AdvancedModreq [Player Ticket Management] - GUI - MySQL - Notifications

 AdvancedModreq [Player Ticket Management] - GUI - MySQL - Notifications 5.8.2

AdvancedModreq [Player Ticket Management] - GUI - MySQL - Notifications

AdvancedModreq is a plugin meant for the server owner that wants to help players while they are offline or when staff members aren't online! Absolutely no external API's needed! Runs as is, has it's own customizable GUI, messages with placeholders, and help list! Create reports, reply to reports, close, open, flag, delete, and so on! Data management is what you need when you want a ticket plugin, and here it is, what are you waiting for, with 99% customizability, the sky is the limit!

Visit the wiki on GitHub


- Staff can receive notifications when a new ticket is posted and how many tickets are active and flagged when they join the server!
- Reply, Close, Re-Open, Flag and even Resolve a ticket with chat commands or through the GUI!
- A one time Notification can be given to the player when they join the server to notify them of how many tickets have been replied, closed or resolved!
- Move and change item slots in the Info menu as well as change the item according to the tickets status!
- Smart lite code that only executes if any data is changed or being viewed with short term memory storage incase any data is changed while tickets are being edited.
- MySQL support for data management with lite interactions to minimize mysql connection time, and lag time.
- Rate your experience! Allow players to rate how well their experience was on their ticket once!
- Flag a ticket! Have tickets have priority or stand out over others, showing a notification when an allowed staff member joins no matter if the ticket is opened or closed!
- PlaceholderAPI support! Allowing for hundreds of thousands of placeholders/variables anywhere in the gui!
- Update checker! Get notified when there is a new version available on the plugin page!
- MySQL sync timer! If you have a multiple connected servers, sync your tickets every so often to keep all servers up to date!
- Improved Categories! Customize your own report categories with a simple config style, and make players choose the category they want to submit a ticket in with a user interface! Lets make tickets great again!
- Improved Importance system, allow players to rate how important their ticket is when submitting the ticket with a GUI!
- Notification system, allows mods to receive notifications when a ticket is created, claimed, and much more with Discord Integration!

- #1 - Download/Purchase AdvancedModreq.jar
- #2 - Upload AdvancedModreq.jar into your plugins folder
- #3 - Install any SoftDependencies below so first installation works flawlessly.
- #4 - Reload/Restart your server, configure and execute "/modreq reload" and set!


Aliases: amr, advancedmodreq
- /modreq help - Shows all commands
- /modreq create <message> - Open a ticket
- /modreq list [open/close/flag/all] [chat] - View all open/closed tickets in a GUI, optionally in chat
- /modreq status [player] - View only your ticket status'
- /modreq replies <ticketID> - View replies on a ticket
- /modreq categories - View all enabled categories (if enabled)
- /modreq open <ticketID> - Reopen a closed ticket!
- /modreq close <ticketID> [message] - Close an open ticket, add an optional resolved message.
- /modreq tp <ticketID> - Teleport to the designated ticket
- /modreq rate <ticketID> <1-5> - Rate a ticket if the player owns it and the ticket is resolved!
- /modreq flag <ticketID> - Flag a ticket for mandatory service and have staff be notified whether the ticket is open or closed!
- /modreq reply <ticketID> <message> - Reply to an open ticket
- /modreq purge <open/close/all> - Purge all tickets with the following status.
- /modreq delete <ticketID> - Delete a singular ticket!
- /modreq reload - Reloads the plugin
- /modreq claim <"list"/ticketID> - Claim a ticket or list your claimed tickets
- /modreq language <lang> - Change lang files on the go
- /modreq version - Shows the running version of the plugin
- /report <message> - Open a ticket (alias for "/modreq create")


- DiscordSRV - Broadcast messages to a certain channel to advise others or your staff about updates on a ticket.
- PlaceholderAPI - For having custom placeholders for other plugins! Or for custom gui's such as CustomGUI or AnimatedMenu! And even use placeholders in items inside of the plugin!
- Permissions Plugin - This plugin was tested on version 1.23.4 of PermissionsEX, but any permissions plugin will do!


(Must have PlaceholderAPI installed)

- %advancedmodreq_total% - Amount of tickets in total, no matter their status!
- %advancedmodreq_total_player% - Amount of personal tickets in total, no matter their status!
- %advancedmodreq_flagged% - Amount of flagged tickets!
- %advancedmodreq_flagged_open% - Amount of open flagged tickets!
- %advancedmodreq_flagged_closed% - Amount of closed flagged tickets!
- %advancedmodreq_unflagged% - Amount of un-flagged tickets!
- %advancedmodreq_unflagged_open% - Amount of open un-flagged tickets!
- %advancedmodreq_unflagged_closed% - Amount of closed un-flagged tickets!
- %advancedmodreq_total_open% - Amount of open tickets!
- %advancedmodreq_total_player_open% - Amount of open personal tickets!
- %advancedmodreq_total_closed% - Amount of closed tickets!
- %advancedmodreq_total_player_closed% - Amount of closed personal tickets!
- %advancedmodreq_total_claimed% - Amount of claimed tickets!

Please leave a 5 Star Review if you like it! Please post bugs/errors in the Discussion page! Please leave me suggestions to add on to the plugin to make it even better!

Please note, this plugin is intended for 1.8+ any version below is NOT supported!

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