KingDomCraft [CRACKED] [PREMIUM] Plugin 4.0.4 Crack 1.2


Please DM me if you wanna update this.
(Remember: i leaked this plugin from a hacked FTP server so its not up-to date anymore)
This plugin is an upgrade of the free version, therefore it is REQUIRED to put both plugins in your plugin folder!

The addon does not exist anymore, everything is included in this version!

Click here for information about the free version.

  • Change the plugin prefix
  • prefix & suffix in the tab and in your nametag
  • A configurable kingdom selector
  • A claim system with influence points
  • Every message in the plugin is fully customizable
  • Join, quit & death messages with kingdomcraft variables
  • An own scoreboard or featherboard support!
  • Support from the developer!

We accept payments with paysafecard and paypal! Contact us through discord


By buying the premium version you get a new plugin and a key, to activate the premium features in this plugin you have to put this key in the 'premium.key' file. If you have any issues with this, feel free to ask help at [email protected].


/k region define <kingdom> <region>
  • Define a worldguard region for a kingdom (can be done multiple times)
  • region MUST be LOWERCASE
  • kingdom.region
/k region remove <kingdom> <region>
  • Remove a worldguard region for a kingdom
  • kingdom.region

Make sure to have no special flags in the worldguard region!
Kingdomcraft will manage who can do what in which kingdom:

  • Players without a kingdom can't do anything
  • Neutral kingdoms can't do anything
  • Allied kingdoms can do everything*
  • Enemy kingdoms can do everything if the player has enough influence*

*Use following flags to disable ally's being able to do everything:

  • no-ally-building
  • no-ally-breaking
  • no-ally-interact
  • no-ally-access-container
-> You can replace 'ally' with 'enemy' in the above flags,
they won't be able to do the action even if they have enough influence.

/k influence
  • Check your current influence
/k flag list
  • Get a list of the current flags
  • kingdom.flag
/k flag add <flag>
  • Add a flag to your kingdom
  • kingdom.flag
/k flag delete <flag>
  • Remove a flag from your kingdom
  • kingdom.flag
/k selector
  • Open the kingdomcraft selector
  • kingdom.selector
/k sbtoggle
  • Toggle the scoreboard
  • kingdom.sbtoggle

#Change the prefix that this plugin uses
prefix: '&c&lKingdomCraft&8&l> &7'

#Customize your own kingdom selector to be opened with /k selector
Customize the selector in 'kingdomselector.yml'
kingdom-selector: false

#custom death messages, possible variables:
# dead, deadprefix, deadsuffix, deadkingdom, deadkingdomprefix, deadkingdomsuffix, deadkingdomrank, deadkingdomrankprefix, deadkingdomranksuffix
# killer, killerprefix, killersuffix, killerkingdom, killerkingdomprefix, killerkingdomsuffix, killerkingdomrank, killerkingdomrankprefix, killerkingdomranksuffix
deathmessage: '&8{deadkingdomprefix}{dead} &7was killed by &8{killerkingdomprefix}{killer}'

# Commands to be executed by the player when joining a kingdom
- /k spawn

# Commands to be executed by the player when leaving a kingdom
- /spawn

# set a maximum range (blocks) in where you can see chat messages
# bypass with socialspy or kingdom.chatrange.bypass
chat-range: -1

#Enable/Disable an influence system to build & interact on enemy's land!
influence: true
influence-per-minute: 1.0

#The maximum influence someone can have!
max-influence: 1000

#entity interaction (attacking, right-clicking)
villager: 50
item_frame: 50
armorstand: 50

#Blocks (right-clicking, placing, breaking), use minecraft ids (data not supported)!
default: 50 #all undefined blocks
54: 200 #chest
146: 200 #trapped chest
64: 100 #door
default: 50
46: 100 #tnt
default: 50
54: 200 #chest
146: 200 #trapped chest
64: 100 #door
138: 500 #beacon

Latest updates

  1. Bug Fix +

    BugFix + ADFLY: + Adfly - bugs
  2. NameChange

    I have change my name

Latest reviews

Not working, please update it
Its not working

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