JetsAntiAFKPro | Player Time + AFK Reward/Detection | Actions | Bungee | Macros | GUI | [1.8 - 1.16]

SpigotVIP JetsAntiAFKPro | Player Time + AFK Reward/Detection | Actions | Bungee | Macros | GUI | [1.8 - 1.16] 3.1.8

JetsAntiAFKPro | Player Time + AFK Reward/Detection | Actions | Bungee | Macros | GUI | [1.8 - 1.16]

AntiAFKPro provides an incredibly efficient, yet powerful and advanced anti-afk and player-time plugin. Configure actions that are executed when players are AFK or reach play-time milestones!

This plugin allows you to configure 'actions' that are executed when a player is AFK or has played for a certain amount of time.

Come and join our official Discord Server!

  • Detects AFK players effectively and efficiently
  • Will detect Auto-Clicking and other macros that simply move the player character
  • Save and reward Player Time
  • Send players to other servers when they reach playtime / are afk
  • Configurable actions (Including the ability to execute Commands, Sounds, Titles and Messages or based of player permission) when a player is AFK or has played for a set amount of time
  • Repeat actions when users play for set amounts of time (I.E give them a reward every 10 minutes of playtime!)
  • Cannot be bypassed using Vanilla Minecraft mechanics
  • Create a completely configurable GUI to show player time (see pictures below)
  • Store Player Time data via MySQL (Allowing you to sync player-time data across a Bungeecord) or SQLite
  • Plugin offloads tasks to other threads and does not listen on CPU heavy events (It will run like a feather on your machine)
  • Placeholder support
  • EXTREMELY lightweight


General Permissions:
/jetsantiafkpro (alias /playtime) -
Shows player time (as a menu or in chat) -
/jetsantiafkpro about
- Shows information about the plugin

Admin Permissions:
/jetsantiafkpro reload -
Reloads the Action Nodes and Messages - jetsantiafkpro.admin.reload
/jetsantiafkpro playtime <user> - Shows that players playtime - jetsantiafkpro.admin.playtimeother
/jetsantiafkpro set <user> <playtime> - sets a user their playtime - jetsantiafkpro.admin.setplaytime

/playtime and /antiafkpro are alias's for these commands

If you want actions to only be executed for certain players with a permission, then you can do this! Simply use the Permission action in conjunction with others that you want to use!

Drop into your /plugins/ directory and configure!

PlaceholderAPI (Can be used in other plugins)
Valid Placeholders:
%jetsantiafkpro_timeplayed_years%  //Returns years the player has played
%jetsantiafkpro_timeplayed_months%  //Returns months the player has played
%jetsantiafkpro_timeplayed_days%  //Returns days the player has played
%jetsantiafkpro_timeplayed_hours% //Returns the hours the player has played, minus days
%jetsantiafkpro_timeplayed_minutes% //Returns minutes the player has played, minus hours/days
%jetsantiafkpro_timeplayed_seconds% //returns seconds the player has played, minus minutes/hours/days
%jetsantiafkpro_timeplayed_seconds_unformatted% //returns total seconds played
%jetsantiafkpro_timeplayed_minutes_unformatted% //returns total minutes played
%jetsantiafkpro_timeplayed_hours_unformatted% //returns total hours played
%jetsantiafkpro_afk_seconds% //Returns the time the player has been AFK for
%jetsantiafkpro_isafk% //Returns a placeholder configured in config.yml if the user is afk

You can also do %jetsantiafkpro_top_<number>_<restoftheplaceholderhere>% to get top players
%jetsantiafkpro_top_<number>_player_name% to get the player name of that position

#                                           #
#               JetsAntiAFKPro
#             Created by Jet315             #
#                                           #

#The prefix that is shown before the plugin
plugins_prefix: "&eAFK &7» "

# -- Plugin Settings --

#The check delay in seconds - These calculations are done ASync so I wouldn't suggest changing this (It's not going to effect performance)
#If you do change it, the actions below must be divisible by this number (I wouldn't suggest changing it, but you have the option too)
check_delay: 1
#Items can be easily added!:
#    item_name: - Can be called anything
#      type: STAINED_GLASS_PANE - Any Material, MUST be valid for your Minecraft Version
#      data: 15 #Not used for Minecraft version 1.13 +
#      name: " " - Can be called anything (and can contain placeholders)
#      slot: 2 - Can be in any slot
#      command_to_perform: "" - Can perform any command when clicked (%CLOSE% to close the menu) - forces user to execute the command
#      lore: - Can have any lore
#                            Possible plugin placeholders:
#                                 %TIME_PLAYED_DAYS% - Returns the number of days played by the player (integer)
#                                 %TIME_PLAYED_HOURS% - Returns the number of hours played by the player (integer 0-24)
#                                 %TIME_PLAYED_MINUTES% - Returns the number of minutes played by the player (integer 0-60)
#                                 %TIME_PLAYED_SECONDS% - Returns the number of seconds played by the player (integer 0-60)
#                                 %TIME_PLAYED_SECONDS_UNFORMATTED% - Returns the number of total seconds played by the user (integer)
#This is the GUI shown when a user does not have a house
  slots: 9 #Must be a multiple of 9
  gui_name: "&bTime Played Menu"
      type: NETHER_STAR
      data: 0
      name: '&c&lCLOSE'
      slot: 0 #Slot start at 0
      command_to_perform: "%CLOSE%" #%CLOSE% = close menu
      - ' '
      - '&7Click to close'
      - '&7this GUI'
      - ' '
      - '&d&m-------------------'
      type: COMPASS
      data: 0
      name: '&a&lTime Played'
      slot: 8
      command_to_perform: "%CLOSE%"
      - '&6You Have Played For:'
      - ' '
      - '&eDays: &b%TIME_PLAYED_DAYS%'
      - '&eHours: &b%TIME_PLAYED_HOURS%'
      - '&eMinutes: &b%TIME_PLAYED_MINUTES%'
      - '&eSeconds: &b%TIME_PLAYED_SECONDS%'
      - ' '
      - '&d&m-------------------'
#Messages configuration value

no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission to this command!"

failed_to_load_stats: "&cAn issue has occured! Please try again later..."

#If you've disabled the GUI, then this message will be send went a player does /playtime (or alias)
# Possible plugin placeholders:
#               %TIME_PLAYED_DAYS% - Returns the number of days played by the player (integer)
#               %TIME_PLAYED_HOURS% - Returns the number of hours played by the player (integer 0-24)
#               %TIME_PLAYED_MINUTES% - Returns the number of minutes played by the player (integer 0-60)
#               %TIME_PLAYED_SECONDS% - Returns the number of seconds played by the player (integer 0-60)
#               %TIME_PLAYED_SECONDS_UNFORMATTED% - Returns the number of total seconds played by the user (integer)
playtime_message: "&aYou have played for &e%TIME_PLAYED_DAYS% &aDays, &e%TIME_PLAYED_HOURS% &aHours, &e%TIME_PLAYED_MINUTES% &aMinutes and &e%TIME_PLAYED_SECONDS%&a seconds"

I have implemented a basic API so you are able to get playertime / afk time if you wish. Code to implement:
//I would suggest saving this to a field variable, so you don't have to keep keep calling the Bukkit API
((AntiAFKProAPI) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("AntiAFKPro")).getAntiAFKProAPI();
(Just PM me if you want me to add something)

Any problems, questions or suggestions send me a PM here, on Spigot - I'm pretty active :)

By buying this plugin you agree to the following terms:
  • You will not chargeback - If you have a legit issue that I cannot fix then I’ll happily refund you
  • I cannot guarantee support indefinitely.
  • You may not -Redacted- or resell this plugin (You are welcome to modify it for your servers needs though)
  • I may refuse to give you support with or without any specific reason
  • If you have an issue with this plugin, please contact me before leaving a 1 or low star rating
  • I can update this terms of use at any time, without notification
  • 1.png
    14.8 KB · Views: 184

Latest reviews

Please update hasn't been updated in 2 years time now
Thanks, awesome plugin, can you please update it? it is broken and the dev released a fix 30m ago xd :)

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