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 [Skript] StaffReq [FLASH SALE][WEB PANEL][MySQL] 1.2.5

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After seeing that other staff request plugins aren't being updated or lack in certain features, I decided to make my own... in Skript! Jam packed with features, StaffReq allows members to report each other (for fun or realz) and then staff members can easily view, monitor and even comment on reports!

Features list
Here is a practically complete list of features:
  • 100% UUID based
    • Will convert any player based stuff to their latest name
  • Ticket cooldown time
  • Easily change message colours
  • Alerts for report creation
  • Alerts when joining and there are open tickets
  • Sexy colours and messages
  • The following can be viewed:
    • Time posted
    • Reporter name, UUID and even IP!
    • Reported name & UUID
    • Reason
    • Status
    • Set reports to open or closed
    • Assign reports to yourself
    • Purge command for older reports
    • List open, closed, assigned to X player or assigned to yourself reports
  • Web panel

Web Panel
Now get a free web panel! Demo: - there is a ReadMe.txt file in the .zip which will instruct you on how to configure and setup the panel. This requires skQuery:
Commands & Permissions
<required> [optional]

Normal player command (
/report <player> <reason>

Admin command (srq.staff)
/reports view <ID> - Views a report
/reports comment <ID> <comment> - Creates a comment for a report (can be viewed via /reports view <ID>)
/reports status <ID> <open|o> - Sets a report to open
/reports status <ID> <closed|close|c> - Sets a report to closed
/reports status <ID> <assigned|assign|a> - Assigns a report to the player running this command
/reports purge - Deletes reports older than the PurgeTime option
/report alerts join - Toggles alerts for the player when they join
/reports alerts create - Toogles alerts for the player when a report is created

View of report viewer:

I have tried to give you as many features as possible! Here ya go:


Need help?
Just reply to the discussion part of this resource and I will help you where I can!

Support policy
I'm more than happy to help at any point with regards to StaffReq. However, I am unable to provide support which may be regarded as in-script help if your account is not on my buyers list. This includes troubleshooting and bug fixing. You're more than free to ask questions as to what is included, but if I believe you're using an unofficial version of StaffReq, I will not respond. If you're an admin or developer for a server using StaffReq, please get the resource buyer to PM me (including your account) confirming that you're said role.

Terms of purchase
* Refunds are on a case-by-case basis and at my discretion. Due to how digital items work, refunds are hard to do
* You're not to -Redacted- this in any form, original, modified or other.
* I am not liable for any breakages with your server of the following:
  • The script itself
  • Skript the plugin
  • skQuery
  • Your server version
  • If Minecraft updates and this breaks
  • If aliens invade Earth, zombie apocalypse or any other form of disaster which I can't stop
  • Or well anything else
* I reserve all my rights
* I reserve the right to discontinue while remain owner of the product

If you want to complain about this using Skript then go somewhere else. I don't care if you dislike Skript and frankly - don't want to hear it. Anyone who deciceds to attack me or Skript will just be reported. I'm fed up with people think that they're better because they use Java.

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