
 Aegis 8.6.0 BULL3T-PR00F (1.7.x-1.16.x) version


It's a fork of the well-known BungeeCord server proxy.
This fork focuses on the most important thing: smooth game without any bots, crash/exploits and lag problems caused by hackers and websites like MCSpam, MCStorm

Why Aegis?
We have our own AntiBot built in BungeeCord which is much faster than a plugin, it contains 9 "antibot shells" that player has to pass, otherwise he can't join. There is absolutely 0 false detects! It can be used on big networks without any problems.
Here are videos with powerful bot attacks vs Aegis:

All contributors of bungeecord/waterfall do absolutely nothing to fix problems with crashing and lagging minecraft servers. They accept the potential attacks as "-Redacted-" and just say about making a proper firewall. That's why I created protection against "null ping crashers - bad packet, indexoutofbounds, quietexception (http) and much more" in bungee.

What's new in Aegis?
This resource just easily blocks bungee exploits (e.g null ping crash, MCSpam emerald plan, MCStorm cpu killer), flood attacks. Supports 1.7.x-1.15.x.
- Fork of Travertine (Waterfall + 1.7) with fixed bungee exploits (null ping etc)
- The most powerful AntiBot with over 9 shells, 0 false detects, higly-configurable configs (every message and option)

AntiBot configuration is in "aegis_antibot.yml" and you can configure all of 9 shells, set the max-cps (check/detection will work since X connections per second), you can disable all of them.


Bot attack:

MCSpam emerald plan (45$) easily blocked:
Bungee smashers & ZeusSlapper (best null ping crashers):



Destroyer (almost unstoppable ping attack)

Here is example of null ping crasher: (it's crashing every bungeecord)

Aegis will be developed for a long time, we want to keep the servers secured.

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    skrevt @ skrevt: how can i contact the support?