EzQueue [Multi Lobby] [Bungee] [Server Priority Queue]

 EzQueue [Multi Lobby] [Bungee] [Server Priority Queue] 2.1.6

EzQueue [Multi Lobby] [Bungee] [Server Priority Queue]
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
EzQueue - Multi Lobby w/ Donator Priority

I currently don't have the time to upkeep this plugin. Once I find time, I'll be sure to fix any issues with the current spigot builds. Until then, support will be minimal.

This version of EzQueue is completely recoded from the original. This version will require you to delete your config.yml and resetup server, ranks and signs. In this version you can actually setup your own ranks, so the old permission system isn't used. If you wish to keep the previous version that is fine, but you will need to contact me privately about bug fixes for it. Please refer to the setup section of the page for setup instructions.

This plugin is a first come first serve queue plugin that allows you to give your donators priority over others. It supports multiple lobbies, and also features a Queue Info sign so you can display how many donators are in front of the normal players in the queue. Players can enter the queue via /play or sign if setup.

  • Wait-list queue with first-come first-server capabilities
  • Give your donators priority over other players so they get into the server faster (great for HCF servers)
  • Supports multiple lobbies
  • Configurable server limits
  • Configurable send delay (to prevent flooding). For example, if you're a HCF server and have a SOTW, players will be sent one at a time with a delay between each send to prevent lag.
  • Queue Signs
  • Queue Info Signs
  • Commands to pause and unpause the queue (for maintenance mode)
  • Great for Hardcore Faction servers
  • EULA friendly


Bungee Configuration:
Code (Text):

# Change the server names under 'servers' to the same names in your bungee config.
# Only add servers below if you want them to have a queue to join.
# The limit is the amount of players you want to allow on that server before they are put into a queue. You can set the limit to -1 for unlimited.
# The send delay is the delay between sending players to the server in seconds (decimals are accepted)
# Use '/play <server>' to be put into the queue if the server is full.

limit: 10
send-delay: 0
limit: 20
send-delay: 0

# These are the servers with the EzQueueClient on them. This would usually be all your lobby servers
- lobby
- lobby1

# Lower the priority number, they get further to the front of the queue.
# For example, if player One is already in the queue with 5 priority, then player Two joins the queue
# with a priority of 1, player Two will be put in front of player One in the queue.
permission: "ezq.rank1"
priority: 1
permission: "ezq.rank2"
priority: 2
permission: "ezq.rank3"
priority: 3

join-message: "&dYou are position &e#%position% &din the &e%server% &dqueue."
leave-message: "&dYou have left the &e%server% &dqueue."
move-up-message: "&dYou are position &e#%position% &dout of &e%outof% &din the &e%server% &dqueue."
move-down-message: "&dSomeone with &ehigher priority &dhas joined the &e%server% &dqueue. You are now position &e#%position% &d out of &e%outof% &din the queue."
already-in-message: "&dYou are already in the &e%server% &dqueue! You are position &e#%position% &dout of &e%outof%&d."
available-queues-message: "&cAvailable servers: %servers%"
invalid-queue-message: "&cThat's not a valid server! Available servers: %servers%"
already-connected-message: "&cYou're already connected to that server!"
not-in-queue-message: "&cYou aren't in a queue!"
pause-queue-message: "&dQueue for &e%server% &dhas been paused!"
unpause-queue-message: "&dQueue for &e%server% &dhas been unpaused!"

# The interval in seconds that all players in a queue will be updated on their queue position (decimals are accepted)
send-position-message-interval: 10
# Enabling this will update every player on their new position if they move up or down.
send-position-move-message: false
  • Servers need to match the names in your Bungee config
  • Lobbies need to match the names in your Bungee config
  • To make your own ranks, simply replace rank1, rank2, etc with your own rank. Make sure to update the permission node as well. Lower the priority number, they get further to the front of the queue.
  • Limit is the amount of players allowed on the server at one time
  • Send delay is the delay between sending players to the server

Spigot Configuration:
Code (Text):

# This is the sign players see when they aren't in the queue.
line1: "%server% Queue"
line2: "&a%online%&f/&a%limit%"
line3: "&dClick to join"
line4: "&dthe queue!"

# This is the sign that shows how many of each rank is in the queue.
line1: "Queue Info"
line2: "Rank1: %rank1%"
line3: "Rank2: %rank2%"
line4: "Rank3: %rank3%"

# This is the message you will be shown if you right click an info sign
info-sign-message: "&dYou can donate for higher queue priority at &ewww.yourshop.com&d!"

queue-sign-locations: {}
info-sign-locations: {}
  • Make sure your ranks match those in the bungee EzQueue config
  • /play <server>
  • /ezqueue createjoinsign/createinfosign <server> (perm: ezqueue.create)

Bungee Commands:
  • /queue
  • /leavequeue
  • /pausequeue <queue> (perm: ezq.pausequeue)
  • /unpausequeue <queue> (perm: ezq.pausequeue)
  • /setlimit <queue> <amount> (perm: ezq.setlimit)

  • ezq.create - Create signs
  • ezq.bypass - Bypass the queue entirely
  • ezq.pausequeue - Pause and unpause queues
  • ezq.setlimit - Set the limit of a queue on the fly

Featured Servers: (Contact me to be added)
  • lotuspvp.com

Latest reviews

I setup the config nicely and i add the 1 plugin to bungee and the other to lobby and restart and then i tried to /play <server> or /server <server> but i was not added to the queue but the commands working fine i have set the limit 0 -1 1 5 nothing changed can someone help me to solve this?
Using on my own server. works fine
New Version Pls!

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