ClientBase 1.8.9 v3.5 by NZXTER


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telaxo7333 submitted a new resource:

ClientBase 1.8.9 v3.5 by NZXTER - nzxter

//Discord Invite: https://CUTN/nzxterdc

//Search for // EDITED CLIENT and don't forget the assets folder
//Export Client as Runnable Jar !!!
//Import all Libs


//Simple UI
//Simple Hotbar
//Custom Icon
//Labymod 3
//Simple Custom Tab
//Custom MainMenu
//Server Versions in Multiplayer
//Simple FontRenderer
//AntiCrash Client Partikel Explosions


//Simple Background Shader
//Always Sprint
//Design Updates
//Dragable HudManager

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    IRXWJ @ IRXWJ: no it`s not