(REQUEST) Aegis - The best bungeecord fork. [AntiBot & AntiCrash] [1.7.x-1.15.2] | Protects against crashes&bo

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Active Member
  • Name of the plugin you want:
    Aegis - The best bungeecord fork. [AntiBot & AntiCrash] [1.7.x-1.15.2] | Protects against crashes&bo 5.9-GALAXY
  • Spigot Link: https://www.mc-market.org/resources/13304/
  • Price: 9.99 USD
  • How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community:
    It's a fork of the well-known BungeeCord server proxy.
    This fork focuses on the most important thing: smooth game without any bots, crash/exploits and lag problems caused by hackers and websites like MCSpam, MCStorm.. & other nullping crashers or bot websites (also the most powerful, private programs).
    Just normal bungeecord that blocks every bot & crash attacks. It has his own AntiBot built in BungeeCord which is much faster than a plugin, it contains lots of "antibot shells" that player has to pass, otherwise he can't join. There are absolutely 0 false detects! It can be used on big networks without any problems (currently lots of 100+ (even 1k+) online players servers are using Aegis)

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