How to not constantly feel OCD while building in minecraft.



Like many of you my favorite game is minecraft! I can play it for hours, but I constantly have an issue when building that makes it so hard for me to play. And that is I feel the constant urge to make everything the most perfect it can be. I was diagnosed with OCD as a child, and often I forget about it in day to day life, except playing minecraft.

It demotivates me sometimes to play the game because I can't get rid of the feeling of everything needing to be perfect. I'm a decent builder and love doing gardening in game, but when I make houses, castles or even boats, I'll be working on it for so long and make no progress. Usually I end up giving up and demolishing the whole build. So if anyone could give any form of advice for me to be able to build without constantly worrying about a build being perfect. I'd love to know! Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/realNarwhalyt
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