GWEN AntiCheat Remaked!

GWEN AntiCheat Remaked! Comeback - Updated

Amazing anti cheat! I use it for my network and detects hackers within seconds and bans them! I would like to know what's the permission to get GWEN notifications so i dont have to be op to get them?
Hey There you dont have to op them. I havent changed the permissions for the plugin for easier use! I can help you if u want PM me the server IP!
Amazing plugin!
Do you have an exact release date of the ban animation!
really looking forward to it!
The GWEN Animation is ready but i dont want it with guardians. Because someone might wana use this as a normal antihack
This is awesme.I'm Creating CrackPlex,and your plugin will be in it,I'll give you credit for this.
add me on skype if you want: [email protected]
I added you. Also if you are going to use this in a big server i can give you a version 1 build later with the ban animation. Also added you in skypemy name is leontss1
Awesome! :D but not work on 1.8 ;(
Its suppose to be working on 1.8! If you get an error its ither your server setup or you are not using ProtocolLib or you are not using spigot
Very good remake plugins also is the ban animation in build 11 or do we have to wait for B12?
nice but can i use it for 1.8?
Yes its 1.7x 1.8x 1.9x 1.10x
Very good plugin i hope you gonna update it very soon!
very awesomeeee
Excellent work! <3
But i have something to ask, it bans players that are lagging.
Thats not possible i dont have ANY movement checks in this. MAC only gets speed and fly check so edit the config from Mineplexanticheat.jar
Author How Do You Get Banned Im Trying Too Tesr It But I Won't Get Banned?
If you have an error PM me and i will help you with it!
Excellent plugin works perfectly!
But are there the animations when you get banned and when the guardians are stalking you?
No there isnt because the animation got removed from the actual mineplex also i dont want to add the animation because someone might want to use it like like an other anticheat! If you are using this to a server give the IP to me so i can advertise it.
BEST ANTICHEAT PLUGIN It Needs More than 5 stars!
Thanks for the support!
good plugin!!! is it supporting ban animation now?
I am working on it.
"I DOAWNLOADER" This plugin is amazing it is the best anti cheat that is free!
Thanks Man :)
"I DOAWNLOADER" Just awesome this plugin is beast
DO the WatchDog Anticheat :)
I downloaded and thanks for the update. It be funny if Mineplex wanted to use this plugin.
I downloaded it and it works great, no bugs or anything from what I have done testing it. Great Job!!!
Thanks for the review!
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