UltraStaffChatPro [1.8 - 1.20]

FREE UltraStaffChatPro [1.8 - 1.20] 2.0.18

UltraStaffChatPro [1.8 - 1.20]
- Fully customizable
- Customizable prefix
- PlaceholderAPI support (on Spigot)
- LuckPerms support (on Bungeecord)
- Discord Bot and Webhook
- Multiple channels for Discord Bot
- Discord embed fully customizable

- /staffchat - Send something into the staffchat
- /togglestaffchat - Toggle oermanent staffchat
- /mutestaffchat - To mute the staffchat
- /betterstaffchat reload - Reload the config

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  1. Newest Version form spigot

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    xYuriko @ xYuriko: anyone got this leaked? https://builtbybit.com/resources/mythic-prison-drugs-gangs-more.24549/