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Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18
Source Code: https://github.com/okx-code/Rankup3/
Contributors: flurbudurbur, mrBackSlash, NyanSandbox, arantesxyz, Mixpa and GaetanRAYNAUD
Languages Supported: Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian Portugese, Russian, French, Chinese (Simplified)

Rankup allows players to "rank up" from one group to another, by satisfying certain requirements - such as experience, playtime, or money. Ranking up can give players extra permissions or run certain commands on the player.

Rankup depends on Vault to automatically modify groups, and change players' money. A permissions plugin is also required. An economy plugin is optional, but if you don't have it you will not be able to use the money requirement.

Rankup works by having users configure a list of "rankups", from one group to another. These rankups are linked to your permissions system by groups of the same name.

This plugin also supports prestiging, which is when a player goes from - for example - the last rankup to the first, while gaining an additional rank. Essentially, resetting their progress but giving them something extra as prestige.

Additional features include:
  • Automatic rankup.
  • Max-rankup (ranking up multiple times with one command)
  • Generated /prestiges and /ranks rank lists.
  • A GUI for /ranks, /rankup, and /prestige
  • Forced rankups.
  • Fully custom messages.
  • Many requirements.
  • Full PlaceholderAPI support without needing to install an expansion
  • Command cooldowns.
  • Pre-configured translated language files.
  • Hot reloading of configuration files.
  • An API to add custom requirements.
  • Flexible permission-based rankups.
  • Change requirements based on a player's prestige.

/rankup Rankup to the next rank.
/ranks View list of ranks.
/maxrankup Rankup as much as possible (this command needs to be enabled in the config)
/prestige Prestige if you cannot /rankup. Resets your rank (prestige needs to be enabled in the config)
/prestiges View list of prestiges.
/rankup3 /pru Displays general plugin information and checks for updates.
/rankup3 reload Reloads the plugin from the config files.
/rankup3 forcerankup <player> Force a player to rankup, bypassing requirements.
/rankup3 forceprestige <player> Force a player to prestige, bypassing requirements.
/rankup3 playtime set/get/add Modify the playtime of a player. This uses the Minecraft statistic

rankup.rankup Access to /rankup (default: everyone)
rankup.auto Allows a player to be able to rankup automatically, if enabled (default: everyone)
rankup.reload Allows access to /rankup3 reload (default: op)
rankup.ranks Access to /ranks (default: everyone)
rankup.info Access to /rankup3 or /pru (default: everyone)
rankup.prestige Access to /prestige (default: everyone)
rankup.prestiges Access to /prestiges (default: everyone)
rankup.admin Grants permissions: rankup.checkversion, rankup.reload, rankup.force, rankup.notify. (default: op)
rankup.checkversion Allows checking the version when a player types /rankup3 (default: op)
rankup.force Access to /rankup3 forcerankup <player> and /rankup3 forceprestige <player> (default: op)
rankup.notify Receive notifications to update the plugin when you join the server. (default: op)
rankup.maxrankup Access to /maxrankup (must be enabled in the config, default: everyone)
rankup.playtime Access to /rankup3 playtime

The configuration files contain a lot of information to help you get started using Rankup.
The default configuration files can be found on GitHub. (note that plugin.yml is not a configuration file, everything else is)
You can also use config placeholders in most messages. More information is on the GitHub wiki.

You can also see placeholders for PlaceholderAPI on the wiki. Please note that downloading an expansion is not required.

If you would like to see a step-by-step tutorial on setting up some of the basics, see: Configuration Example

Most parts of the plugin are covered on the GitHub wiki. You can find lists of placeholders, setup tutorials, requirements and more.

Support is available to buyers on the discord server (DM me your SpigotMC username when you join so I can verify you). I can help you setup the plugin and even modify the source code. I will resolve any issues or inquries you may have to the best of my abilities.

Setting up the plugin for first time? A step-by-step tutorial is available.

Source Code
This plugin is open source. You can download the source code and compile the plugin yourself for free. However, it comes with no installation instructions or support. If you accept payment on your server I encourage you to purchase this plugin to support continued development.

Latest updates

  1. N/A

  2. 3.14

  3. N/a


Latest reviews

Great plugin, please update to 1.19
Thank you so much for updating this wonderful plugin <3
Still using this plugin thanks for the leak!

This plugin is very easy to setup.
Update PLS <3<3
thank you! this plugin is amazing!

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