(REQUEST) MCInfected v1.4.1


New Member
Name of plugin you want: MCInfected (v1.4.1)

Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mcinfected.2133/updates

Price: 10.61 USD

Why you want it: I really need it for my Minecraft 1.8.8 server but I didn't trust spigot enough to pay anything to them.

Why you deserve it: I think I deserve it because I've been looking day after day, month after month for this specific plugin and I've had no luck finding it for free. You might know I'm a new member on this website and maybe my reason is kind of stupid but if you could do this for me, it's all it would take to make me happy.

If you need any other information, please leave a comment below and I'll make sure to reply in a short delay.

Thank you to anyone who will be kind enough to help me and have a good day.
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New Member
Here you go
I'm sorry... I already tried to use this version of the plugin and it doesn't work for my 1.8.8 minecraft server... If you know anyone who could leak the latest version of the plugin (which is v1.4.1) I would be very grateful. Thanks for trying to help though!


-.- Resource Ghost .-.
(It's been over two days since this thread was posted)
It actually has not been two days, its been around 1 and a half of a day, please be actually patient, also please stop bumping your threads, it gets very annoying while seeing requests as you are just bumping your own.


New Member
It actually has not been two days, its been around 1 and a half of a day, please be actually patient, also please stop bumping your threads, it gets very annoying while seeing requests as you are just bumping your own.
I'm sorry... It's just that I'm not that patient and I really need the plugin... Again, I apologize and hopefully you can forgive me (I'll delete my messages)


-.- Resource Ghost .-.
I'm sorry... It's just that I'm not that patient and I really need the plugin... Again, I apologize and hopefully you can forgive me (I'll delete my messages)
Thank you, please keep the bumping at a minimum, or just when you bump delete the previous bump too make it look neater.
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