Ultimate Troll

 Ultimate Troll 1.5.9

Ultimate Troll

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Welcome to Ultimate Troll! This is a plugin which I have been developing for a long time now, with the aim of creating a tool that can be used to mess with players; along with a high allowance of options to modify. Ultimate Troll is a plugin that I am maintaining regularly, to which I am undertaking the ideas suggested from reviews, many of which include the addition of new and exciting trolls! This plugin offers a simple method of trolling players which can be taken advantage of using the many options and different configurations currently in the plugin and planned to come.

When planning and developing this plugin I was considering how to make it different, unique; therefore, I have made it so that in order to troll someone, you use a toggle. Simply typing /troll <player> will open a menu (GUI) which contains all of the trolls - this, I find, is a far better system than using individual commands to troll a player. The commands below (section: Permissions) explains how this plugin can be used efficiently.

Please read 'Disclaimer' before purchasing!

The trolls inside this plugin are constantly being updated for the better, with regular additions! All ideas of trolls can be submitted through a review or a reply (in the discussion section) where they will be strongly considered! The trolls currently inside this plugin are:

Control | physically take control of your victim; your movements = their movements
Blindness (toggle) | send blindness to your victim
Slowness (toggle) | send slowness to your victim
Levitation (toggle) | levitate your victim
Clear Armour | remove all armour from your victim
Fake OP | send a convincing OP message to your victim
Fake Crash | kick your victim with a worrying crash message
Freeze (toggle) | freeze your victim
Near Death | put your victim down to 1/2 heart
Smite | strike your victim with lightning
Pumpkin Head (toggle) | lock a pumpkin onto your victim's head
Poison | poison your victim
Fill Inventory | fill your victim's inventory with an item of your choice
Spin 180° | (annoyingly) rotate your victim
Speed (toggle) | send uncontrolled speed to your victim
Switch Teleport | switch teleport your victim with another
Sky High | teleport your victim way up high
Explosion | send an explosion to your victim
Ignite | set your victim on fire
Mob Army | send a (configurable) mob army after your victim
Web Attack | trap your victim in webs
Lava Floor | drop your victim into lava
Water Floor | drop your victim into water
Fireball | shoot a fireball towards your victim
Empty Inventory | empty your victim's inventory
Shoot | fling your victim high up
Alone (toggle) | make it so your victim can't see anyone
Lag (toggle) | convinces your victim they are lagging
Release Inventory | allow everyone to steal from your victim's inventory
Cage | trap your victim in a cage
Teleport All | teleport all players to your victim (annoying)
Teleport Random | teleport your victim to every online player for 5 seconds
Hiss | scare your victim with a creeper hiss
Ring o' Fire | spawn a ring of fire around your victim
Shock | shock your victim with a loud scream
Slap | slap your victim (force is configurable)
Drown | drown your victim
Suffocate | suffocate your victim
Potato (toggle) | turn your victim into a potato
Drop Inventory | drop your victim's entire inventory on the floor
Slime Pack | force an annoying texture pack to your victim
Force Chat | make your victim send a message
Spam Chat | spam your victims chat (configurable)
Fake Money | configurable economy message
Edit Inventory | mess with your victim's inventory
Hound Attack | send an attack towards your victim
Void Teleport | teleport player into the void
Lock Hand | toggle your victim's ability to switch hotbar slots
TNT Trap | spawn a tnt pressure plate around your victim
Random Chat | when a player tries to chat, a random configurable config message will be sent instead
Mine Lava | make every block your victim breaks turn to lava
Menu Mixup | every functioning block clicked (i.e. furnace, enchant table, dropper etc) does not open its respective menu; rather a random one
Stampede | spawn a bunch of cows around your victim
Explode Block | the next block your victim mines will explode

(those in bold are ones which I find most enjoyable!)

Remember, all ideas are appreciated and will be considered at an utmost priority! If it is to be used, credit will be applied appropriately.


There are several commands which enhance the experience of any troller. Permissions for each command can be changed in the config.yml! Remember that as a troller you are able to simply right-click your player, providing you are 'trolling' them, in order to bring up the menu - this means that /troll menu need not be necessary all the time!

/troll command aliases: /tr and /ut
/troll <player> | default permission: ultimatetroll.player | troll someone
/troll menu | default permission: ultimatetroll.player | open menu (if trolling) | alias: m
/troll teleport | default permission: ultimatetroll.teleport | teleport (to victim) | alias: tp
/troll vanish | default permission: ultimatetroll.vanish | global vanish toggle | alias: v
/troll reload | default permission: ultimatetroll.reload | reload plugin | alias: rl

Once you have used the command /troll <player> on someone, it will put you into 'trolling mode' where you will appear invisible for them and able to use the features of this plugin to your advantage!

Here is what the GUI looks like (as of 10/11/16):


Upcoming/planned features:
✖ advanced page system ✖
✖ actionbar implementation ✖
✖ Stampede ✖
huge console update (100% configurable) ✖


I am always attempting to improve the configuration and make it more customisable. If you have any suggestions for further features or believe that a current troll could be more customised, then let me know!

Otherwise, the default config.yml (as of 09/11/16) is as follows:
Code (Text):

###################### <<- ULTIMATE TROLL ->> ######################
############################### V1.0 ###############################


# Leave an empty space inside 'Spam message'
# if you wish for it to spam a blank line.
Amount of lines: 100
Spam message: ':>'

# In this section you can configure the messages
# said by the victim through the Random Chat troll.
Random chat messages:
- 'I hate myself!'
- 'I am stupid!'

## SLAP ##
# You can change the brutality of the slap!
# 1 = Minimal | 2 = Dangerous | 3 = Deadly
Slap level: 1

# If you simply wish to fool the player, use of
# 'Custom command' is not necessary. However, it
# is there in the offchance of it being useful.
Custom command: ''
Custom message: '&e&lYou were given &a$15000&e!'

## AMBUSH ##
# Customize what mobs and the amount
# to spawn using the 'Ambush' troll.

# If you wish for a specific mob not to
# spawn, set the respective amount to 0.

Creepers amount: 5
Zombies amount: 5
Skeletons amount: 5
Blazes amount: 3
Ghasts amount: 2
Spiders amount: 3
Endermen amount: 2
Endermites amount: 15

#### CONSOLE ####
# Here you can choose what specific messages
# are logged to the console when a certain
# event occurs. Set these to true or false.

Startup: true
Server close: true

Reload command: true
Help command: false
Troll player: true
Troll vanish: false
Troll teleport: false
Troll menu: false

Permission denied: false


All: 'ultimatetroll.*'

# Player can not be trolled if they have this.
Bypass enabled: false
Troll bypass: 'ultimatetroll.bypass'

# Use of /troll (help).
Help Command: 'ultimatetroll.help'

# Use of /troll reload.
Troll Reload: 'ultimatetroll.reload'

# Use of /troll <player>.
Troll Player: 'ultimatetroll.troll'

# Use of /troll vanish.
Troll Vanish: 'ultimatetroll.vanish'

# Use of /troll teleport.
Troll Teleport: 'ultimatetroll.teleport'

Latest reviews

not working when i try to click it does nothing
they say ''unknown command''
not downloading 1 2 every time if i click ultimate troll eroor plz fix
Es malisimo no sirve si sirviera seria el mejor del mundo pero no sirve
es bueno para trollear

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