
Almost all messages are configurable!
Up to 999 different maps! (basically unlimited)
Up to 54 configurable kits all saved in MySQL!
Voting GUI!
Vote power!
Rollback system!
Points system!
Sponsor GUI!
Sponsor item for spectators!
Limited FNS Uses!
Spectator menu!
Spectator item for.. well.. spectators!
Completely customizable scoreboard for each gamestate! (no flickering)
Custom spawn points for arenas!
Can edit break and place whitelist for arenas!
Can set Tier2 chests for a specific arena!
Customizable dynamic MOTD!
Chest loot is configured for Tier 1 and Tier2!
MySQL stats!
/stats Command!
Check other players stats!
Customized Chat Formatting
Set min and max players
Game restarts without server restarting!
Kick players on end (optional)
Configurable lightning and fireworks on death!
TNT Auto explodes at configured time!
Custom deathmatch spawns!
Block commands and whitelist commands!
Customize timer lengths!
Much much more!

Admin Commands:
/sg - Main command, will show all help with this command (admins).
User commands:
/stats (<player>) - Check a players stats! MUST HAVE MYSQL ENABLED
/resetstats - Reset your stats! MUST HAVE MYSQL ENABLED
/sponsor (<player>) - Sponsor a player! MUST HAVE MYSQL ENABLED.
/vote - Opens the voting GUI
/info - Info about game and server. (like MCSG)

User permissions:
sgpremium.resetstats: Reset your stats Be able to vote
sgpremium.votepower.(number from 2-10): Votes count as more.
sgpremium.multivote: Vote as many times as you want.
sgpremium.stats: Be able to do /stats
sgpremium.statsother: Be able to /stats someone else
sgpremium.sponsor: Sponsor people with /sponsor
sgpremium.spectate: Be able to spectate
sgpremium.spectp: Use the spectator menu. Do the /info command

Admin permissions: The main /sg command
sgpremium.blockedcmds: Bypass blocked commands
sgpremium.setlobbyspawn: Set lobby spawn
sgpremium.disable: Disable game
sgpremium.enable: Enable game
sgpremium.restock: Refill chests
sgpremium.forcedm: Set dm time to minimum player time
sgpremium.arenahelp: Do /sg arena and see help page
sgpremium.creatarena: Create an arena
sgpremium.addspawn: Add a spawn to an arena
sgpremium.addtier2: Add a tier 2 to an arena
sgpremium.adddmspawn: Add a dm spawn

Configuration Files

Scoreboard and Config Variables:


BlackSpigot General Chat
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    F @ faddas: I'm sorry if I wrote to the wrong place, I don't know where to go with this yet