TEShop - Multiple Shops Added!

 TEShop - Multiple Shops Added! 2.0.5

TEShop - Multiple Shops Added!
TEShop - A highly customisable GUI Shop addon for TokenEnchant
Requires TokenEnchant and Vault
(click the plugin names to be redirected to their pages)


TEShop is a highly customisable GUI Shop plugin that is different from all the others here on Spigot. It's different because it uses Tokens from TokenEnchant as it's currency, rather than your Vault balance. You can create as many shops as you'd like, and customise them to your liking!


- Create a custom command for buying items, selling specific items or selling all your items at once.
- Create an item that players can use to open the shop (you can even have it disappear on click).
- Close the shop and/or play a sound whenever a player successfully buys an item.
- Fully customise a GUI Shop Selector which will allow players to easily choose the shop they'd like.
- Create an unlimited amount of shops and customise everything within them (inventory and items).
- Send the message to the player whenever they successfully buy an item.
- Create items that players can sell back to the server in exchange for Tokens. Even let them sell ALL their items at once.
- Create items that, when clicked, will do NOTHING! They are there for display! Create beautiful looking shops!
- Customise ALL the messages sent by this plugin. We've also included some placeholders.

Commands and Permissions:

- /teshop - Receive a fully customisable help message - teshop.commands.use
- /teshop list
- Returns a comma separated list of all the shops you have created - teshop.commands.list
- /teshop open - Open the shop selector - teshop.commands.open
- /teshop open <player> - Open the shop selector for <player> - teshop.open.others
- /teshop openshop <shop> - Open the shop <shop> - teshop.commands.openshop
- /teshop openshop <shop> <player> - Open the shop <shop> for <player> - teshop.commands.openshop.others
- /teshop giveitem <player> - Give <player> the item that opens the shop on right-click - teshop.commands.giveitem
- /teshop reload - Reload the configuration file - teshop.commands.reload
- /tesell - Sell your items in a GUI - teshop.commands.tesell
- /tesellall - Sell all your inventory - teshop.commands.tesellall

Players also need the teshop.openshops.<shop> permission in order to open a shop (or give them teshop.openshops.* to access all shops). The reload command is for basic use ONLY. Should you wish to change shop data, you have to either restart your server or reload it.

You can find a list of all supported material IDs here!
You can find a list of supported sounds here!



No bugs have been found as of version 2.0.0. If you do happen to find a bug, please report it in the discussion section for the plugin, or send me a PM on Spigot and I will look into it as quickly as I can! Please include the stacktrace you see in the console when this happens (if any), the action done in order to produce this bug, your configuration file, and the version numbers of Vault and TokenEnchant.

Update Plans:

- Allow players to sell their items back to the server.
- Allow players to sell all their items at once.

Helpful Links:

- Default Configuration File
- In-Depth Tutorial Video [Coming Soon]
- Add Me To A Conversation
- Discussion Page

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