Pick Locked Items

 Pick Locked Items 1.10.1

Pick Locked Items
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12

Update: Create locked loot chests with PickLoot


Pick locked items is an advanced PvP/Adventure lock-picking plugin, with many special features including tiered chests/doors, keys, lock picks, traps and much more! Pick Locked Items is very unique and a perfect addition to every server. Furthermore, the plugin is highly configurable so it will work exactly how you want it.

PickLockedItems integrates seamlessly with Minecraft crafting mechanics, meaning players will never have to bother with commands or sign syntax's.

If you come up with a new feature idea, don't hesitate to PM me so I can implement it

If you would like to see PickLockedItems, check out the amazing servers that run it in the "Servers" section below

There are 6 tiers of locked chests and doors. They can all be configured

^ Thank you Peashooter101 for creating this image!

Which plugin version to use:
For 1.8 servers, use plugin version 1.8.0
For all newer servers, use the latest plugin version


If you are wondering what you can use PickLockedItems for, here are some good examples (Highly recommend reading!)
  • Unique PvP raiding - Players have to work their way through locks and deadly traps to find other players' loot. Add a new form of base protection to your server!
  • Loot boxes - Reward players rare loot for breaking into locked loot chests (Use PickLoot to add loot chests)
  • Activate redstone when players accidentally trigger traps or successfully crack the lock. Use this to design new mechanisms, such as rewarding XP, or interact with other plugins, such as an RPG storyline
  • Give players master keys - which are the only method to open tier 6 chests/doors - and assign them to a one-time use to grant access to dungeons, secret areas or extremely rare loot
  • Locked doors are best used in RPG or adventure servers. Use them to create dungeons or seal off areas until a player has unlocked lockpicks/keys through a storyline
  • Create quests where players must break into locked areas to retrieve an item. Perhaps you could create a factory robbery quest, using locked doors, locked loot chests and NPC guards!
  • Enforce rules where towns(from towny) must have a locked door entrance, to allow raiders a way in
  • Anything you can think of! PickLockedItems has many, many features so you can use it in any scenario. Do you have another use for PickLockedItems? If so, let me know so I can add it to this list


[PickLockedItems v1.1.6,Outdated] In-depth player tutorial by Peashooter101 for ChaosCraft:
Please be aware this video was created for a much older version of PickLockedItems. Many new features have been added and tweaked since

Peashooter101's personal Review: Locked Items Plugin created by SIndybad is used for Raiding in our SMP Factions Server and is by far the most aesthetic and most appealing lock pick (and practically the only one that works currently) plugin I have ever encountered. Costing a low $7.50 (United States Dollars) the plugin is very much worth its price for server-wide use. SIndybad himself is constantly updating and improving upon this plugin. He also did help us figure out why it was not working on our version (He codes it using Spigot Code 1.8.8-R0.1) and was very immediate about it.


Keys work just like you think they would: right-click a locked chest or door with a key and it opens. You will get one key when you place down a locked chest or door; and you can create more by dropping lockpicks onto the lock (which is in the first slot) of the chest inventory or door menu. You can even create keys for chests or doors you've picked into...

Key rings are easy to use key holders. Shift + Right Click while holding a key ring to open it. Key rings are extremely useful as all of your chests can be opened with only one key ring, not two hundred keys.
See Crafting, Config and Permissions for more info on key rings.
Key rings can also be renamed in an anvil if you want to keep organised ;).


Lock picks can be used to force open a locked chest or door that you don't have the key to. When you right-click a chest or door with the lockpick, you are presented with a crack-the-code game. Upon solving the code, the chest or door will open. Codes are longer and harder to crack in higher tiered chests/doors

The game will generate a sequence of numbers which define the order of the code. You need to click the lock cylinders in that order. For example, if the sequence is 521463 and we are using a level 4 locked chest:

If you click the wrong cylinder and are unlucky, one of your lock picks will break and the trap (if there is one) will be activated. If you are even unluckier, the chest will close and the code will change, adding an extra layer of difficulty. All of the chances are configurable, so you can set the difficulty how you like it


Once you have opened a door using a key or lockpick, the door will stay open for 4 seconds(configurable) before automatically closing. Whilst the door is open, you can close it by right-clicking it again or you can open the door menu by shift+right-clicking.

The door menu is very similar to the inside of a locked chest. You are able to create new keys - by dropping lockpicks on the lock - and insert traps into the trap slot. However, you cannot store items


Traps are devious inventions that will catch thieves when they try to loot you! You can craft traps and place them in your chest or door's trap slot. They will be activated when a player fails to crack the lock (see “Lock Picks”)

List of all traps:
  • Damage trap: deals damage
  • Poisonous Gas Trap: gives poison effect
  • Explosive Trap: creates an explosion that only damages entities
  • Flame Trap: gives fire effect
  • Stink Trap: gives nausea effect
  • Blindness Trap: gives blindness effect
  • Redstone trap: creates a redstone pulse

The redstone trap (added in PickLockeditems 1.5.2) is a unique trap: it creates a redstone pulse when triggered. By default, a redstone block will be placed for 20 ticks, generating a redstone current that can be used to interact with command blocks, redstone contraptions and even other plugins!

The redstone block will (by default) be placed 2 blocks beneath the chest/door, away from any player's sight.

The redstone trap is set by the config.yml as uncraftable, so you will need to use the command "lockeditems giveTrap <PLAYER> redstone 1 1 <AMOUNT>" to obtain one.

Here is a simple idea for a contraption you could create with redstone traps in an adventure map:


Here is a list of all the default crafting recipes – although you can always change them in the config.


Tags between <> are required and tags between [] are optional

Code (Text):
/lockeditems giveChest <player> [securityLevel] [amount] - Gives a locked chest to the target player
/lockeditems giveDoor <player> [securityLevel] [amount] - Gives a locked door to the target player
/lockeditems giveTrap <player> <trapEffectName> [power] [maxUses] [amount] - Gives a trap to the target player
/lockeditems giveKey <player> <x <y> <z> [amount] [world] - Gives a key to the target player
/lockeditems giveKeyRing <player> [amount] [id] - Gives a key ring to the target player. In most circumstances, you shouldn't specify an id
/lockeditems giveLockPick <player> [amount] - Gives a lock pick to the target player
/lockeditems see [player] - View a list of a target's(or yours if none specified) locked chests
/lockeditems checkUpdates - Checks for updates, doesn't auto-update. Can only be run from console
/lockeditems version - Displays plugin version


In the plugins/PickLockedItems folder, there is a config.yml file. In this file, you can configure various properties and recipes for chests/doors/traps/lockpicks.
Remember to restart the server after you have modified the config.

Default config.yml:
Code (Text):

#When configuring chances, remember than a value of 1 gives 100% chance, 0 gives 0%, 0.57 gives 57%
#Simply divide your pecentage by 100, e.g. 68 divided by 100 = 0.68

#Use Vault for permissions? Useful if your permissions are not working correctly (requires Vault)
#If you don't have Vault installed, this value will not change anything
vaultPermissions: true

#Will locked chests/doors break and drop items when they are blown up(e.g. TNT/creeper)?
explodeChests: false
explodeDoors: false

#How long will a door stay open(after lockpicking or using key, etc) before automatically closing?
#Set to 0 to disable(The door will stay open forever until someone manually closes it)
doorOpenTimeoutSeconds: 4

#Check for updates when the server is started? (Doesn't auto-update)
checkForUpdates: true

#Should a key be spawned when a locked chest/door is placed?
spawnKeyOnPlaceChest: true
spawnKeyOnPlaceDoor: true

#Should a master key(master chests cannot be lockpicked) break after it has been used? Useful for adventure maps or RPGs
breakMasterKeyOnUse: false

#Should a redstone pulse be created when a locked chest/door is opened?
enabled: false
#Blocks above defines how many blocks up relative to the chest/door a redstone block will be placed
#Set negative values to place beneath
#Use this to create a redstone contraption with locked items
# e.g. if you place a noteblock 4 blocks beneath the chest, it will sound when the chest/door is opened
blocksAbove: -4

#The chance of breaking your lockpick and activating trap when you fail to crack the lock
#slvl1 means tier 1 chest/door
# 0 means 0% chance and 1 means 100% chance, etc
slvl1: 0.4
slvl2: 0.5
slvl3: 0.6
slvl4: 0.6
slvl5: 0.6

#The chance of the lock resetting when you break your lockpick. This will increase the difficulty for lockpicking
#This will close the lockpicking menu
slvl1: 0.3
slvl2: 0.3
slvl3: 0.35
slvl4: 0.35
slvl5: 0.35

#The maximum number of chests/doors a player can own. Set to -1 to disable
#Players with permission "lockeditems.lockedchest.bypasslimit" or "lockeditems.lockeddoor.bypasslimit" bypass this limit
chestLimit: -1
doorLimit: -1

#Should the lock pick break when the trap activates?
breakPickWithTrap: true
#The lockpick
#See plugin page for a tutorial on how to configure the recipes
itemid: 280
#The damage value doesn't change, ever. It is used in resource packs. The range is 0 to 1561 on a diamond sword, for example
itemdamage: 0
#Is the item unbreakable? Used in resource packs
#Notice that if you set unbreakable to true, the damage bar will not show on the item, but resource packs will still recognise the damage value
unbreakable: false
enabled: true
- "GI"
G: 266
I: 265
#The key
itemid: 131
#The damage doesn't change, ever. It is used in resource packs. The range is 0 to 1561 on a diamond sword, for example
itemdamage: 0
#Is the item unbreakable? Used in resource packs
#Notice that if you set unbreakable to true, the damage bar will not show on the item, but resource packs will still recognise the damage value
unbreakable: false
#The key ring
itemid: 421
#The damage doesn't change, ever. It is used in resource packs. The range is 0 to 1561 on a diamond sword, for example
itemdamage: 0
#Is the item unbreakable? Used in resource packs
#Notice that if you set unbreakable to true, the damage bar will not show on the item, but resource packs will still recognise the damage value
unbreakable: false
#Should the player sneak+RMB to open key ring (this is recommended)
#You must sneak+RMB when your inventory is closed
sneakToOpen: true
#How many rows(of 9 columns) should a key ring have?
rows: 4
enabled: true
- " I "
- "I I"
- " I "
I: 265
#The locked chests
#Level 1 : Basic Locked Chest : 3 Cylinders
#Level 2 : Sturdy Locked Chest : 4 Cylinders
#Level 3 : Strong Locked Chest : 5 Cylinders
#Level 4 : Tough Locked Chest : 6 Cylinders
#Level 5 : Fine Locked Chest : 7 Cylinders
#Level 6 : Masterful Locked Chest : Unpickable
enabled: true
- "CI"
C: 54
I: 265
enabled: true
- " I "
- "ICI"
- " I "
C: 54
I: 265
enabled: true
- " B "
- "GCG"
- " G "
C: 54
G: 266
B: 42
enabled: true
- "BCG"
C: 54
G: 41
B: 42
enabled: true
- " B "
- "GCG"
- " B "
C: 54
G: 41
B: 42
enabled: true
- " D "
- "GCG"
- " D "
C: 54
D: 57
G: 41

#The locked doors
#Level 1 : Basic Locked Door : 3 Cylinders
#Level 2 : Sturdy Locked Door : 4 Cylinders
#Level 3 : Strong Locked Door : 5 Cylinders
#Level 4 : Tough Locked Door : 6 Cylinders
#Level 5 : Fine Locked Door : 7 Cylinders
#Level 6 : Masterful Locked Door : Unpickable
#Make sure the itemID and blockID are the same type (e.g. acacia or iron)
#Recommended is Iron(Looks secure) or Dark Oak/Spruce(Fully opaque, Quick to mine)
itemID: 427
blockID: 193
#When the recipes are crafted, can all door wood types be used in place of a wooden door(id 324)?
createAllTypes: true
enabled: true
- "CI"
C: 324
I: 265
enabled: true
- " I "
- "ICI"
- " I "
C: 324
I: 265
enabled: true
- " B "
- "GCG"
- " G "
C: 324
G: 266
B: 42
enabled: true
- "BCG"
C: 324
G: 41
B: 42
enabled: true
- " B "
- "GCG"
- " B "
C: 324
G: 41
B: 42
enabled: true
- " D "
- "GCG"
- " D "
C: 324
D: 57
G: 41

# Trap Power Definitions:
# DAMAGE : How many hearts to take away
# EXPLOSIVE : The force of the explosion
# POSION : How many seconds poison should be applied
# FLAME : How many seconds fire should be applied
# BLINDNESS : How many seconds blindness should be applied
# SICK : How many seconds nausea should be applied
# REDSTONE : Changes nothing

#The traps
itemid: 318
#The damage doesn't change, ever. It is used in resource packs. The range is 0 to 1561 on a diamond sword, for example
itemdamage: 0
#Is the item unbreakable? Used in resource packs
#Notice that if you set unbreakable to true, the damage bar will not show on the item, but resource packs will still recognise the damage value
unbreakable: false
power: 4
maxUses: 5

#This unbreakable tag defines whether the trap will ever lose uses. Set to true if you want the trap to never run out of uses(good for adventure maps)
unbreakable: false

enabled: true
- "BRB"
B: 352
R: 331
power: 4
maxUses: 2
unbreakable: false
enabled: true
- "TRT"
T: 46
R: 331
power: 6
maxUses: 2
unbreakable: false
enabled: true
- "PRS"
P: 394
R: 331
S: 376
power: 5
maxUses: 2
unbreakable: false
enabled: true
- "CRC"
C: 385
R: 331
power: 6
maxUses: 2
unbreakable: false
enabled: true
- "CRG"
C: 263
R: 331
G: 348
power: 8
maxUses: 2
unbreakable: false
enabled: true
- " B "
- "FRC"
- " M "
B: 39
F: 367
R: 331
C: 365
M: 40
#Blocks above defines how many blocks up relative to the chest/door a redstone block will be placed(when redstone trap activated)
#Set negative values to place beneath
# e.g. if you place a locked chest next to 2 blocks under the chest, it will ring whenever the trap is activated
blocksAbove: -2

power: 1
maxUses: 1
unbreakable: true
enabled: false
- "RC"
R: 331
C: 137

debugDamage: false # Set this to true if you want to see the damage displayed on the item (Obviously set this to false when you have finished)

#Lockpick GUI configurable items/buttons
#What damage means - 0 means undamaged, 10 means damaged by 10, etc. use in resource packs
matID: 265 #The item id
damage: 0 #For resource packs
name: "§fLock Cylinder" # §f = white
matID: 42
damage: 0
name: " "
matID: 101
damage: 0
empty: #the blank spaces
name: " "
matID: 0
damage: 0

Most parts of the config are already explained with comments, but the recipes may need more detail.
Basically, you define the shape of the recipe, e.g.


which would be

in the config.

Then, you have to define what the letters mean, e.g. set I to Iron (which has id 265) and set C to Chest (which has id 54).

which would be

in the config

Then the recipe would be:

As of 1.4.4, you can change the data value of an item by added a comma then the data value. For example, if you wanted a diamond hoe of durability 5, use "X: 293,5". This could also be used to add specific wood types, such as birch or dark oak


Pick Locked Items comes with many permissions so you can customize everything. For example, you could make it so only VIPs can craft the Masterful Locked Chest.

If you have Vault, Pick Locked Items will use it for permissions. You can disable it by setting "vaultPermissions" to false in the config. Some permissions managers may not work without Vault.

The permissions:
Code (Text):

lockeditems.* - All permissions

lockeditems.lockedchest.* : All locked chest permissions
lockeditems.lockedchest.mineOwn : Permission to mine your own chest
lockeditems.lockedchest.mineOwnWithKey : Permission to mine your own chest if you are holding the correct key
lockeditems.lockedchest.mineOthersWithKey : Permission to mine other player's chests if you are holding the correct key
lockeditems.lockedchest.mineAll : Permission to mine every chest

lockeditems.lockedchest.openOwn : Permission to open your own chest
lockeditems.lockedchest.openOwnWithKey : Permission to open your own chest if you are holding the correct key
lockeditems.lockedchest.openOthersWithKey: Permission to open other player's chests if you are holding the correct key
lockeditems.lockedchest.openAll : Permission to open every chest

lockeditems.lockedchest.pick.* : All picking permisions
lockeditems.lockedchest.pick.1-6 : Permissions to pick locked chests of level 1-6
lockeditems.lockedchest.pick.override.* : All override permissions
lockeditems.lockedchest.pick.override.1-6 : Permissions to override picking for level 1-6
lockeditems.lockedchest.pickOwn.* : All pickOwn permissions
lockeditems.lockedchest.pickOwn.1-6 : Permission to pick your own chest of level 1-6

lockeditems.lockedchest.place.* : All place permissions
lockeditems.lockedchest.place.1-6 : Permission to place locked chest of level 1-6

lockeditems.lockedchest.createKeyOwnChest : Permission to create a key for your own chest
lockeditems.lockedchest.createKeyOthersChest : Permission to create a key for another player's chest

lockeditems.lockedchest.blockCreateOwnKeysAfterPick: Blocks creating keys after picking into your own chest
lockeditems.lockedchest.blockCreateOthersKeysAfterPick: Blocks creating keys after picking into your someone else's chest

lockeditems.lockedchest.bypasslimit: Permission to bypass chest limit
lockeditems.lockeddoor.* : All locked door permissions
lockeditems.lockeddoor.mineOwn : Permission to mine your own door
lockeditems.lockeddoor.mineOwnWithKey : Permission to mine your own door if you are holding the correct key
lockeditems.lockeddoor.mineOthersWithKey : Permission to mine other player's doors if you are holding the correct key
lockeditems.lockeddoor.mineAll : Permission to mine every door

lockeditems.lockeddoor.openOwn : Permission to open your own door
lockeditems.lockeddoor.openOwnWithKey : Permission to open your own door if you are holding the correct key
lockeditems.lockeddoor.openOthersWithKey: Permission to open other player's doors if you are holding the correct key
lockeditems.lockeddoor.openAll : Permission to open every door

lockeditems.lockeddoor.pick.* : All picking permisions
lockeditems.lockeddoor.pick.1-6 : Permissions to pick locked chests of level 1-6
lockeditems.lockeddoor.pick.override.* : All override permissions
lockeditems.lockeddoor.pick.override.1-6 : Permissions to override picking for level 1-6
lockeditems.lockeddoor.pickOwn.* : All pickOwn permissions
lockeditems.lockeddoor.pickOwn.1-6 : Permission to pick your own door of level 1-6

lockeditems.lockeddoor.place.* : All place permissions
lockeditems.lockeddoor.place.1-6 : Permission to place locked door of level 1-6

lockeditems.lockeddoor.createKeyOwnDoor : Permission to create a key for your own door
lockeditems.lockeddoor.createKeyOthersDoor : Permission to create a key for another player's door

lockeditems.lockeddoor.blockCreateOwnKeysAfterPick: Blocks creating keys after picking into your own door
lockeditems.lockeddoor.blockCreateOthersKeysAfterPick: Blocks creating keys after picking into your someone else's door

lockeditems.lockeddoor.bypasslimit: Permission to bypass door limit

lockeditems.cmd.* : All command permissions
lockeditems.cmd.see : Permission to use /lockeditems see command on self
lockeditems.cmd.see.others : Permission to use /lockeditems see command on all players
lockeditems.cmd.giveChest : Permission to use /lockeditems giveChest command on self
lockeditems.cmd.giveChest.others : Permission to use /lockeditems giveChest command on all players
lockeditems.cmd.giveDoor : Permission to use /lockeditems giveDoor command on self
lockeditems.cmd.giveDoor.others : Permission to use /lockeditems giveDoor command on all players
lockeditems.cmd.giveTrap : Permission to use /lockeditems giveTrap command on self
lockeditems.cmd.giveTrap.others : Permission to use /lockeditems giveTrap command on all players
lockeditems.cmd.giveKey : Permission to use /lockeditems giveKey command on self
lockeditems.cmd.giveKey.others : Permission to use /lockeditems giveKey command on all players
lockeditems.cmd.giveKeyRing : Permission to use /lockeditems giveKeyRing command on self
lockeditems.cmd.giveKeyRing.others: Permission to use /lockeditems giveKeyRing command on all players
lockeditems.cmd.giveLockPick : Permission to use /lockeditems giveLockPick command on self
lockeditems.cmd.giveLockPick.others : Permission to use /lockeditems giveLockPick command on all players

lockeditems.craft.* : All craft permissions
lockeditems.craft.lockedchest.* : All locked chest craft permissions
lockeditems.craft.lockedchest.1-6 : Permission to craft locked chest of level 1-6
lockeditems.craft.lockeddoor.* : All locked chest craft permissions
lockeditems.craft.lockeddoor.1-6 : Permission to craft locked chest of level 1-6

lockeditems.craft.keyring : Permission to craft a key ring
lockeditems.craft.lockpick : Permission to craft lockpick

lockeditems.keyring.open: Permission to open a key ring

Trap effects:
damage, explosive, poison, fire, blindness, nausea

lockeditems.trap.* : All trap permissions
lockeditems.trap.craft.* : All trap craft permissions
lockeditems.trap.craft.[effect] : Permission to craft trap of effect type [effect]
lockeditems.trap.evade.* : All trap evade permissions
lockeditems.trap.evade.[effect] : Permission to evade trap of effect type [effect]
lockeditems.trap.insert.* : All trap insert permissions
lockeditems.trap.insert.[effect] : Permission to insert trap of effect type [effect] into a trap slot

lockeditems.notifypick: Notify you when you have been lockpicked

Pick Locked Items 1.4.0 comes with a new lockeditems.recommended permission node. This is a much more simpler method to grant permissions, as you only need to add one.
Giving this permission to a player will grant them the following:
Code (Text):
No player will have any permissions unless configured, except OPs who have all permissions. I suggest giving "lockeditems.recommended" to all players as it is easy to set up.


To configure the messages/language, open the file at plugins/PickLockedItems/text.yml

You can set the text for each message, e.g. “info_opened” is set to “You opened a locked chest”.

The text.yml file supports colors, such as &a or &2


  1. Place the PickLockedItems-x.x.x.jar file in your plugins folder.
  2. Start your server and shut it down (or the plugin will not function correctly)
  3. (Optional) Edit the config.yml in plugins/PickLockedItems
  4. Start your server

Remember, PickLockedItems is not an addon to LockedItems, so you must remove LockedItems.jar(If you have it) before install PickLockedItems. When you switch from LockedItems to PickLockedItems, your LockedItems data will not convert.


Check out servers that use PickLockedItems!
PM me if you want to add yours


Der_Wisch, the creator of LoreLocks.

Pick Locked Items is inspired by LoreLocks and was created as an alternative because LoreLocks was buggy and development had ceased.


This plugin uses bStats
You can view Pick Locked Items stats here


By downloading this plugin, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
  • Do not distribute/re-post the plugin.
  • You can only use the plugin on one server/bungee network.
  • You may not decompile the plugin
  • Before attempting to refund the payment, message me on spigotmc.org first
  • If you do refund the payment, the plugin will no longer work on your server
  • These terms may change without your notice


If you find any bugs/issues, want help or have suggestions, please PM me or tell me in the discuss.

If you like the plugin, please leave a review
Don't post bugs in the reviews section!

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Can u update this plugin to 1.10.2 version?

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The ultimate lock picking plugin! Hundreds of features and HIGHLY configurable!
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