Characters - Roleplay Essentials

 Characters - Roleplay Essentials

Characters - Roleplay Essentials
Characters Support Channel

If you have a Medieval Fantasy Role-play that includes Magic, Deities, Vampires or the sorts, feel free to shot me a message and I will check it out. (Greek Mythology Servers are also included in the Search)

Server List

Bringing the Freedom and Power back to Minecraft Roleplay with a Multitude of Features.

Characters began as a simple idea, to bring character cards to Minecraft, a common feature of many RP/RPG servers within Minecraft, however, there are few and far between plugins which handle this, so I made my own and it is now used by multiple different types of Servers!

Characters now is a project to evolve and lean to the needs of its users which are a key part of its development.

Placeholders - They also work in the Config.yml so if you want to use them there, you can.

%characters_<field>% - will return the value if listed under the placeholder fields.
%characters_<attribute>% - will return attribute value.
%characters_<stats>% - will return stats value.
%characters_travel_travel% - returns the current travel method.
%characters_karma_rank% returns the current characters karma rank.
%characters_karma_amount% returns the current characters karma amount.
%characters_levels_level% returns the current characters level.
%characters_levels_exp% returns the current characters exp.
%characters_levels_points% returns the current characters points.
%characters_races-classes_class% returns the current characters class.
%characters_races-classes_race% returns the current characters race.

  • Character Card
    • Allows for any field of your choosing, requiring configuration.
    • Allows for fixed values for fields, through configuration
    • Allows for permission fixed values so only people with permissions can enter the specific fixed values.
    • Allows for checking of your own character sheet or others (while they are online).
    • Allowing for Staff to edit others character cards.
    • Configurable Character Card limit and generation (To your heart's desire)
    • Right Click or Shift-Right Click to show Character Card
    • Fields can only be entered with Colour if Permission is Given
  • Rolling (Toggle-able)
    • Allows for configurable rolls (1d1 +/- x to xdx +/- x)
    • Allows for toggling between Simple (Prints result on the same line as roll) and Advanced (Prints each result individually and then Total)
    • Allows for configurable chat range
    • /roll [Mod/Stat/Dice] or /roll [Dice] [Mod/Stat]
  • Stats (Toggle-able)
    • Races and Classes
    • Configurable Stats
    • Included in Rolls when Enabled and Setup!
  • Travel (Toggle-able)
    • Allows for alteration of movement speed for RP
    • Allows for configuration of movement speeds to fit your needs as well as how many methods there are.
  • Attributes (Toggle-able)
    • Allows for Hitpoints, Stamina, Mana and More!
    • Allows for Values to be Altered (it will be displayed in the chat range that rolls uses).
  • Levels (Toggle-able)
    • Allows for a set amount of levels
    • Allows for exp per level
    • Allows for points per level allocated
Code (YAML):
&6/char help - shows the help command
&f/char <field> <value> - sets field to the value specified
&6/char show <player/card> <card> - shows a players/own character card
&f/char reset <player> - resets a players/own character card
&6/char select <Race/Class> - selects a race and/or class for a player
&f/char reload - allows for reloading of plugin config
&6/char slot - allows for changing of character card
&f/char <field> set <player> <value> - allows for changing of fields on others character cards.
&6/levels <player> - display levels, experience and points of player/own
&f/levels stats <player> - displays stats, race and class of player/own
&6/levels <player> <value> - adds/subtracts experience of player
&f/roll <ndx/stat/mod> <stat/mod> - rolls a dice with specified values
&6/travel <player> - allows for viewing of other players/own travel method
&f/travel <player/value> <value> - allows for changing the method of other players/own travel
&6/karma <player> - display rank and karma of other players/own
&f/karma <player> <value> - adds/subtracts to karma of player
&6/attribute <player> - display attribute values of player/own
&f/attribute <attribute> <value> - adds/subtracts to attribute of player
&6/attribute <attribute> set <player> <value> - allows to alter other players attribute
Code (YAML):
# General
login-create: true
characters-max: 2

# Modules
travel-enabled: true
karma-enabled: true
attribute-enabled: true
levels-enabled: true
races-classes-enabled: true
roll-enabled: true

# Roll
die-default: 1
die-max: 20
side-default: 20
side-max: 100
mod-max: 100
rolling-advanced: false
rolling-range: 30
name-field: Name

# Travel
set-speed-join: true
travel-default-speed: 2
travel-default-name: Walk
- Sneak:1
- Walk:2
- Sprint:3

# Karma
karma-default-amount: 0
karma-min-amount: -100
karma-max-amount: 100
- Outlaw:-50
- Settler:0
- Sheriff:50

# Level
level-default: 1
- 0
- 10
- 20
- 30
- 40
- 50
- 60
- 70
- 80
- 90
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10

# Races and Classes
stat-header: "&6[&f:player:'s Stats&6]&f"
stat-default: 0
- Strength
- Affinity
- Dexterity
class-default: "Warrior"
race-default: "Human"
- "Warrior"
- "Mage"
- "Archer"
- "Human"
- "Dwarf"
- "Elf"

# Attribute
attribute-header: "&6[&f:player:'s Attributes&6]&f"
attribute-default-amount: 10
attribute-min-amount: -100
attribute-max-amount: 100
- Stamina
- Health
- Magicka

# Help Pages
help-items: 11
- "spacer"
- "&6[&fCharacters Help&6]&f :page: of :pages:"
- "&6/char help - shows the help command"
- "&f/char <field> <value> - sets field to the value specified"
- "&6/char show <player/card> <card> - shows a players/own character card"
- "&f/char reset <player> - resets a players/own character card"
- "&6/char select <Race/Class> - selects a race and/or class for a player"
- "&f/char reload - allows for reloading of plugin config"
- "&6/char slot - allows for changing of character card"
- "&f/char <field> set <player> <value> - allows for changing of fields on others character cards."
- "spacer"
- "spacer"
- "&6[&fCharacters Help&6]&f :page: of :pages:"
- "&6/levels <player> - display levels, experience and points of player/own"
- "&f/levels stats <player> - displays stats, race and class of player/own"
- "&6/levels <player> <value> - adds/subtracts experience of player"
- "&f/roll <ndx/stat/mod> <stat/mod> - rolls a dice with specified values"
- "&6/travel <player> - allows for viewing of other players/own travel method"
- "&f/travel <player/value> <value> - allows for changing the method of other players/own travel"
- "&6/karma <player> - display rank and karma of other players/own"
- "&f/karma <player> <value> - adds/subtracts to karma of player"
- "spacer"
- "spacer"
- "&6[&fCharacters Help&6]&f :page: of :pages:"
- "&6/attribute <player> - display attribute values of player/own"
- "&f/attribute <attribute> <value> - adds/subtracts to attribute of player"
- "&6/attribute <attribute> set <player> <value> - allows to alter other players attribute"
- "spacer"

# Display Pages
click-display: true
click-shift: true
click-cooldown: 2
display-items: 3
display-header: "&6[&f:player:'s Character&6]&f :page: of :pages:"
character-display: "&6:field:: &f:value:"
- Name
- Age
- Gender

# PlaceholderAPI
papi: false

# Updater
beta-updates: true

# Character Fields
- Name
- Age
- Gender

# Sets a field to require permission either characters.permission.* or characters.permission.<field>
- Age

# Sets a field to fixed
- Gender

# Fixed Inputs to only one of these three
- Male
- Female
- Other

# Messages
module-disabled: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f This part of Characters has been disabled"
update-fail: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f Unable to check for Updates!"
update-new: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f New Update is avaliable!"
help-command: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f /characters help <page>"
config-reloaded: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f The Config has been reloaded"
character-reset: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f That Character has been reset"
character-slot: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f Character Slot: :slot:"
character-set: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f :field: has been set to :value:"
travel-travel: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f Currently :value:ing"
karma-karma: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f Currently an ':rank:' with :value: karma"
attribute-attribute: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f :attr:: :value:"
level-level: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f Currently at level :level: with :value: experience"
races-classes-points: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f :points: points avaliable to spend"
races-classes-stat-level: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f :stat: is now at :value:"
races-classes-stat: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f :stat:: :value:"
races-classes: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f :r/c:: :value:"
races-classes-set: "&6[&fCharacters&6]&f :type: has been set to :value:"
advanced-rolling: "&6:displayname: &f:)player:) &6rolled a &f:dice:&6"
advanced-stat-rolling: "&6:displayname: &f:)player:) &6rolled a &f:dice:&6 &fin &6:stat:"
simple-rolling: "&6:displayname: &f:)player:) &6rolled &f:result: &6(&f:dice:&6)"
simple-stat-rolling: "&6:displayname: &f:)player:) &6rolled &f:result: &6(&f:dice:&6) &fin &6:stat:"
roll-result: "&6Result: &f:result:"
roll-total: "&6Total: &f:total:"

Code (YAML):
default: op
description: The Default Permissions for an Admin
characters.player: true
characters.updater: true
characters.reload: true
characters.reset.other: true
characters.permission.*: true
characters.set.other: true
characters.colour.*: true true
karma.karma.other: true
attribute.attribute.other: true
levels.point.view.other: true
levels.stat.view.other: true
default: true
description: The Default Permissions for a Player
characters.create: true
characters.use: true true
travel.use: true
travel.view.other: true
karma.use: true
karma.view.other: true
attribute.use: true
attribute.view.other: true
levels.use: true
levels.level.view.other: true
roll.use: true
default: op
description: The Default Permissions for all Colour
characters.colour: true
characters.colour.other: true
description: Allows for the Creation of Character Cards for Players
default: true
description: Allows for Notification of a Characters Update for Players
default: op
description: Allows for Players to use the Character command and other features!
default: true
description: Allows for Players to reload Characters config
default: op
description: Allows for Players to reset others Characters
default: op
description: Allows for Players to view others Characters
default: true
description: Allows for Players to use all permission based fields on their own and others inputs.
default: op
description: Allows for Players to edit others Character Cards
default: op
description: Allows for Players to use Colour in their Inputs
description: Allows for Players to use Colour in others Inputs
description: Allows for Players to set others permission based field.
description: Allows for Players to set their own permission based field.
description: Allows for Players to use the Travel Command
default: true
description: Allows for Players to set others Travel
default: op
description: Allows for Players to view others Travel
default: true
description: Allows for Players to use the Karma Command
default: true
description: Allows for Players to set others Karma
default: op
description: Allows for Players to view others Karma
description: Allows for Players to use the Attribute Command
default: true
description: Allows for Players to set others Attribute
default: op
description: Allows for Players to use the Levels Command
default: true
description: Allows for Players to view others Levels
default: true
description: Allows for Players to view others Levels Points
default: op
description: Allows for Players to view others Stats
default: op
description: Allows for Players to use the Roll Command
default: true

Licensed Under GPL-3.0

Bugs in 5:
- Races/Classes don't work - 6 fixes this issue.
- YML Data Corruption - 6 fixes this issue.

Things to be added in version 6.x.x (in no particular order):
- SQL/New Storage Support - Majority Done
- Chat - In-Progress
- More responsive messages other than linking to the /character help command - Done for Release
- Optimisation/Alteration of Code to run smoother and to a greater efficiency - Done for Release
- Plugin-wide in-built placeholders - Done for Release
- Maven repo - Will Do on Release
- Documentation on API-like methods - Will Do on Release
- Allow for Setting of Races/Classes by Staff and Console - Done for Release
- Remove the need to reset points every level up - Done for Release
- Unification of Command Layouts - Done for Release

Latest updates

  3. 5.0.7


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