7&lYou have found perk &b&l%perk% &7&lin the soul well!'
 already-have: '&7Since you already have it you have received 50 coins.'
   mystery-box-name: '&8SoulWell'
   glass-name: '&8Rolling...'
   confirm-menu-name: '&8Are you sure?'
   confirm-item-name: '&aConfirm'
   - '&7Rolls for a random kit or'
   - '&7cage.'
   - ''
   - '&7Cost: &b10 Souls'
   deny-item-name: '&cDeny'
   - '&7Go back to previous'
   - '&7menu.'
- '&7&m---  &a %name%''s &7stats &m---'
- '&bKills ? &e%kills%'
- '&bCoins ? &e%coins%'
- '&bSouls ? &e%souls%'
- '&bDeaths ? &e%deaths%'
- '&bWins ? &e%wins%'
- '&bProjectiles launched ? &e%projectileslaunched%'
- '&bProjectiles hit ? &e%projectileshit%'
- '&bBlocks placed ? &e%blocksplaced%'
- '&bBlocks broken ? &e%blocksbroken%'
- '&bEggs broken ? &e%eggsbroken%'
- '&7&m----------------------'
 dead: '&e%player% &a has died!'
 dead-void: '&7%player% &efell into the void.'
 dead-suffocation: '&7%player% &esuffocated.'
 dead-drowning: '&7%player% &edrowned.'
 dead-lava: '&7%player% &eburnt to a crisp in lava.'
 dead-poison: '&7%player% &epoisoned.'
 dead-by-player: '&e%player% &awas killed by &e%killer%'
 dead-void-by-player: '&7%player% &ewas thrown into the void by &a%killer%'
 dead-burned-by-player: '&7%player% &ewas burned to death by &a%killer%'
 dead-poison-by-player: '&7%player% &ewas poisoned by &a%killer%'
 arrow-hit: '&7%player% &eis on &c%health% &eHP!'
 egg-destroyed: '&eYou have destroyed &b%team% &eegg!'
 player-egg-destroyed: "&cYour egg has been destroyed!"
 cant-break: "&cYou can't break your own team egg!"
 player-join: '&a%player% has joined the game! &e%ingame%&7/&e%max%'
 player-leave: '&cPlayer &e%player% &cleave match! &e%ingame%&7/&e%max%'
 player-death: '&cYou are now a spectator!'
 player-disconnect: '&7%player% &elogged out!'
 player-left: '&cPlayer %player% left match! &e%ingame%&7/&e%max%'
 countdown: '&eGame will start in %time% seconds!'
 egg-destroyed: '&b%player% &ehas destroyed &a%team% &eegg!'
   - '&a&l---------------------------------------------'
   - '&f&l                      EggWars                '
   - '                                                 '
   - '                  &eWinner &7- &b&l%winner%      '
   - '                                                 '
   first-killer: '                 &e&l1st Killer &7- %killer% - %kills%'
   second-killer: '                 &6&l2nd Killer &7- %killer% - %kills%'
   third-killer: '                 &c&l3rd Killer &7- %killer% - %kills%'
   - '                                                 '
   - '&a&l---------------------------------------------'
   title: '   &e&lEggWars'
   footer: '&e-------------'
     next-event: '&fNext Event: '
     players-left: '&fPlayers left: '
     kills: '&fKills: '
     map: '&fMap: '
     teams: '&fTeams: '
   title: '   &e&lEggWars'
   footer: '&e-------------'
     kills: '&fKills: '
     wins: '&fWins: '
     coins: '&fCoins: '
     souls: '&fSouls: '
     timer: '&fStarting in: '
 title: '   &e&lEggWars'
 footer: '&e-------------'
   kills: '&fKills: '
   wins: '&fWins: '
   coins: '&fCoins: '
   souls: '&fSouls: '
   selected-kit: '&fUsing Kit: '
   selected-cage: '&fUsing Cage: '
   selected-trail: '&fUsing Trail: '
 menu-name: '&8Eggwars Shop'

 player-dead-1: '&cYou Died!'
 player-dead-2: '&7You are now a spectator'
 game-start-1: '&eGame Started!'
 game-start-2: '&bKill them all!'
 refill: '&eChests have been refilled!'
 winner-1: '&6Victory!'
 winner-2: '&7You were last man standing.'
 tie-1: '&cGame End'
 tie-2: '&7You weren''t victorious this time!'
 countdown-1: '&c%time%'
 countdown-2: '&ePrepare to fight!'
 egg-destroyed-1: "&cYour egg has been destroyed!"
 egg-destroyed-2: ''
 return-to-lobby: '&c&lReturn to lobby &7(Right-click)'
   teleporter: '&a&lTeleporter &7(Right-click)'
   teleporter-menu: '&8Teleporter'
   spectators-settings: '&b&lSpectator Settings &7(Right-click)'
   spectators-settings-menu: '&8Spectator Settings'
   return-to-lobby: '&c&lReturn to lobby &7(Right-click)'
   no-speed: '&aNo Speed'
   speed-1: '&aSpeed I'
   speed-2: '&aSpeed II'
   speed-3: '&aSpeed III'
   speed-4: '&aSpeed IV'
   kit-selector: '&aKit Selector &7(Right-click)'
   kit-selector-menu: '&8Kit Selector'
   cage-selector: '&aCage Selector &7(Right-click)'
   cage-selector-menu: '&8Cage Selector'
   team-selector: '&aTeam Selector &7(Right-click)'
   team-selector-menu: '&8Team Selector'
   shop: '&a&lShop &7(Right-click)'
   shop-menu: '&8Skywars Shop'
   go-back: '&aGo back'
   kits: '&aKits'
   - '&7Selection of unique kits.'
   - ''
   - '&eClick to view!'
   cages: '&aCustom Cages'
   - '&7Change the color of your'
   - '&7spawning cell.'
   - ''
   - '&eClick to view!'
   trails: '&aTrails'
   - '&7Change your projectile trail'
   - '&7particle effect.'
   - ''
   - '&eClick to view!'
   perks: '&aPerks'
   - '&7Selection of unique perks'
   - '&7for skywars.'
   - ''
   - '&eClick to view!'
   stats: '&aStats'
   - '&7Check your stats.'
   - ''
   - '&7Kills: &b%kills%'
   - '&7Deaths: &b%deaths%'
   - '&7Wins: &b%wins%'
   - '&7Projectiles Launched: &b%arrows_launched%'
   - '&7Projectiles Hit: &b%arrows_hit%'
   - '&7Blocks Breaked: &b%blocks_breaked%'
   - '&7Blocks Placed: &b%blocks_placed%'
   coins: '&aCoins and Souls'
   - ''
   - '&b%coins% &eCoins'
   - '&b%souls% &eSouls'
   shop-menu: '&8Kits Shop'
   - '&eArmor:'
   - '%armor%'
   - '&eItems:'
   - '%items%'
   - ''
   - '&aUnlocked'
   - ''
   - '&7Rarity: &b%rarity%'
   - '&eClick to select!'
   - '&eArmor:'
   - '%armor%'
   - '&eItems:'
   - '%items%'
   - ''
   - '&7Price: &b%price%'
   - ''
   - '&7Rarity: &b%rarity%'
   - '&eClick to buy!'
   - '&eArmor:'
   - '%armor%'
   - '&eItems:'
   - '%items%'
   - ''
   - '&7Rarity: &b%rarity%'
   - '&eCan be found in the soul well!'
   shop-menu: '&8Cages Shop'
   - '&7Select the %name% cage. This'
   - '&7change is cosmetic'
   - ''
   - '&aUnlocked'
   - ''
   - '&7Rarity: &b%rarity%'
   - '&eClick to select!'
   - '&7Select the %name% cage. This'
   - '&7change is cosmetic'
   - ''
   - '&7Price: &b%price%'
   - ''
   - '&7Rarity: &b%rarity%'
   - '&eClick to buy!'
   - '&7Select the %name% cage. This'
   - '&7change is cosmetic'
   - ''
   - '&7Rarity: &b%rarity%'
   - '&eCan be found in the soul well!'
   shop-menu: '&8Trails Shop'
   - '&7Select the %name% trail. This'
   - '&7change is cosmetic'
   - ''
   - '&aUnlocked'
   - ''
   - '&7Rarity: &b%rarity%'
   - '&eClick to select!'
   - '&7Select the %name% trail. This'
   - '&7change is cosmetic'
   - ''
   - '&7Price: &b%price%'
   - ''
   - '&7Rarity: &b%rarity%'
   - '&eClick to buy!'
   - '&7Select the %name% trail. This'
   - '&7change is cosmetic'
   - ''
   - '&7Rarity: &b%rarity%'
   - '&eCan be found in the soul well!'
   shop-menu: '&8Perks Shop'
 menu-name: '&8Arenas'
 - '                     '
 - '&ePlayers: &b%ingame%&7/&b%max%'
 - '&eType: &d%gametype%'
 - '&eState: &a%state%'
 - '                     '
 - '&bClick to join!'
 menu-name: '&8Party'
 item-name: '&aParty'
 material: MAGMA_CREAM
 - '&eRight Click to open'
 - '&eparty menu.'
 invite-material: PAPER
 invite-name: '&eClick to invite a player to your party!'
 members-material: BLAZE_ROD
 members-name: '&eClick to show party members'
 leave-material: WOOL:14
 leave-name: '&cClick to leave party'
 not-in-party-material: WOOL:14
 not-in-party-name: '&aClick to create party!'
 party-members-menu-name: '&8Party Members'
 party-invite-menu-name: '&8Party Invite'
 slot: 8
 go-back: '&aGo back'

 already-on-team: "&cYou are already on team %team%"
 team-join: "&aYou have joined team %team%"
 team-full: "&cTeam full!"
 material: WOOL:5
 name: '&aArena Selector'
 slot: 0
 - '&eRight Click to select'
 - '&ean arena.'
 material: EMERALD
 name: '&aShop'
 slot: 4
 - '&eRight Click to open'
 - '&eskywars shop.'
 created: '&6You have created the party &e%name%&6.'
 joined: '&6You have joined the party.'
 left: '&6You have left your party.'
 disband: '&6You were the leader of your party, disbanding party.'
 kicked: '&6You were kicked from the party by &e%kicker%&6.'
 kick: '&6You kicked &e%player% &7from the party.'
 invited: '&e%inviter% &6has invited you to join the party &e%party%&6.'
 invite: '&6You invited &e%player% &7to join your party.'
 player-joined: '&e%player% &7has joined the party.'
 player-left: '&e%player% &7has left the party.'
 player-disband: '&e%player% &7has disbanded the party.'
 player-kick: '&e%kicker% &7kicked &e%kicked% &7from the party.'
 player-invited: '&e%inviter% &7invited &e%invited% &7to join the party.'
 leader-quit: '&cParty leader left the game! Party disbanded. '
 party-declined: '&e%player% &7declined party invitation. '
 player-declined: '&cYou have declined invitation to &e%party% &cparty!'
 accept: '&7[&aAccept&7]  '
 accept-hover: '&aClick to join the party!'
 decline: '&7[&cDecline&7]'
 decline-hover: '&cClick to decline party invitation.'
 no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do that!'
 teleport-cancel: '&c&lTeleport cancelled!'
 game-full: '&cThere is already enough players!'
 game-started: '&cThe game already started!'
 player-already-on-game: '&cYou are already on this game!'
 player-not-in-arena: '&cYou are not in an arena!'
 arena-not-exist: '&cThis arena does not exists!'
 party-already-exists: '&cThat party already exists.'
 party-not-exist: '&cThat party does not exist.'
 party-name: '&cYou did not specify a party name.'
 not-leader: '&cYou are not the leader of this party.'
 no-party: '&cYou do not have a party.'
 no-invite: '&cYou do not have an invite to join that party.'
 has-party: '&cYou already have a party.'
 player-in-party: '&cThat player is already in your party.'
 player-not-in-party: '&cThat player is not in your party.'
 player-has-invite: '&cThat player already has an invite.'
 player-has-party: '&cThat player already has a party.'
 player-no-party: '&cThat player does not have a party.'
 kick-self: '&cYou cannot kick yourself.'
 team-not-available: '&cThere isn''t any team available for a party on this arena.'
 party-size: '&cYou need a party of &b%teamsize% &cor less to be able to join this
 not-party-leader: '&cYou are not party leader!'
   displayitem: FLINT_AND_STEEL
   permission: none
   rarity: Common
   price: 500
     - '&7Set everyone on fire and'
     - '&7watch them burn while'
     - '&7you laugh and swim in lava'
     - 'FLINT_AND_STEEL:0:1'
     - 'LAVA_BUCKET:0:2'
   displayitem: BOW
   permission: proeggwars.archerkit
   rarity: Rare
   price: 500
     - '&7Shoot your enemies and'
     - '&7kill them all!'
     - 'BOW:0:1'
     - 'ARROW:0:10'
   displayitem: ANVIL
   permission: proeggwars.armorsmithkit
   rarity: Common
   price: 500
     -'&7Upgrade your items'
     - 'ANVIL:0:1'
     - 'EXP_BOTTLE:0:1'
Glass Cage:
material: GLASS
permission: none
rarity: Common
price: 0
Blue Cage:
material: STAINED_GLASS:3
permission: proeggwars.bluecage
rarity: Rare
price: 500
BubbleGum Cage:
material: STAINED_GLASS:6
permission: proeggwars.bubblegumcage
rarity: Rare
price: 600
Yellow Cage:
material: STAINED_GLASS:4
permission: proeggwars.yellowcage
rarity: Common
price: 250
Dark Cage:
material: STAINED_GLASS:15
permission: proeggwars.darkcage
rarity: Rare
price: 650
Prison Cage:
material: IRON_FENCE
permission: proeggwars.prisoncage
rarity: Legendary
price: 1000
Pig Cage:
material: MOB_SPAWNER
permission: proeggwars.pigcage
rarity: Legendary
price: 2500
Redstone Cage:
permission: proeggwars.redstonecage
rarity: Rare
price: 400
Notch Apple Cage:
material: GOLD_BLOCK
permission: proeggwars.notchapplecage
rarity: Rare
price: 600

[IMG alt="[IMG]"][/IMG]

[*]Drag ProEggWars.jar to your plugins folder.
[*]Start your server.
[*]Create an arena with /ewarena create <arenaname>
[*]Set max teams with /ewarena setmaxteams <arenaname> <value>.
[*]Set min teams with /ewarena setminteams <arenaname> <value>
[*]Create a team with /ewarena createteam <arenaname> <teamname>
[*]Set team spawn point with /ewarena addspawn <arenaName> <teamname>
[*]Set team egg spawn point with /ewarena seteggspawn <arenaName> <teamname>
[*]Set team respawn point with /ewarena setrespawn <arenaname> <teamname>
[*]Set team villager spawn point with /ewarena setvillager <arenaname> <teamname>
[*]Repeat steps 6-10 for each team you want to add.
[*]Set lobbyspawn with /ewarena setlobbyspawn <arenaname>
[*]Set sepectators spawn with /ewarena setspectatorsspawn <arenaname>
[*]Set main lobby with /ewarena setmainlobby <arenaname>
[*]Set team size for an arena with /ewarena setteamsize <arenaname> <value> (For solo game set to 1)
[*]Add arena generators signs (check signs section)
[*]Get arena wand with /ewarena wand and select the corners of your arena.
[*]Save arena with /ewarena save <arenaname>
[*]Place arena sign with the following format:

[*]Drag ProEggWars.jar to your plugins folder.
[*]Start your server.
[*]Create an arena with /ewarena create <arenaname>
[*]Set max teams with /ewarena setmaxteams <arenaname> <value>.
[*]Set min teams with /ewarena setminteams <arenaname> <value>
[*]Create a team with /ewarena createteam <arenaname> <teamname>
[*]Set team spawn point with /ewarena addspawn <arenaName> <teamname>
[*]Set team egg spawn point with /ewarena seteggspawn <arenaName> <teamname>
[*]Set team respawn point with /ewarena setrespawn <arenaname> <teamname>
[*]Set team villager spawn point with /ewarena setvillager <arenaname> <teamname>
[*]Repeat steps 6-10 for each team you want to add.
[*]Set lobbyspawn with /ewarena setlobbyspawn <arenaname>
[*]Set sepectators spawn with /ewarena setspectatorsspawn <arenaname>
[*]Set main lobby with /ewarena setmainlobby <arenaname>
[*]Set team size for an arena with /ewarena setteamsize <arenaname> <value> (For solo game set to 1)
[*]Add arena generators signs (check signs section)
[*]Get arena wand with /ewarena wand and select the corners of your arena.
[*]Save arena with /ewarena save <arenaname>
[*]Set bungee-mode enabled on config.yml
[*]Restart server

Arena Signs Structure:

Autojoin sign:

Solo arena autojoin sign:

Team arena autojoin sign:

Leaderboard Sign:


*Place a head over sign for player head.
Possible stats: kills, wins, deaths, money, souls, projectiles_l, projectiles_h, blocks_b, blocks_p, eggs_b

Generator Sign:
iron/gold/diamond <---- Type
0/1/2/3/4 <----- Level (Use 0 for broken)
[*]Set in config.yml the MysteryBox material.
[*]Stand above and look the block you want to set as MysteryBox and run command /ew addmysterybox.
[*]%proeggwars_time% [/spoiler]
List of Perks:

[*]Arrow Recovery - 15% Chance of getting back your arrow on bow hit.
[*]Blazing Arrow - 5% Chance of shooting a fire arrow with your bow.
[*]Bulldozer - Enemy kills gives you Strength I for 3 seconds.
[*]Instant Smelting - Automatically smelt mined ores into ingots.
[*]Juggernaut - Enemy kills gives you Regen I for 4 seconds.
[*]Mining Expertise - 10% chance of getting one extra ore per block mined.
[*]Resistance Boost - Gain 10 seconds of Resistance I when the game starts.
[*]Speed Boost - Gain 10 seconds of Haste I when the game starts.
[*]Nourishment - Every kill gives you full hunger and saturation.
[*]Revenge - 5% chance to spawn a zombie when you die.
[*]Fat - Gain 4 seconds of Absorption I when the game starts.
[*]Triple Shot - 5% chance of shooting 3 arrows from a bow. [/spoiler]
[spoiler='Data Migrate Tool']
Tool can be used to migrate MySQL data from third-party Eggwars plugin.
Set your database configuration on config.yml and run using start.bat.

To Migrate unlocked kits copy your Kits.yml (when you are done with kits configuration) to same folder as the Migration .jar.

Download Link:!YcAE2TYJ!O21adM6Qe_DpMYerL8aLTfr065CsSlNFv3eoz4rszHQ
[/spoiler][IMG alt="[IMG]"][/IMG]

[CODE]import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;

import io.gabbo200.github.API.GameEndEvent;

import io.gabbo200.github.API;api;

public class Example extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {

    private api eggwarsAPI;

    public void onEnable() {


    public void sendMessage(Player p) {
        int kills = eggwarsAPI.getKills(p);
        int deaths = eggwarsAPI.getDeaths(p);
        int wins = eggwarsAPI.getWins(p);
        int coins = eggwarsAPI.getCoins(p);
        int souls = eggwarsAPI.getSouls(p);
        int blocksbreaked = eggwarsAPI.getBlocksBreaked(p);
        int blocksplaced = eggwarsAPI.getBlocksBreaked(p);
        int projectileslaunched = eggwarsAPI.getProjectilesLaunched(p);
        int projectilehit = eggwarsAPI.getProjectilesHit(p);

        p.sendMessage("Kills: " + kills + "Deaths: " + deaths + " Wins: "
                + wins + " Coins: " + coins + " Souls: " + souls + " BlocksBreaked: "
                + blocksbreaked + " BlocksPlaced: " + blocksplaced + " ProjectilesLaunched: "
                + projectileslaunched + " ProjectilesHit: " + projectilehit);

    public void onGameEnd(GameEndEvent e) {
        for (String winners : e.getWinners()) {
            Player p = Bukkit.getPlayer(winners);
            p.sendMessage("You have won!");
            e.arenaBroadcast("Player " + p.getName() + " has won on arena " + e.getArena().getName());












































Latest updates

  1. N/A

  2. Bug fix

    Bug fix Fixed; - bug with block regeneration on some spigot versions.
  3. v6.9.1


Latest reviews

Can you update it please?
Best eggwars plugin ever! Can you update it???
Thank you for leaking, but change the download link.
whoops sorry, should be fixed now :P
Update ???
Why should I help you if you can't be bothered to hit the Ask Questions / Get Support button?
Good Leak ;) Please Update
K, I'll try to get latest copy
I gave it a 5-rating like paying for ransom lol. Now please update the plugin XD
Please update the plugin
I would be happy to if you gave 5 stars :D

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