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ChunkPregenerator Forge Mod (1.18/1.19.3) NULLED 4.2.0

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Very User friendly:
Chunk Pregenerator has a lot of features that make it very friendly to the users, such as:
Complete Documentation of each Command,
Auto Completion/Suggestions on Command-arguments as needed to provide guidance,
Improved logging that is color coded and structured to display what is going on,
Optional UI Features that are easier to use then plain text.

Multi-threaded World-Generation:
Chunk Pregenerator uses Multiple Cores to generate a Dimension,
It is achieved by Clever Management of Minecraft's Off-thread World-Generator which can do Multi-threaded World-Generation but does not enable it on its own.
This can help generate the World much quicker due to generation steps being handled independent of each other.

Multi-World Generation:
Chunk Pregenerator no longer generates Chunks on the Server-Thread, it only manages which chunks are to generate where on the Server-Thread.
This allows to generate Multiple Dimensions at the same time without affecting each others World-Generation speed. Provided the Server has enough Threads.

Playable during Pregeneration:
Chunk Pregenerator is designed to run while playing the game.
World-Generation is a CPU intensive task, but due to running Off-thread it can be ran in the background.
But this only applies if enough resources are provided, otherwise it might be affecting the Gameplay.

Improved Chunk Generation Checks:
Chunk Pregenerator has a much more Optimized way of Checking for Chunks.
This check is much much faster then a Normal Check, but it less accurate due to limited amount of information that is provided.
Extra to that Slower Checks are made Off-thread so they won't afffect Gameplay and can be done on the fly and Interrupted.

Very Efficient Memory Managment:
Chunk Pregenerator is not blindly generating chunks.
It also Manages its own Memory Usage and Keeps track of Memory Leaks and Cleans up after Minecraft if it is nessesary.
This is not perfect and can not account for other mods but it keeps known Minecraft Memory Leaks at bay without causing issues.
Side to that Pregeneration tasks got optimized to the point where they take so little that any reasonable generation wouldn't be noticed.

Chunk Pregenerator is now one of the Only mods that allow Retrogeneration in 1.14 or newer.
This is achieved by recreating the WorldGeneration step itself.
It partly runs on the main thread due to the Chunks being already fully integrated into the World so this will have a effect on Server Performance but it is much less then a normal Generation.

Intigrated Profiler (1.12 or older):
Chunk Pregenerator has a Integrated UI Based Profiler, that allows to see live stats of what is happening in your world.
It also provides information on things, Such as Block Updates, Block Ticks, Active TileEntities/Entities and which are ticking and which not.
This is also done only on the Networking Thread which means it can grab the infromation without actually getting stuck if the server itself is stuck too.

Dimension Control (1.16 or newer):
Chunk Pregenerator has a way to disable or enable dimensions even while the game is running.
This can be really since Dimensions can no longer unload on their own and can eat a small amount of resources.
This is usually not a problem that add a way to create a lot of dimensions that may only get used a couple times and then ignored this can add extra unnecessary lag.

Dimension Specific Seeds (1.19 or newer):
Chunk Pregenerator allows you to set seeds per dimension. That includes modded dimensions too.
This can be configured in the "pregen_seeds.json" in the server config folder.

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