⚔ Ultimate Clans V4 ⚔ | Modular, Single or Bungeecord Clans.

 ⚔ Ultimate Clans V4 ⚔ | Modular, Single or Bungeecord Clans. 4.10.3-snap

⚔ Ultimate Clans V4 ⚔ | Modular, Single or Bungeecord Clans.
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Tested Minecraft Versions:
Languages Supported:
EN_US, ES_ES, RU_RU (configurable, others coming soon.)

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Optional Addons (V4):

Chest - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/98497/
DeathChest - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/98498/
Holograms - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/98501/
War - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/98502/
Scoreboard - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/98504/
Quests - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/98505/
Multiserver - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/98506/
Bank (Paid) - https://www.mc-market.org/resources/20052/
Nexus (Paid) - https://www.mc-market.org/resources/22329/

Compatible plugins:

PlaceholderAPI - Optional for pulling placeholders.
Vault - Optional for economy.
PlayerPoints - Optional for economy.
WorldGuard - For Regions.
LeaderHeads - For leaderboards.
King of the Hill - By benzimmer123 (V3)
ComplexTurrets - By Ajneb97 (V3)
SuperVanish and PremiumVanish - By MyzelYam
CombatLogX - By SirBlobman
DeluxeCombat - By timderspieler
PvPManager and PvPmanager Lite - By NoChanceSD
Duels - By Realized

Modular system of addons that allow you to better manage how you want the plugin to work.
Two types of economy available (Vault and PlayerPoints)
New bungecord synchronization method, with teleport and chat between servers.
A system of independent languages in a single file.
Configurable BossBar for clan actions.
Multiple home system shared or not with allies.
Editable Clan Banner (Future Clan Nexus).
New clan chest with multiple pages, buy new ones and lock for admins.
An intelligent command autocompletion system.
Administrators can spy on the chat between clan members and allies.
Simple Scoreboard.
Large yet lightweight and low memory and CPU consumption.
Create clan, edit and delete.
Change leader, promote and demote
members and moderators, invite and expel members.
Change Tag, Name, Description.
System of rivalries and allies with limits.
Turn the friendly fire on or off individually or for everyone.
Clan exclusive chat, shared with allies or not.
KDR scoring status by Points, Kills, War, Members and others.
More than 80 placeholders with PAPI including relation placeholders.
Titles, Actionar, 6 types of holograms, Hexa colors in messages and menus.
Editable files, languages, menus and json.
System of confirmations and changes in chat with json.
Clan wars with rewards, times, editable kits and configurable multi arenas.
Marking system for regions and blocking by worlds.
Regroup the clan, ban members,
and invite new members by adding commands to actions.
Pricing for commands, cooldown, limits and turning commands on or off.
Support for languages like Russian, Chinese, Japanese and others using 'UnicodeBlock'.
Synchronization system for using clans in Bungeecord.
Data saved in Mysql, Sqlite or Yaml easily edited.
Nbt Tags for adding textures to menus.
Exclusive Land Addons, Clan Bank, Chest, Custom Quests, Gladiator Events, Purchase Perks with Exclusive Coins.
Levels system for scoring.
30 commands for players.
36 commands for administration.
Auto update of files on new updates (The plugin automatically adds new modifications)
Action scoring system for Clan levels.


Player Commands:
Aliases: [clans, c, gang, guild]
/clan help - Show help menu.
/clan create - Create a new Clan.
/clan cancel - Cancel pending actions.
/clan changeleader <player> - Transfer the leadership.
/clan desc - Add desc to Clan.
/clan disband - Delete you Clan.
/clan leave - Leave a Clan.
/clan invite <player> - Invite a Player to your clan.
/clan join <tag> &7- &eAccept the invitation of a player.
/clan deny <tag> &7- &eDeny invitation of a player.
/clan kick <player> - Remove player from Clan.
/clan promote <player> - Promote player do Mod.
/clan demote <player> - Demote player on Clan.
/clan home <create|delete|list|teleport> <name> - Teleport to Clan home.
/clan chat - Lock chat to Clan or use &b/.<msg>
/clan ff - Toggle Friedly Fire on Clan.
/clan modtag <newtag> - Change tag of Clan.
/clan list - List of all Clans.
/clan info [tag] - Show info of clan.
/clan profile [player] - Show profile of player.
/clan rival <add/remove> <tag> - Add Clan to rival.
/clan rivalries - List rivalries
/clan ally <add/remove/accept/deny> <tag> - Add Clan as ally.
/clan alliances - List alliances.
/clan members - Shows the list of members.
/clan settings <TYPE> <VALUE> - Change clan settings.
/clan regroup <send/accept/deny> - Regroup the clan
/clan banner <open|send|delete> - Clan Banner

Admin Commands: Aliases: [uclans, uc, ugang, ug]
General Commands:
/uclan help - Show help menu.
/uclan chatspy - Spy on clan chat
/uclan addslot <player|tag> <amount> - Add slots to the Clan.
/uclan setslot <player|tag> <amount> - Set slots to the Clan.
/uclan removeslot <player|tag> <amount> - Remove slots to the Clan.
/uclan addpoints <player|tag> <amount> - Add points to the Clan.
/uclan setpoints <player|tag> <amount> - set points to the Clan.
/uclan removepoints <player|tag> <amount> - Remove points to the Clan.
/uclan changetag <tag> <newtag> - Changing a clan tag.
/uclan resetplayerkdr <player> - Reset Player KDR.
/uclan resetclankdr <tag> - Reset Clan KDR.
/uclan globalff - Change a global ff.
/uclan delete <tag> - Delete a new Clan.
/uclan forcejoin <player> <tag> - Adds a player to a clan.
/uclan verify <tag> - Verify a Clan.
/uclan reload - Reload the plugin.
/uclan reloadaddons - Reload the addons.
/uclan exportdata <MYSQL|SQLITE|YAML>

Latest updates

  1. N/A

  2. 4.10.3

  3. 4.9.0


Latest reviews

Wrong version, is 4.0.0 not 4.0.5, fix please

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