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    RESOLVED where are some plugins

    Hello i am wondering what happen to some plugins this is the second time from around the same day the plugins are gone same thing happend with dropedit are they getting moved to Vip?
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    (DONE) DropEdit - Easy edit mob drops

    Name of plugin you want: DropEdit - Easy edit mob drops! (GUI) 1.9 Spigot Link: Price: 5.00 EUR Why you want it: I was using the mobcatcher plugin but it apears to be buggy this is exactly what i need it would help me...
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    RESOLVED Plugin Report - Mobcatcher

    Plugin Link: Whats wrong: Plugin does not work seems to be giving out erros in console as well as unable to place or catch any mobs Any Other Info: it happens any time you try to place a regular or mob egg
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    RESOLVED Plugin Report - Kingdoms+

    Plugin Link: Whats wrong: Seems that some of the plugins is not working such as adding resources and upgrading kingdoms champions Any Other Info: some of the plugin does work such as invading...
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    H @ HelpAccount: The problem is that I don't remember my password and the email to recover it doesn't work...