TimoCloud (Mineplex Like!)

 TimoCloud (Mineplex Like!) 2017-05-16

TimoCloud (Mineplex Like!)
What is that?
TimoCloud is a software made for server owners who don't want to manage all their servers themselves. You can define a group and say "that's the way a MiniGame XY looks", then tell the cloud how many servers you want to have online and it will care about it. But what, if their are more players than usual? TimoCloud is dynamic. It always start as many servers as needed.

TimoCloud is a 3 in 1 plugin - the same file is for BungeeCord, Bukkit/Spigot and the Base. Just put the plugin into the bungee plugins folder. We recommend BungeePluginManager (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/bungeepluginmanager.7288/) so that you don't always have to restart bungee for reloading TimoCloud.

0. Requirements: Linux(/macOS) server with Java 8 & screen
installed (sudo apt-get install screen).

1. BungeeCord
  • The "brain" of TimoCloud is the BungeeCord plugin. Put it into the plugins folder and load it with BPM (as seen below)
  • Then a directory structure should be generated. The first thing you have to do is to create a group. Let's call it Lobby. Do so by typing /timocloud addgroup Lobby 1 25 1024 false BASE-1 in BungeeCord. This will create a group called Lobby with 1 server, maxAmount 25, 1024MB RAM, non-static and on base BASE-1.
2. Base
  • Now we need a base. What is that? A base is needed to start the servers. You can have one base, but also many bases on many different (root/v-) servers.
  • Create a folder called "base", somewhere on your server (not in BungeeCord)
  • Put the TimoCloud.jar in it and start it (I really recommend screen)
  • You will see a directory structure and probably errors in the log, because you haven't created a template yet.
  • So, stop the base (Ctrl+C) and put a Lobby server template into the templates folder. This will be copied every time a server starts.
  • Start the base again and type /timocloud restartgroup Lobby in BungeeCord. This will make the base start the server. (You only have to do this once, now, because the Lobby could not been started because you didn't have a template)
3. Checking
  • If everything works, you should see something like "Successfully started server Lobby-1" in the base log, and up to a minute later "Server Lobby-1 connected" in BungeeCord.
  • If so, everything worked and you can create other groups.
Permission for all following commands: TimoCloud.Admin
  • /timocloud addgroup <name> <startUpAmount> <maxAmount> <ram> <static (true/false, false is default)> <base> (if ram < 128, it will be read as Gigabyte, else as Megabyte) MaxAmount is the maximal amount of servers that can be started, no matter if the dynamic system says more servers are needed. Set it to 0 if you don't want a maxAmount.
  • /timocloud listgoups
  • /timocloud restartgroup <Groupname>
  • /timocloud reload - Reloads all configs
  • Reload with /bpm reload TimoCloud (you have to have BungeePluginManager installed)
  • /lobby or /hub - connects to a random Lobby (perm: timocloud.lobby) (Group has to be called Lobby or lobby) (You can change these commands in the bungee TimoCloud config)
What if there are more players online than expected? The dynamic feature allows you to have a dynamic server amount - depending on how many players currently want to play a specific game.
To do that, just add a "sortOut" list into the BungeeCord groups.yml. The Cloud will care about having N=startupAmount servers online, whose state is NOT on the sortOut list. Example:

onlineAmount: 3
maxAmount: 25
ramInGigabyte: 2
base: BASE-1
static: false
So when a game starts and there are not N=startupAmount free servers, an other server will start.

We also created a sign system for you. Signs for every minigame are in the lobby and the players can see the current game state, the minigame map/an extra, the online players and join per click. Create a sign with these lines:

ServerName (e.g. BedWars-1)

if you want to display a specific server, or create a dynamic sign, if you want to display a free server of a given group.

GroupName (e.g. BedWars)

If everything is configured correctly, the sign should instantly be designed, as configured in a layout you created in templates/Lobby/plugins/TimoCloud/signLayouts.yml:

(Every server has a state which is automatically set and can also be set over the api, the layouts are per state)


  • %server_name%
  • %current_players%
  • %max_players%
  • %state%
  • %extra%
  • %motd%
  • %map%
Example configuration:
'1': '[ &0&l%server_name%&0 ]'
'2': '&a&lLobby'
'3': '%extra%'
'4': '%current_players%/%max_players%'
'1': '---------'
'2': 'Loading'
'3': 'Server'
'4': '---------'
'1': '[ &0&l%server_name%&0 ]'
'2': '&a&lPlay'
'3': '%map%'
'4': '%current_players%/%max_players%'
'1': '---------'
'2': 'Loading'
'3': 'Server'
'4': '---------'
'1': '---------'
'2': 'Loading'
'3': 'Server'
'4': '---------'

Always edit the TimoCloud configs in the templates folder, not in the temporary. When typing /signs reload , the signs configuration will be reloaded from the templates/Lobby/plugins/TimoCloud folder.

Since version 3.0, you can also use the random map system. To have a group with multiple maps, just create multiple server templates (have to be whole servers, not just maps), and call them like


Make sure that no "BedWars" template exists - if so, the different maps will be ignored.

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