Make an unhittable fireball



So I'm working on this bullet hell plugin using fireballs, and I need them to be unhittable. The biggest problem is that fireballs are hitting themselves while spawning, making it so the fireballs don't go towards the player.

Random random = new Random(); World world = Bukkit.getWorld("world"); BukkitScheduler scheduler = getServer().getScheduler(); scheduler.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Player player = world.getPlayers().get(0); float locationRadius = random.nextFloat() * 0.25f; float locationAngle = random.nextFloat() * 360f; Location location = new Location(world, player.getLocation().x() + Math.cos(locationAngle) * locationRadius, player.getLocation().y() + 20, player.getLocation().z() + Math.sin(locationAngle) * locationRadius); Fireball fireball = (Fireball) world.spawnEntity(location, EntityType.FIREBALL); fireball.setIsIncendiary(false); fireball.setYield(0); fireball.setSilent(true); float directionRadius = random.nextFloat() * 0.25f; float directionAngle = random.nextFloat() * 360f; fireball.setDirection(new Vector(Math.cos(directionAngle) * directionRadius, -1, Math.sin(directionAngle) * directionRadius)); } }, 0L, 1L);
submitted by /u/twoistaken
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