GWEN AntiCheat Remaked!

GWEN AntiCheat Remaked! Comeback - Updated

I hope i bring back the animation when i fix it. Thank you
Well i finally release an early copy of the ban animation. Dont hate my because this is an early copy and dont give me bad reviews because you dont see the guardians. I am working on them. I added the explotion from the ban animation and when you get banned for combat hacks. Well thats the changelog for now.
Dont expect mutch changed i finished the new update with some false positives. Now it has less bypasses and no console errors.
Ive finished everything including checks and added some that GWEN does not have. There is a ney file called GWENApi thats the plugin to enable the extra checks and the movement checks. I higly sugest you to not touch anything because you might break it. Id like you to make Rate and say "I Downloader" and you might be the One that i am giving the KnightFall AntiCheat. Also if someone knows a plugin that can do the hard job for me and add a ban check that would be really cool. If you want to costumize anything from my anticheat feel free to PM me and i would be Happy to help you. Also i want to give a shoutout to a guy that helped me to fined the updated PAC (giorgosgr1). Also i removed the old feature that took 50 hits for the killaura to get detected. Now its about 2-3 hits! I changed the Combat and the Movement hacks color notification so it would be easyer for you to understand quickly what the hacker is using. If you support me i might give you the REAL gwen (From accuall mineplex).

-Improved KillAura Check
-Adder better movement Checks
-Fixed Bugs
-Adder even more combat checks.
-Added banwave


- Aimbot
- BowAimbot
- ClickAimbot
- FastBow
- FightBot
- KillAura
- AntiKnockback

- Tracers
- Radar

- InfiniteJump / AirWalk
- Blink
- Flight
- CreativeFly
- HighJump
- Speed
- Headroll
- Spider
- Sneak


- FastPlace
- Regen
- NoFall
- GhostHand
- MoreInventory

- Nuker
- Timer
Well ive been developing the banwave plugin and i am about to release the Animation. The Banwave Ban message is NOT costumisable but you can configure the message when the banwave is executed. If you want a costume ban message in the banwave feel free to PM me. Also some of you PMed me and told me that the GWEN ban for the killaura takes some time so it takes 50 hits to ban you and add you into the banwave. If you want ti ban like bore go to -Config -KillAura and change the 50 to 3. Thanks for rating my project and supporting me.

To Do List:
-Add banwave (Finished)
-Add Animation (All most there)
-Add SitePanel (All Most Finished)
Ive recoded my wotk its 100% new! go ahead :D
Added Bungeecord support. Fixed bugs with the angle check and also fixed some notifing. Now the plugin notifies in every bungeecord server.

-Drug the MAC and the GWEN jar files into the plugins folder NOT BUNGEECORD
-Make sure that you have ProtocolLib for less lag
-Restart And BOOM you have the mineplex anticheat installed (Network Banned xD)
-If you dont have bungeecord ill be providing with a beautiful ncp config for normal servers
-If you already have NCP delete it from all servers

-Supprt Me and report for bugs!
- No Lag
-BanManager Friendly
- ProtocolLib Is A Soft Depend
- Fixed the Aura Check (More Like GWEN)
Do To List:
-Add NCP Config
- Add Bungee Support
- Add Ban Alert!
Ive updated the GWEN remake because of some issuse and i am glad they got patch thanks you and have a good day.
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