[MC1.7+] Mystery Mob Spawners [Java 7+]

 [MC1.7+] Mystery Mob Spawners [Java 7+] V3.1.1

[MC1.7+] Mystery Mob Spawners [Java 7+]
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10

This plugin was created for the purpose to have a random spawner which when clicked will give you a random spawner. This plugin is 100% customizable. Aswell as also being able to get a random spawner you can customize the mob drops and exp drops for any mob in the game. All valid mobs are:
Bat, Chicken, Cow, MushroomCow, Pig, Rabbit, Sheep, Squid, Villager, CaveSpider, Enderman, Spider, PigZombie, Blaze, Creeper, Endermite, Ghast, Guardian, VillagerGolem, SilverFish, Skeleton, Slime, Witch, Zombie, Wolf, EnderDragon, Villager, LavaSlime, Snowman.

if there is any mobs that is not listed or you are unsure what a mob is visit the Wiki and look for the Savegame ID of that mob, that is what it is defined as for in this plugin.




/mms or /mysterymobspawners - These are the default commands for this plugin.
/mms give {player} {amount} - This will give a player that amount of Mystery Spawners.
/mms giveall {amount} - This gives all online players that amount of Mystery Spawners.
/mms add {mob name} - This will add that mob to the Spawner-Output list. (the list which handles which spawners can be gained from a Mystery Spawner).
/mms remove {mob name} - This removes the specified mob from the Spawner-Output list if it contains it.
/mms buy {amount} - If you have permission you will buy the specified amount of spawners.
/mms reload - This will reload the config.yml.


mms.admin - This command is used for all the commands.
mms.open - This will allow you to open a Mystery Mob Spawner.
mms.purchase - Required to purchase spawners via. sign or command.
mms.createsign - Required to make a sign which enables people to be able to buy a spawner.


  • 100% customizable.
  • 1.7.x-1.9.x support.
  • Mystery Spawner when clicked.
  • Custom Mob Drops.
  • Custom EXP drops.
  • Includes an API.
  • Vault support.
  • Create a sign to buy a spawner from using [BuyMMS] on the first line.





Code (Text):

# Mystery Mob Spawners v3.1.0 Config
# In the spawner-outputs section you can define the spawners that can be recieved
# from the Mystery Mob Spawner. Make sure to use one of the following otherwise it
# won't work.
# Bat, Chicken, Cow, MushroomCow, Pig, Rabbit, Sheep, Squid, Villager, CaveSpider,
# Enderman, Spider, PigZombie, Blaze, Creeper, Endermite, Ghast, Guardian,
# VillagerGolem, SilverFish, Skeleton, Slime, Witch, Zombie, Wolf, EnderDragon,
# Villager, LavaSlime, SnowMan.
# If you can't find the name of a mob that you want to add, go to the wiki at:
# http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/ and then search the mob name. Then on the right
# of the page scroll down a bit until you find 'Savegame ID xxxxxx' and then use
# '/mms add xxxxxx' replacing the 'xxxxxx' with the Savegame ID.
# For the spawner chances you can set the chance of the spawners output, the values
# can equal more then 100% if you like.
# This area does not accept the decimal values for the time being, so please don't
# use them because it will just give an error or not work correctly.
# In the CustomDrops section you can def ine the custom drops including the EXP and the item(s).
# If you use a number then the letter 'r' in the item amount it will choose a random number
# from 1 to the number that you put infront of the 'r' for the drop amount.
# To leave something to default don't set it at all in the config, an example
# of this is below in the CustomDrops section.
# In the CustomDrops section you can also put 0r to make it so that it has a 50% chance to drop
# something and if it doesn't it will send the NoRewardMessage, so make sure you add that if you are
# going to use the 0r feature. Here is the setup:
# CustomDrops:
# Amount: '0r'
# NoRewardMessage: '&e&l(!) YOU WERE UNLUCKY AND GOT NO DROPS! (!)'
# So use that as a backup if you need to. Thanks.
NoPermission: '&4You do not have access to that command.'
InvalidArguments: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &cInvalid arguments! Use /mms for more help on
this command.'
InvalidFormat: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &c%args% is an invalid number!'
InvalidNumber: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &c%numb% is an invalid number, make sure to make it
greater then 0!'
PlayerOffline: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &c%player% is not an invalid player! This is probably
because they are offline.'
RecievedMMS: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &7You have recieved a Mystery Mob Spawner.'
InventoryFull: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &cYour inventory was full so the Mystery Mob Spawner
was dropped at your feet.'
AddedToList: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &7You have added &f%type% &7to the list of spawner outputs!
Make sure to also edit the lore of the Mystery Mob Spawner!'
RemovedFromList: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &7You have removed &f%type% &7from the list of spawner
outputs! Make sure to also edit the lore of the Mystery Mob Spawner!'
ListDoesntContain: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &cThe Spawner-Output list does not contain %type%
ListAlreadyContains: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &cThe Spawner-Output list already contains %type%
InvalidMob: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &c%type% is an invalid mob! Please specify a real mob
to add to the list.'
ReloadComplete: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &bYou have successfully reloaded the config.yml file!'
NotEnoughInventory: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &cYou do not have enough inventory room to purchase
this item!'
InsufficientFunds: '&cError: &4you do not have enough money.'
SignCreated: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &7You have successfully created a buy sign for Mystery
Mob Spawner.'
SuccessfulPurchase: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &7You have purchased x&8{x} &7Mystery Spawners
for &f${cost}.'
ListEmpty: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &7The Spawner-Output list is empty, therefore you didnt
get any rewards.'
NoItem: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &7You do not have any mystery spawners in your inventory
to sell.'
SuccessfulSold: '&8[ &6MMS &8] &7You have successfully sold x&8{x} &7Mystery Spawners
for &f${cost}.'
MustBePlayer: '&c&l(!)&c you must be a player to use this feature!'
- '&8&l&m----------&r&8&l[ &6Mystery Mob Spawners &8&l]&m----------'
- '&7'
- '&b/mms give {player} {amount} &f- &7Gives a player one Mystery Mob Spawner.'
- '&b/mms giveall {amount} &f- &7Gives all online players a Mystery Mob Spawner.'
- '&b/mms reload &f- &7Reloads the config file.'
- '&b/mms add {mob name} &f- &7Adds a mob to the spawner-outputs list.'
- '&b/mms remove {mob name} &f- &7Removes a mob from the spawner-outputs list if
it contains it.'
- '&b/mms buy {x} &f- &7Allows you to buy the specified amount of mystery spawners.'
- '&7'
- '&8&l&m----------&r&8&l[ &6Mystery Mob Spawners &8&l]&m----------'
Cost: 1000000
SellPrice: 500000
Name: '&6&lMystery Mob Spawner'
- '&7Right-click in hand to reveal one'
- '&7of the following mob spawner types:'
- '&7'
- '&6&lx &7Enderman'
- '&6&lx &7Pigzombie'
- '&6&lx &7Cow'
- '&6&lx &7Creeper'
- '&6&lx &7Blaze'
- '&6&lx &7Iron Golem'
- '&6&lx &eMooshroom Cow'
- '&6&lx &eMagma Cube'
- '&6&lx &eGhast'
Name: '&6&l%type% Spawner'
- ''
COW: 20
Line-1: '[ &1Buy &0]'
Line-2: '{x}'
Line-3: MysterySpawner
Line-4: ${cost}
Line-1: '[ &1Sell &0]'
Line-2: '{x}'
Line-3: MysterySpawner
Line-4: ${sell}
EXP: 500
Type: 264
Amount: 1
Meta-Data: 0
Name: '&cAwesome name here!'
- '&7If you dont want a custom lore'
- '&7or custom name just delete these'
- '&7sections for the default settings.'
EXP: 1500
Type: 265
Amount: 5r
Meta-Data: 0
Name: '&cAwesome name here!'
- '&7If you dont want a custom lore'
- '&7or custom name just delete these'
- '&7sections for the default settings.'
NoRewardMessage: '&e&l(!) YOU WERE UNLUCKY AND GOT NO DROPS! (!)'
EXP: 200
Type: 266
Amount: 1
Meta-Data: 0


As one of the many features I have included in this plugin, an API was one of them. To use the API in your plugin simply add it to your build path external jars in your IDE.
Code (Text):
//Used to purchase a Mystery Spawner, including
//taking money etc.
SpawnerAPI.purchaseSpawners(p, amount);

//This will return an itemstack which is used to give
//the player a mystery spawner when they can click
//to receive a random spawner.

//Called when giving the player a random spawner
//from the spawner-output string list.


  • Chargebacks are PROHIBITED. Please message me on Spigotmc.org if you have issues with the plugin, I will help you sort them.
  • 1 purchase of this plugin is valid for an entire Minecraft network*. Feel free to use it on as many servers as you want, granted they are within the same Minecraft network*. Please purchase 1 license for each Minecraft network* you plan to use it for(contact me regarding the purchase of additional licenses).
  • You may edit the code to your needs, so long as they are private changes, and are not posted anywhere else. No support will be given to modified versions.
  • Distribution of the plugin or any modified version is prohibited.
  • You may not use the code from this plugin in any additional plugin.
  • You may not change the plugin to where it is unidentifiable within the game.
You agree to these terms upon purchase. Clicking the "Buy" button above states that you agree to these terms, and will abide by them.
In this context, a "Minecraft network" is defined by a network of Minecraft servers connected by a Proxy-like system. You must be able to switch between any servers within the network without disconnecting.

Latest updates

  1. Link updated | Link now WORKING!

    Sorry guys! Im so sorry guys! I have got much problems with my machine. I know now the link will...
  2. Link updated | Link WORKING!

    Sorry guys! The links is working now! You can download now. Thanks for your patience.
  3. Link Updated!

    The link was updated! Is now working for download!

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Thank you for fixing the link and the fast response
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thank you!
Thanks you man for rating! Please follow me for receive new resources and updates.
5 stars as i promised, thank you man for fixing the download.
Sorry for bad english.
Thanks you man, please follow me for receive new resources and updates.
Download is not working! please fix and i will rate with 5 stars
Man im sorry okay? Now the link is working! Thanks for your patience!
Cant go to that website.
I´m really sorry man! I believe you waited much for fix! Thanks for your patience!
link is broken please update
Im so sorry guy! I fixed it! Thanks for your patience!

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