When entering the server for the first time, the player will be given 9 lives, "startCoins" coins and "playerHearts" hp (2.0 = 1 heart).

For getting an achievement, the player will be given from "achCoinsMin " to" achCoinsMax " coins.

For using the totem, the player will be taken from "totemCostMin " to" totemCostMax "coins, if the player has less than" totemCostMax " coins, the totem will simply not work, the player will die and lose 1 life.

When a player dies, the plugin can notify everyone about it in the chat, you can configure this via "deathAnnounce".

The player can buy 1 life under the following conditions:
1. The player has a "hpCost" of coins.
2. The player DOES NOT have the maximum number of lives (9). m
3. The player DOES NOT HAVE 0 lives.

Also, when you press TAB, next to the nicknames of online players will be written their balance (blue) and the number of their lives (red, orange, green)

In the settings.yml config.yml file, what is it? you can configure these settings.
In the messages.yml file, you can configure the plugin messages.

/ buyhp - Buy life
/hp-Displays the number of your lives in the chat.
/ sethp (nick) (0-9) - Changes the number of lives of the specified player.
/balance-Displays your balance in the chat.
/setbalance (nick) (number) - Similar to /sethp, only changes the balance

nineHP. sethp-Access to the command / sethp
nineHP. setbalance-Access to the command /setbalance

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  1. Plugin load is correctly.

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