(REQUEST) QuadrexAnnouncements 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT


  • Name of the plugin you want: QuadrexAnnouncements 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/quadrexannouncements.64423/
  • Price: $4.99
  • How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: Server announcements are a very important feature for your server to have. Promoting voting, purchasing, and server news is vital to making sure your server is successful. For too long, creating engaging, interactive advertisements has been time consuming and difficult. Your choice has either been to clutter your chat with ugly URLs or to try to use JSON announcement plugins, which are hard to configure and prevent you from having multi-line, multi-color hover messages. Creating incredible, interactive, and clean advertisements that can have sound effects has never been easier.
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