KoTH - King of The Hill - (MC 1.7 to 1.11)

 KoTH - King of The Hill - (MC 1.7 to 1.11) 1.4.8 v2

KoTH - King of The Hill - (MC 1.7 to 1.11)

Fully Configurable
Configure all aspects of the plugin. You can change all chat messages.
Schedule KoTH's
You can schedule your KoTH! Wherever and whenever you want.
Factions & Kingdoms
The plugin supports Factions, FactionUUID and Kingdoms!
(FactionsOne is supported through a second plugin (Check extension))

Is your group plugin not supported yet?
Don't hesitate to ask me to add support for it! :)
Scoreboard & Featherboard Support
You have the option that whenever a player gets within a certain radius of a KoTH,
that your own defined Featherboard will be sent to them!
Don't use Featherboard? The plugin also has its own scoreboard!*

* make sure you're not using other plugins that have a built in scoreboard if you want to use the scoreboard. The KoTH trivial scoreboard is a separate plugin.
KoTH hooks into the PlaceholderAPI and MVdW placeholders!
Developers API
A simple-to-use API with events for more control over the plugin!


King of the hill is a gamemode where players/factions have to capture and hold an area for a specific time.
If the player/faction wins they will be granted a price.


- 100% Configurable -
- Efficient and Lagless -
- Open source on github -
- Complete control over scoreboard and chat messages! -
- VERY easy API with events for developers for even more control! -
- Placeholders in the PlaceholderAPI! -
- Easy way to schedule KoTH's -
- (Almost) everything can be done in-game with commands -
- Factions, FactionsUUID & Kingdoms support! -

Detailed Info here:


Make sure you install the PlaceholderAPI for this!

Placeholder API:
These placeholders can be used in every plugin that supports the placeholder API


MVdW placeholders:
Because of the PlaceholderAPI you're also able to use the placeholders in any plugins made by Maximvdw (Like Featherboard)



A way to execute commands when a player wins!

A bridge between KoTH and FactionsOne.

have you created a plugin you want added here?
PM me or put it in the discussion thread!


Source code available on GitHub:

Latest reviews

@Derpy You Are The One That Is Bad To Have If You Look For The Plugin That Is Genius: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/koth-king-of-the-hill-mc-1-7-to-1-12.7689/

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