I died in my world of 4 years, here's what I'm losing.



I died in my world of 4 years, here's what I'm losing.

After not playing for a little, I decided to play in my Minecraft world that I had since 2020 on my Switch. Since the new update came out, I wanted to find a trial chamber. I got an explorer map and flew about 1000 blocks away where the map told me was underwater. I made a little structure to give me an air pocket when I dig down in the water. The hole I made led to a bigger underwater cave. Not realizing my air was running out, I find the floor and start digging some more. It was already too late when I started panicking trying to head back to the surface. I brought with me a bed so I could respawn, but completely forgot to place it. I died with full netherite armor, netherite tools, a netherite block, and a shulker box with the rest of my stuff. I tried restarting the console to prevent it from saving, but it was already too late. I've never made a copy of the world until now to see if I could salvage my stuff. Teleporting there showed my stuff already despawned cause it was too far away from spawn. I could continue playing, but I've completely lost motivation because of the amount of time it took to max out my armor and tools, not to mention the netherite block too. I may come back at some point, but I'm done for now. The photos I provided are all of the places that I have built, the last photo being of my death place. Feel free to ask questions if you have any.

submitted by /u/WhirlwindSet9
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    H @ HelpMe55: i had this problem already once and they helped me last time, dont know why they dont help me now