Elevator Button Plugin



Hey, I just recently picked up plugins and am trying to create a button that will teleport players upwards or downwards. It's basically an elevator button and I wanted to add custom data or some form of identification for the button, like "elev_button". That way, the code won't activate when someone pushes a random button other than the ones assigned as elevator buttons.

I don't know how to do that because if you name a block something and then place it down, the edited data is lost. Anyone got pointers?

Here's a snippet of my code and sorry in advance if this is spaghetti:

public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {

if (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) {

if ((event.getClickedBlock() != null) && (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK)) {

if (event.getClickedBlock().hasMetadata("elev_button")) {

Player player = event.getPlayer();

Location playerloc = player.getLocation();

Location newloc = playerloc.add(0, 7, 0);player.teleport(newloc);

player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN+"Next Floor");

player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_ARROW_HIT_PLAYER, 2, 1);


submitted by /u/livelyeko
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