ZenLibrary [1.9 - 1.11.x]

 ZenLibrary [1.9 - 1.11.x] v0.35[194-110-111]

ZenLibrary [1.9 - 1.11.x]

With this plugin you can create a library GUI that holds your books about your server.Sometimes players can't understand some plugins very well and you must show them or teach them to how to use it correctly.But new players and dummies will make you suffer if you try to teach them one by one.You need a program that can understand the player's problem and give him the correct book or books which zen library's search engine handles this.
Player only needs to write some words about the problem !

How Engine Works ?


EASY TO USE Just drag and drop the books to add them !

-After v0.27 plugin doesn't give the book,it auto-opens it !

-CAN handle unlimited books in GUI with pages(page1,page2,etc)
-100% Language Configurable including GUI and variables
-Command names can be changed(you can change /zenlib to /books for example)
-books taken from player GUI's are marked with ZSIGN.
Means if player drops a book from the library,book will removed automaticly.
Which will clean your server from being a book itemstack dump

Default Commands:
or /zenlib <word> or /zenlib <word1,word2,etc>
Opens the library gui,no perm required.
/zenadmin edit
Opens the library GUI,but you are able to take and add books.
Requires 'zenlib.admin.edit' permission.

Required(for 1.9-1.10-1.11x):
-Java 8
-ZenLibrary v0.34 or Higher
-ProtocolLib 4.2.0

Terms Of Service
-Only use for yourself.
-You can not sell it to anyone.
-You can not edit source of ZenLibrary.
-You can not publish this to anyone.
-No Refunds
-I can change the price anytime.
-You can not make chargeback.If you will,SpigotMC will ban you permanently.
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    J @ jeeshen: i am vip but i cant download vip resources