☑️ MinemanClub AntiCheat ☑️

FREE ☑️ MinemanClub AntiCheat ☑️ 2018-04-12

U litteraly downloaded this from TENE and uploaded it LMFAO
give core and i give you 5 star
This is the old one without the core. Its pretty easy to get all of there server files
Link dosen't work
This is an older version of what I have and if you don't have their custom core plugin and custom paperspigot it won't work for shit nice try tho, i bought it from one of their higher up staff lol
plugin needed missing plugin
It can't work because the plugin need another plugin named "Core" if you leak it i'll put 5 stars (error: http://prntscr.com/j4ubtt )
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    J @ jeeshen: i am vip but i cant download vip resources