HeadHunter RPG System

 HeadHunter RPG System 2.0.20

- Fixed an issue when you try to wear a mask by right clicking it.

- Fixed a few issues with the placeholders for the percentage of the level/xp of the player.
You can use:
  • %HeadHunter_LevelPercent%
  • %HeadHunter_XPPercent%
- Now you can reset the player's xp when they level up. The parameter in the config file is: "RESET_XP_ON_LEVEL_UP".

- Fixed a problem with silverfish mask effect. The 3x3 pick is working fine again.

- Fixed a grammatical error.

- Updated the api for NBT.

- Removed deprecated code.

- Added support for the SilkSpawner plugin of @CandC_9_12
If you're using his plugin, set "UseSilkSpawnersOriginal" to false in the config.

Important: if you're using Spigot 1.11, update to 1.11.2 and if you're using Spigot 1.12, update to 1.12.2
- Removed a debug message that I left forgotten
- Fixed a chance issue when you had SKULL_NEED_SAMELEVEL set to false.
- Fixed a bug where mobs dropped 1x more skull.

- Fixed a bug with the paramether ALLOW_SELL_ANY_UNLOCKED_MOB
Now it doesn't allow sell heads if you don't have enough level to sell and its false. Otherwise it will allow you to sell it.
- Added a new paramether:

This allow you to give or not xp when a player sell a not unlocked skull when ALLOW_SELL_ANY_UNLOCKED_MOB is set to true.
- Added new placeholders to show the percent of the current level and xp.

- Now Mask skulls act as a helmet, if you have a mask in your inventory and you right click it, it will go directly to your helmet slot if it's empty.

- Fixed the description of the command /hh skull

- Now the command /hh stats is configurable via the Lang.yml file.
- Fixed an issue with WildStacker
- Now you can use this

in the lang to separate lines in the code to make multiple lines. It doesnt work in everything for now only for the heads lore.

'&aWorth: &e%money%$, &a+ &e%xp% XP /n&9Level:&e %level%'
will be shown as:

- Changed this lang section:
Skull_Worth_Lore: '&aWorth: &e%money%$, &a+ &e%xp% XP'
Heads_Sold_Lore: '&eSold: &5%amount%'
Heads_Current: '&eCurrent:...
- Fixed some things in the Mask engine system.

- Added a command for set or add maxium health to the players. This works along with the ExtraHeartEffect.

/hh health
/hh health add [player] <amount>
/hh health set [player] <amount>

- Added a command for give mob skulls to the players.

/hh skull [Player] <type> <amount>
- EpicSpawner compatibility is fixed.
If you're using 1.8 - 1.12 builds you should set:
to true in the config instance.
- I changed how this parameter works:
Code (Text):

The old behaviour was to not allow you to sell the head, but by doing this I was making it impossible to collect heads to build masks which is a bad thing.

Now it will allow you to sell the head and get it's money worth, but it won't give you the xp.
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