

blackspigot mommy
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Member submitted a new resource:

SkinOverlay - Change your skin's clothes (overlay) without opening a graphic editor and rejoining!

  • Stop the server if it is running.
  • Move the plugin to the plugins folder along with the dependencies and all the soft-dependencies you need.
  • Start the server and wait for the SkinOverlay to load completely
  • Stop the server and do the first configuration.
Please read me:

SkinOverlay is a simple plugin for your players to change a skin overlay. If you found a bug you can report it to the Discussion section or send me a private message.
The plugin contains some overlays by default but you can delete them and add new ones.

You can get skin overlays from here
Read the wiki here
Source code here
Report Issues here






1.12.2 - 1.19.3 PaperSpigot
Velocity Sponge BungeeCord
It may also work in Spigot and other Spigot distributions such as TacoSpigot, Purpur and others!
Make sure to save your config & lang configuration files before doing an update.

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    L @ Luka123: IRXWJ can u please give me ffa setup for free? i really need it please