TownyGUI - [6 Years] [Customizable] 1.7.10 - 1.18.X

 TownyGUI - [6 Years] [Customizable] 1.7.10 - 1.18.X 5.1

TownyGUI - [6 Years] [Customizable] 1.7.10 - 1.18.X
◦•●❤♡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ Dekomori on discord ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ♡❤●•◦

Tested Minecraft Versions:
1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18


Ever since I started my server 1.8.6+, I was tired of having to send players to my website so they could look up simple Towny commands, Why should it take them so long just to set town spawn or toggle explosions in a town.

Now with this plugin players will no longer have to leave your server to look up simple commands, Its all in their hands at the click of a mouse!

Originally going to be a private plugin, We decided that other servers should benefit from this plugin to, Players were more than happy with this, Most players that were new to Towny said they prefer the GUI over being sent a link. With the public version of this plugin being released, More customizable features have been implemented! As more features will always come that will enable you to expand your GUI's!

What makes this plugin different?
You can now edit the Item on display.
Add Enchantment Glows.
Add Lore.
Modify GUI Chest Size.
Modify Item Slot.
Modify Item Name.
Modify Item.
Modify Item MetaData.
Modify Command On Click.
Enable / Disable GUI Signs
and much much more!

This plugin now supports 1.7.10 - 1.18!

NOTE: 1.7.10 Cauldron users, Use Version 2.6Cauldron - Unsupported!

townygui.* | OP - Full access to the plugin

/tgui | EVERYONE - Main command.

/tgui <GUI Name>

townygui.command.* | Access to all /tgui commands

/tgui main | townygui.command.mainmenu | OP - Opens Main Menu.

/tgui town | townygui.command.townmenu | OP - Opens Town Menu.

/tgui towny | townygui.command.townymenu | OP - Opens Towny Menu.

/tgui plot | townygui.command.plotmenu | OP - Opens Plot Menu.

/tgui resident | townygui.command.residentmenu | OP - Opens Resident Menu.

/tgui nation | townygui.command.nationmenu | OP - Opens Nation Menu.

/tgui townyworld | townygui.command.townyworldmenu | OP - Opens TownyWorld Menu.

/tgui reload | townygui.admin.reload | OP - Reload the configs.

/tgui version | townygui.admin.version | OP - Check your version.

Create All GUI Signs: townygui.signs.*

Create Main Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.main

Create Town Menu GUI Sign:

Create Towny Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.towny

Create Plot Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.plot

Create Resident Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.resident

Create Nation Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.nation

Create TownyWorld Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.townyworld


Line 1: [townygui]
Line 2: {Leave blank}
Line 3: <{GUI} Menu> Menu
Line 4: {Leave blank}

To use signs, You must have the permission to perform the command!
EG: To use a Town Menu sign, You must have the permission to do /tgui town

TownyGUI Config

TITLE: '&6[&bTownyGUI&6] ' NO_PERM: '&cYou don''t have enough permissions for that!' RELOAD: '&cPlugin reloaded!' NO_CONSOLE: '&cSorry, That command can only be performed by a player!' SUCCESS_SIGN_MAIN: '&aSuccessfully created a Main Menu sign!' SUCCESS_SIGN_TOWN: '&aSuccessfully created a Town Menu sign!' SUCCESS_SIGN_TOWNY: '&aSuccessfully created a Towny Menu sign!' SUCCESS_SIGN_PLOT: '&aSuccessfully created a Plot Menu sign!' SUCCESS_SIGN_RESIDENT: '&aSuccessfully created a Resident Menu sign!' SUCCESS_SIGN_NATION: '&aSuccessfully created a Nation Menu sign!' SUCCESS_SIGN_TOWNYWORLD: '&aSuccessfully created a TownyWorld Menu sign!' GUI_COMMAND_HELP1: '&6/tgui main &0| &6Opens Main Menu!' GUI_COMMAND_HELP2: '&6/tgui town &0| &6Opens Town Menu!' GUI_COMMAND_HELP3: '&6/tgui towny &0| &6Opens Towny Menu!' GUI_COMMAND_HELP4: '&6/tgui resident &0| &6Opens Resident Menu!' GUI_COMMAND_HELP5: '&6/tgui plot &0| &6Opens Plot Menu!' GUI_COMMAND_HELP6: '&6/tgui nation &0| &6Opens Nation Menu!' GUI_COMMAND_HELP7: '&6/tgui townyworld &0| &6Opens TownyWorld Menu!' GUI_COMMAND_HELP8: '&6/tgui reload &0| &6Reload the plugin!' GUI_COMMAND_HELP9: '&6/tgui version &0| &6Check the plugin version / updates!' NATION_DEPOSIT: '&6/nation deposit <AMOUNT>' NATION_NATION: '&6/nation <NATION> &0| &6Shows a player the /nation screen of another nation.' NATION_NEW: '&6/nation new <NATION_NAME> &0| &6Mayor command to create a nation.' NATION_ADD: '&6/nation add <TOWN_NAME> &0| &6King Command to add a town to your nation.' NATION_KICK: '&6/nation kick <TOWN_NAME> &0| &6King command to kick a town from your nation.' NATION_ALLY_ADD: '&6/nation ally add <NATION_NAME> &0| &6Add''s a nation to your ally list.' NATION_ALLY_REMOVE: '&6/nation ally remove <NATION_NAME> &0| &6Remove a nation from your ally list.' NATION_ENEMY_ADD: '&6/nation enemy add <NATION_NAME> &0| &6Add''s a nation to your enemy list.' NATION_ENEMY_REMOVE: '&6/nation enemy remove <NATION_NAME> &0| &6Remove a nation from your enemy list.' NATION_RANK: '&6/nation rank <ADD | REMOVE> <PLAYER_NAME> <RANK_NAME> &0| &6Grant / remove a rank to a resident of the nation.' NATION_SET1: '&6/nation set king <PLAYER_NAME> &0| &6King command to change the king of the nation.' NATION_SET2: '&6/nation set captial <TOWN_NAME> &0| &6Sets the capitol and king of the nation.' NATION_SET3: '&6/nation set taxes <AMOUNT> &0| &6Sets nation-tax applied to the towns within the nation.' NATION_SET4: '&6/nation set name <NEW_NAME> &0| &6Sets the nation''s name.' NATION_SET5: '&6/nation set title <PLAYER_NAME> <TITLE> &0| &6King command to add a Title to a member of the nation.' NATION_SET6: '&6/nation set surname <PLAYER_NAME> <SURNAME> &0| &6King command to add a Suffix to a member of the nation.' NATION_SET7: '&6/nation set tag <TAG(4letters)> &0| &6Sets the nation''s tag, which is sometimes used on that chat line.' NATION_SET8: '&6/nation set tag clear &0| &6Clears the tag set for the nation.' RESIDENT_PLAYER1: '&6/resident &0| &6View information about yourself, Including friends etc' RESIDENT_PLAYER2: '&6/resident <PLAYER> &0| &6View information about other players!' RESIDENT_FRIEND1: '&6/resident friend add <PLAYER> &0| &6Add online player to your friends list.' RESIDENT_FRIEND2: '&6/resident friend add+ <PLAYER> &0| &6Add offline player to your friends list.' RESIDENT_FRIEND3: '&6/resident friend remove <PLAYER> &0| &6Remove online player from your friends list.' RESIDENT_FRIEND4: '&6/resident friend remove+ <PLAYER> &0| &6Remove offline player from your friends list.' RESIDENT_FRIEND5: '&6/resident friend clearlist &0| &6Remove all players from your friends list.' RESIDENT_TOGGLE1: '&6/resident toggle map &0| &6Turns on map which refreshes when moving.' RESIDENT_TOGGLE2: '&6/resident toggle townclaim &0| &6Auto /town claim while walking.' RESIDENT_TOGGLE3: '&6/resident toggle plotborder &0| &6Turns on smokey plot-border view.' RESIDENT_TOGGLE4: '&6/resident toggle spy &0| &6Admins can turn on chat-channel spying.' RESIDENT_TOGGLE5: '&6/resident toggle reset &0| &6This turns off all modes that are active.' RESIDENT_SET1: '&6/resident set perm <ON | OFF> &0| &6Edits the perm line on the resident screen.' RESIDENT_SET2: '&6/resident set perm <FRIEND | ALLY | OUTSIDER> <ON |OFF> &0| &6Turn on / off perms for certain groups.' RESIDENT_SET3: |- &6/resident set perm <BUILD | DESTROY | SWITCH | ITEMUSE> §6 <ON | OFF> &0| &6Turns on / off action perms. RESIDENT_SET4: "&6/resident set perm <FRIEND | ALLY | OUTSIDER> \n§6<BUILD | DESTROY\ \ | SWITCH | ITEMUSE> <ON | OFF> &0| &6Turns on / off action perms for certain groups." RESIDENT_SET5: '&6/resident set perm reset &0| &6This takes the perm line seen in the /resident screen and applies it to all plots personally owned by the player typing it.' RESIDENT_JAIL1: '&6/resident jail &0| &6Shows bail cost (If TRUE in config).' RESIDENT_JAIL2: '&6/resident jail paybail &0| &6Allows a player to pay to get out of jail.' TOWN_DEPOSIT: '&6/town deposit <AMOUNT> &0| &6Deposit money into the town bank!' TOWN_NEW: '&6/town new <TOWN_NAME> &0| &6To create a new town, If you have enough money Town name must not have a space. Use underscores: ''_''' TOWN_KICK: '&6/town kick <PLAYER> &0| &6kick players from your town.' TOWN_ADD: '&6/town add <PLAYER> &0| &6Invite players to your town.' TOWN_JOIN: '&6/town join &0| &6To join a town, Do /town join <TOWN_NAME> Town name must not have a space. Use underscores: ''_'' Towns must also be ''OPEN'' for you to join without an invite!' TOWN_RANK: '&6/town rank <ADD | REMOVE> <PLAYER> <RANK_NAME> &0| &6Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the town.' TOWN_TOWN1: '&6/town &0| &6Show information about your town.' TOWN_JAIL: '&6/town toggle jail <JAIL_NUMBER> <RESIDENT_NAME> &0| &6Jail / unjail a resident of your town!' TOWN_TOWN2: '&6/town <TOWN_NAME> &0| &6Show information about another town.' TOWN_CLAIM1: '&6/town claim &0| &6Claim the townblock in which you stand for your town.' TOWN_CLAIM2: '&6/town claim outpost &0| &6Claims an outpost for your town.' TOWN_CLAIM3: '&6/town claim <#> &0| &6Claims an area of townblocks around you for your town.' TOWN_CLAIM4: '&6/town claim auto &0| &6Claims as many townblocks around you as is possible.' TOWNY_TOP1: '&6/towny top residents <ALL | TOWN | NATION> &0| &6Show top residents.' TOWNY_TOP2: '&6/towny top land <ALL | RESIDENT | TOWN> &0| &6Shows top land owners.' TOWNY_WAR1: '&6/towny war stats &0| &6Shows towny war stats.' TOWNY_WAR2: '&6/towny war scores &0| &6Shows towny war scores.' TOWNY_WAR3: '&6/towny war hud &0| &6Shows towny war information.' PLOT_PERMISSION1: '&6/plot permission &0| &6Shows plot information.' PLOT_PERMISSION2: '&6/plot permission hud &0| &6Shows plot information in a hud.' TOWNYWORLD_WORLD: '&6/townyworld <WORLD> &0| &6Show settings for world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE1: '&6/townyworld toggle claimable &0| &6Turn on/off whether mayors can claim townblocks in the world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE2: '&6/townyworld toggle usingtowny &0| &6Turn on/off whether towny is used in the world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE3: '&6/townyworld toggle pvp &0| &6Turn on/off pvp in the world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE4: '&6/townyworld toggle forcepvp &0| &6Turn on/off whether pvp is forced on in all towns in the world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE5: '&6/townyworld toggle explosion &0| &6Turn on/off whether explosions are on in the wilderness/towns in the world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE6: '&6/townyworld toggle forceexplosion &0| &6Force explosions on in that world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE7: '&6/townyworld toggle fire &0| &6Turn on/off whether firespread is on in the wilderness/towns in the world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE8: '&6/townyworld toggle townmobs &0| &6Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in towns in the world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE9: '&6/townyworld toggle worldmobs &0| &6Turn on/off the mobs listed in the world mobs in the world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE10: '&6/townyworld toggle revertunclaim &0| &6Turn on/off the revert on unclaim feature for that world.' TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE11: '&6/townyworld toggle revertexpl &0| &6Turn on/off the reverting explosions in the wilderness feature for that world.' TOWNYWORLD_SET1: '&6/townyworld set wildname <NAME> &0| &6Sets name of the wilderness.' TOWNYWORLD_SET2: '&6/townyworld set wildregen {Creeper,EnderCrystal,EnderDragon,Fireball,SmallFireball,LargeFireball,TNTPrimed,ExplosiveMinecart} &0| &6Sets what explosions are reverted in the wilderness.'

Download the latest TownyGUI.jar
Place it in your plugins folder.
Restart your server.
And you're ready to go!
Plugin is ready to go after installation, Optionally you may want to edit some features in the config.yml
TownyGUI features an update notifier!

Latest updates

  1. 5.1

  2. 5.0

  3. 4.9.1


Latest reviews

Sike, still working 1.15.2 thanks ;)
I need 4.6
4.8 can only be used on 1.14
Need update to 4.8 for 1.14.4
Can you update to the newest version please ?
Update please

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