♣ ChatControl Pro

SpigotVIP ♣ ChatControl Pro 7.0.32

♣ ChatControl Pro
It was to say, that I cracked the plugin, and in case if it started to stop working, I would like you to let me know. Thank you guys who give me "Follow Me" and "Rating". Please have fun with this plugin!

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11




[!] Support Announcement [!]
Due to stay in the outland support cannot be given in the period from 5th to 11th December.
2. I am having an exam period in the Week 50. Please expect the respond delay to be increased to a few days.
Thank you for your understanding.

Fully supporting powerful regular expressions allows to significantly reduce amount of spam, caps, ads, swearing and even bots on your server.

While beginners will appreciate ability to create rules ingame and richly commented configuration files with examples, advanced users engage the power of regular expressions, and can write their own JavaScript scripts or use ChatControl's Reflections to create own variables or events. JSON fully supported in messages.
But it offers so much more!

Issue Tracker | Wiki

AntiBot. Set a delay between players logging in again. Block chat until the player has moved. Only show quit message if player was logged in (AuthMe). Prevent vulgar or -Redacted- nicknames.

AntiCAPS. Advanced configuration including white-list, message length, percentage, caps in a row and an option to ignore usernames of players online. Supports Points.

Advanced AntiSpam. Set delay between messages and commands, block similar messages/commands. Also blocks two repetitive messages (hello, t, hello, t). An option to ignore non alphabetical characters and diacritical marks (for non english servers) and a white-list with regular expressions support. Disable 'disconnect.spam' kicking by permission. Supports Points.

Chat Formatter. Supports ranged mode, chat per world, linked chats in several worlds, spy mode for staff, admin chat and global bungee chat. Supports Variables.

a) Static format: Use regular Bukkit API to format the chat, for older Minecraft versions.
b) Interactive f.: Create interactive messages with hover and click events using chat components (no JSON knowledgeneeded). Advanced configuration. Displaying can depend on sender's permission. Infinite amount of chat parts. Requires Spigot 1.7.10 or greater.

Channels: Define your chatting rooms. Save or log the messages. Json and interactive formatter is supported. Ranged mode, spy mode for staff and support for BungeeCoords. Assign channel to player on join depending on their permission.

Grammar: Automatic inserting of dots & capitalizing chat messages. Configurable message length.

Messages. Customize join/quit/kick and death messages. Supports conditions for different messages per world, permission, gamemode, killer, JavaScript condition and more. An option to only show quit message if player is logged (via AuthMe).

Private Messages. Issue a private message to other player only they can see. Reply to the last received message. Supports interactive json formatting and notify sound. Bungee support and other features is planned. Social spy for administrators to watch conversations.

Timed Messages: Advanced message broadcaster with parameters, global and per world messages. Three modes (chronological, random, random with cache). Set both prefix and suffix (can be multi-line).
- includeFrom <worldName> (Will include all messages from the specified world.)
- excludeGlobal (World with this parameter will not receive any global messages.)

Packet Features.
NOTICE: Requires ProtocolLib.

Tab-Complete Manager. Prevent revealing your server configuration by disabling tab completion. An option to disable only in commands, to only allow if the message contains a white-space or to set a minimum message length.

Message Replacer. Catch and control every message, also from internal server messages (from Spigot) to any other plugins' messages. (see Packet Rules)

Rules (supplies anti-swear, anti-ad, etc...). Create your own rules using regular expressions to deal with certain messages (or parts of them! Standard rules include over 19 operators, including ignoring players or modifying messages. Use handlers to manage multiple rules and prevent repetitive code.
Rules can be used to:
  • Curse/swear word filtering. (By default, over 48 curse words are blocked!)
  • IP/URL advertisements blocking
  • Filtering spam, repetitive characters
  • Blocking unicode / non-english messages
  • Typo/slang correction
  • Command aliases
  • Utility commands/messages
  • Fun message replacements
  • Send commands to BungeeCords
  • ...rules are entirely up to you, and the possibilities are endless!

TIP: Use inbuilt command to easily add new rules! See Commands section.
TIP2: Operators support regex capturing groups, allowing you to reuse parts of the catched message.

Standard Rules. Support chat, commands, signs, books and items edited on anvil.
Packet rules: Catch and modify any plugin or server message. Rewrite or cancel them. Option to rewrite one message differently over multiple worlds, along with more than 6 other operators.

Rules' ChatIgnorer: Let players to choose which messages (caught be a rule) they want/do not want to see. This can be used for example to allow players decide if they will see swear words, and hide them for those who do not wish to see them.

Console Filter. Remove unwanted messages from the console.

Signs. Prevent placing multiple signs with same text. Standard rules apply also for signs.

Sound Notify. Play a sound to player when they receive a private message (/tell, /msg, /r) or in other defined command. An option to alert only players afk (via Essentials) or to alert players only prefixed with specified character (e.g. "@"). Customizable sound, volume and pitch.

TIP: To allocate a player into a group, give them "chatcontrol.group.<group>" permission (replace <group> with the group name).

Create infinite amount of groups where players with specified permission will have different settings, e.g. join/quit/kick messages, chat/command delay, et cetera.

It is impossible to hook into all plugins and fetch their properties, such as which Town the player is in, what Nation etc. That is why I decided to create a new, unique variable system which allows you can create your own variables!

This is a exclusive feature in ChatControl, that allows you to get any variable from any other plugin or even server itself, such as player's ping (without NMS access) or other properties. You use JavaScript to fetch any variable to your likings, and, possibly, modify it.
There are example files to be found with documentation, so it should be easy to learn from the examples.

Warn & Point System.
An excessive warning point system with actions to be executed when players reach certain amount of points. Includes a reset task which will subtract some points upon certain time (configurable). An option to repeat last action until the reset task gets scheduled and smart warnings to prevent multiple messages to be sent to the player.

Create infinite amount of warning sets specifying points level to trigger and actions to execute. Give points to different warning sets independently from different parts of the plugin.

Writer. Save chat communication to file. An option to also specify which commands will be saved and a whitelist of excluded players.

Miscellaneous Features:
- Set minimum players online to enable checks (chat/commands).
- Control if operators automatically have access and bypasses.
- Measure plugin's operations and print a warning if they take too long.
- Verbosing rules. If a message is caught by a rule, log it in the console.
- User-friendly debug allowing you to understand how plugin sees what you have configured and thus enabling you to fix own errors easily.



BungeeCords is supported! The only thing you need is to allow it in settings.yml by settings 'BungeeCords.Enabled' to 'true' and installing BungeeControlBridge on your network.

Please do not put ChatControl on the bungee server, it is a bukkit plugin. The only thing you need to put on the bungee is BungeeControlBridge.

Current bungee integration features:
  • Alert messages from rules and handlers over all servers.
  • Admin chat with '/chc ach' and global chat with '/chc global'.
  • Execute commands on bungee with the 'then bungeeconsole' operator in rules and handlers. Supports multiple commands.
  • Chat channels.
  • Private messages including '/tell' and '/reply'.
  • Join, quit, kick and death messages.
  • Messages when player joins or leaves the network, or switches between servers.
ChatControl speaks your language! Current available localizations:
- English (en)
- German (de)
- Slovak (sk) + exclusive cases support (pády)
- Czech (cz) + exclusive cases support (pády)
- Spanish (es)
- Chinese (cn)
- Dutch (nl)
- Hungarian (hu)
- Portugese (pt)

NOTICE: To customize a localization, create a file in "plugins/ChatControl/localization/messages_<locale>.yml" and reload the plugin. (replace <locale> with name of the localization from brackets above) The file will also be kept up to date with newer versions.

TIP: It is now possible to create custom localization even if plugin does not have it. The illustrated tutorial is found here.

If you make a localization, it would be appreciated if you send it to me via a PM. Thanks!

JSON messages are fully supported. Everywhere.
The message automatically loses json when sent to console. Color codes with & are still supported in json messages.

TIP: Use http://minecraftjson.com for easy creation.

Two examples of sending JSON in .yml files (the second is recommended):
Code (Text):
Message: '[JSON] {"text": "Hello World"}'

Example_Message: |-
["",{"text":"Hello World","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"This is a test!"}]}}}]

An example of sending JSON in rules:
Code (Text):
match fuck
then console tellraw {player} {"text":"Bad manners!"}

The possibilities are endless. Engage the power of regular expressions, Java's Reflections or JavaScript to create unlimited amount of rules, variables or events.

API Developers can now take advantage of the following class for working with players' channels: me.kangarko.chatcontrol.api.ChannelAPI
The event 'ChatChannelEvent' allows you to modify the message, format, recipients, or get information regarding the channel or even cancel the message before it's sent out.

Smart Configuration. Settings file and localization warn you and repair themselves from an incorrect value (e.g. a text instead of a number) and will be automatically upgraded upon next versions.

NOTICE: When configuration updates, all YAML comments (#) are lost. This is due to how Bukkit handles the saving. If you need reference values and comments, open the plugin JAR file and see the files.

Stable. ChatControl has been around here since 2013, the features has been tested on a production server and can be considered stable.

Lightweight & Safe. ChatControl is efficient and has low CPU / RAM usage, updater runs asynchronously to prevent server freeze and regular expressions are checked to prevent malformed regex running into an infinite loop and freezing the server.


NOTICE: Clear and mute commands supports arguments silent (-s), which prevents sending any message about the action, and anonymous (-a), which will hide the player who did clear or mute the chat.

[] = optional arguments (use only one at once, or one plus reason)
<> = required arguments

TIP: The short variant for "/chatcontrol" is "/chc" and for "/channel" is "/ch".

ChatControl Commands

Private Messaging Commands

TIP: You can disable those commands easily in config and the ones from server or any other plugin.

Command: /tell <player> <message>
Description: Issue a private message to another player that only they can see.

: /reply <message>
Description: Reply to the last received private message.

: /spy
Description: Toggle spying on others' commands. Used to watch private messages, but it is possible to add any command to the watch-list. Bungee supported.
Channels Commands

Chat Formatter
The {channel} is the name of the channel.
Note 2: You need to give players basic permission chatcontrol.channel.{channel} to be able to see the channel in tab completer and command list.


Minimum Requirements:
- Java 7 or newer
- Craftbukkit or Spigot 1.4.7 or newer (derivatives such PaperSpigot and (K)Cauldron were reported to work but are officially unsupported)

Note: Plugin uses reflection and tends not to break on next game releases, but there are two caveacts on Craftbukkits older then 1.7x: 1) Reloading by /reload might lead to crash if console filter is enabled. 2) ProtocolLib is required start the plugin.

You are allowed to buy this plugin only if you have:
Finished reading this page and understood its content. Do not make a blind purchase.
2) Acknowledged known cave acts and bugs. Please respect that the plugin is not perfect. Although it will work by drag & dropmethod, the settings are just examplex and you are highly encouraged to review them and adjust to your needs.
3) Agreed with Terms of Service.
Thank you. I wish you the best experience using this plugin.


§1 I retain all rights and do not permit distribution, reproduction, or derivative works.
§2 The software is provided as it is, without any warranties on its functionality nor customer support.
§3 Refunds/chargebacks are prohibited, as one does not have a right to get a refund for such digital item as it has been used.
§4 One purchase is valid for one Minecraft server.
§5 You may edit the source code as long as they are private changes, but you may not use the code in any other plugin. No support will be given to modified versions.
§6 You may not change the plugin to where it is unidentifiable within the game.
§7 I only give support on this forum and to the free version on GitHub. Be aware of fraud attempts.
§8 I can't physicaly prevent you from putting the plugin on the internet, but you may receive a significant amount of stress from legal issues and it's scientifically proven that stress shorten one's life and causes heart attack.

Third party rules
If you have created rules that you think might be found useful for many, PM me and they will be posted here. We provide NO warranty on their functionality, effectiveness or false catches.

Author: ridalarry
Description: A compilation of swear and miscelaneous rules.
Link: http://pastebin.com/7gd9U2Dv [last update 21.03.2016]

Optional dependencies

REMINDER: If the other plugin changes, it will broke. We provide NO warranty on third party's functionality. Please do not blame ChatControl for bugs in such plugins.
  • BungeeControlBridge for bungee integration.
  • ProtocolLib for custom rules in packet.txt file and preventing tab complete.
  • Essentials for detecting afk players.
  • Vault for chat formatter and taking money players in "then fine" operator in custom rules.
  • Multiverse-Core for coloured world alias in chat formatter.
  • Towny for {nation} and {town} variables in chat formatter.
  • SimpleClans for {clan} variable in chat formatter.
  • AuthMe Reloaded for {countryname} and {countrycode} variables in chat formatter and join/kick/quit messages.
  • PlaceholderAPI for third party placeholders. List is found here. There is no warranty on their functionality.
  • Factions for {faction} placeholder.
    • NB! You need PlaceholderAPI for the premium version.
    • If you are experiencing issues with chat formatter or checker, set Listener_Priority.Checker to LOWEST in settings.yml.
  • Nicky for getting the player's {nick}
  • NoCheatPlus (not a dependency, but recommended) provides advanced support also against many types of chat spam.
Why premium?

ChatControl has been free and open source for years. Despite being the most downloaded plugin on Spigot, very few donations (last in 2013) and praise have come in over the years. The decision to put it premium wasn't made lightly. I hope that putting a low price will make this plugin affordable for most people, while motivating me and enabling to cover costs of the countless hours of coding and giving support.

What about the support?
As some of you have noticed, I am not available everyday. Despite putting this premium, I still have to attend school and do the same everyday things. That is to say, please respect that sometimes I am not able to give support within 24 hours. Keep in mind that I am NOT obliged to give any support as I provide the plugin without any warranties.
However, I will try to do my best and come at least once a day to check the forums and answer (mostly afternoon; as my timezone is UTC +1).

How to configure?
This plugin might seems hard to configure at first, especially if you are not familiar with regular expressions or simply don't like extensive configurations. I personally recommend going through all the files created in the plugin's folder - they contain comments and examples which can help you out. If you still struggle with anything, feel free to PM me, but please take your time to read through the files, this page and ChatControl's Wiki on Github first.

Can I upgrade from the free version?
Yes, but you need to be on the latest free version. All settings will be updated automatically, except for the variables, which are to be upgraded manually as described here. It is highly advised to make a backup of the entire ChatControl's folder.

What are the planned features? (+ priority)
Developer road-map with planned features is found on GitHub.

Further questions, tips and advices are found in the Wiki.

♥ Enjoyed? Write me a ☆☆☆☆☆ review! It's that simple!



Thank You for not asking for support in the reviews section.

Issue Tracker | Wiki | Discussion

Latest updates

  1. HOT FIX! Link fixed!

    Hey guys, I´m so sorry! Please pardon me who waited to much! Please, i was tried all methods for...
  2. Link Fixed! Download working now!

    Hey guys, sorry, now i fixed the link of download! Its working now!
  3. Plugin FULLY CRACKED!

    Hey guys, now the plugin is TOTALLY CRACKED! Thanks you guys for support me and thanks to BSMC...

Latest reviews

Please fix the download link. Thanks
Thank you very much, and update it please ♥
link fix pls
Link doesn't work mate...
Link not work!!!
Not working, error: http://pastebin.com/y2fwa1CQ. Latest spigot
Nice bro, how i see this? If this is private? Please remove the private for fix! Thank you.
Great work mate
Thanks you man so much for the rating!
Works like charm now tnx
Thanks you so much for your Rating!
Thanks so much for the share!
It works now :)
Great guy fixed it right away! :)))
Thanks you so much man for the rating!
Not working bro, disabled due to a piracy
Okay thanks you so much. I promise i will fix, in 17 hours of Portugal, please follow me, for receive new resources and updates. Thanks you so much.

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