UI.X Dark

UI.X is a feature-rich XenForo theme that is built around the idea that it can be thrown any scenario and handle it beautifully. If you want your visitors to have a fully responsive beautiful metro/flat user interface with features such as a sticky navigation, side by side nodes, social media icons, and much more, this is the skin for you!

Video Demonstration:

Feature list:

-- Collapsible nodes
-- Optional header slogan
-- Logo text, and logo icon from FontAwesome
-- Side by side nodes
-- Node table style
-- Social media page icons
-- Easy border radius, font size, typography, and element sizing
-- Make an open design with lots of padding or a condensed design with very little space between elements easily
-- Simplified color palette for intuitive design changes
-- Basic blocks, broken down to change the entire design in seconds
-- AD Styler, presets for your design customizeable by your users
-- Sticky navigation, navigation will stick to top of page while you browse
-- FontAwesome font library and Google Fonts integrated for easy customization
-- Switch sidebar side from right to left
-- Remove tab links and replace it with a dropdown menu
-- Login box open as a modal box instead of a slideout
-- Moderator Bar customization
-- ALL responsive and easy to manage

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