NOT CRACKED, FREE PLUGIN: EggWars Mini Game (Remastered) [Bungee, Highly Customizable]

FREE NOT CRACKED, FREE PLUGIN: EggWars Mini Game (Remastered) [Bungee, Highly Customizable] 5.4.1

Native Minecraft Version:1.19Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.16
  • 1.17
  • 1.18
  • 1.19
Contributors:gaelitoelquesito, BemvindoLanguages Supported:All supported; English and Spanish are included with the plugin
Note: This plugin was originally created by "gaelitoelquesito", but it later went discontinued and removed. The last original version is posted as "*EggWars* | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft" by "bemvindo". The plugin supported versions from 1.8 to 1.11.2.

However, I updated the plugin giving major changes to the code so now it works in versions from 1.16 to 1.19; a lot of bug fixes, improved customization, added items & health voting...

- Arenas:
Arenas (or simply Maps) are where the game takes place. Every arena has two minecraft worlds, one is stored on the arena folder (used for regenerating the arena world when game re-starts) and the other is stored at the root folder (this is the accessible world used on games).

- Teams:
Teams are very important for the game, and is required to have at least 2 on setup.
Actual teams are Red, Dark Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Orange, Dark Green, Light Blue, Pink, Gray, Cyan, Black, White, making a total for 13 teams.
On setup you can select the maximum number of players per team (at least one per team)
When waiting in arena, players can select their team.
When a player picks up or buys a colorable item such as Terracota, Glass or Armor (and more), said item will turn into the player's team color (if the case is Rainbow team, it will be randomly colored)
On gameplay, teammate players' tags are displayed in bold format, also the scoreboard displays your team name in bold.
- Kits:
When you are waiting in arena, you can select or buy kits to use them in game.
Last used kit is saved between games.
- Items & Health voting:
Players can vote when waiting for game the tier of items and max health:
Items have three tiers: "Hardcore", "Normal" and "Overpowered". If hardcore is selected players will not be able to regenerate health naturally.
Four types of max health: "Half", "Normal", "Double" and "Triple".

- Item Generators & Tokens:
Generators that generate tokens across the arena.

Spoiler: Generator Customization
Item generators are stored at "/root/plugins/EggWars/custom/generators.json", here's a guide if you want to make your own:
generators json.png

Spoiler: Token Customization
Token types are stored at "/root/plugins/EggWars/custom/tokens.json", here's a guide if you want to add your own:
tokens json.png

- EggWars shop:
Each team has a villager where players trade their ingots for gear.

Basic Commands:
/ew join <arena_name> - Join an already created arena
/ew lobby (also /leave or /eggwars:leave) - Leave the arena you are in and return to the lobby.
/ew forceStart <arena_name> - Forces the start of the specified arena (if no value provided, it will default to the arena you are in)
/ew randomJoin - Join a random arena (or map)

Advanced Commands:
/ews createArena <arena_name> - Creates an arena. From this point you will receive the instructions you need to follow to create this arena. Note that if you have a world which i'ts name collides with the arena's, it will use said world as the arena (but don't worry, it just will be copied to the arena folder!).

/ews toggleEditMode <arena_name> - You will be teleported to the specified arena and be able to make changes (like the createArena command).

You can customize a lot of features: kits, generators, tokens, trades (even arena specific trades!), languages (you can make your own), arenas... These are in .json format but the config.yml, and if you're not familiarized with it, you can use this online useful tool I found (
I plan to add the documentation section so you will see more clear what fields you can customize.
Here's the eggwars placeholders:
- %eggwars_arena%, the name of the arena the player is in, returns empty string if none
- %eggwars_team%, namespaced id of the eggwars team the player is in, returns empty string if none
- %eggwars_<type*>_kills%, number of kills that the player made
- %eggwars_<type*>_wins%,number of games won by the player
- %eggwars_<type*>_deaths%, number of times that the player died
- %eggwars_<type*>_eggs_broken%, number of eggs broken by the player
- %eggwars_<type*>_eliminations%, number of final kills the player has performed
- %eggwars_<type*>_games_played%, number of games that the player played (every time is released from cage)
- %eggwars_<type*>_time_played%, time in all days, hours, minutes and seconds of the time the player has spent on games
- %eggwars_<type*>_games_played%, number of games that the player played (every time is released from cage)
- There are also extra stats for blocks
- %eggwars_<type*>_blocks_placed%
- %eggwars_<type*>_blocks_broken%
- %eggwars_<type*>_blocks_walked%

* Type
means that it can be these stat types: stat_<team;solo> (if it's a stat from solo or team arenas), or stat_ingame (if it's a stat gathered from the current game the player is playing), or stat_total (if it's a stat wich is the sum of solo and team)
Report Bugs:
You can report remaining bugs on my profile, so I will gradually fix them in updates.

We all love updates (even me!), so I will update the plugin occasionally (if minecraft updates, you will get one for sure!). Currently this plugin only supports correctly the latest minecraft versions.
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